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Posted: April 10th, 2005, 12:18 pm
by [old] KM_Rower
I am wondering if anyone has any ideas for significantly dropping my time. I got sick towards the end of winter training for a few weeks, and that really screwed up the goals that I set. Spring has started; I not were I want to be. I am currently practicing two hours on the water five days a week, lifting three, and biking to and from practice. If anyone has some ideas for some workouts that I could do to help, that would be great. I was thinking of trying some intervals of 4x500 w/ 1:00 break or 2x1000 w/ 2:00 rest at my goal split; then, each week decrease the rest time, until I reach the full 2k at my goal split.


Posted: April 10th, 2005, 2:43 pm
by [old] anthony
Alrite,<br />Why not do more than 4 500's,sure 4 is a good start point but you should work up to about 8 or 10.Also you should try this:3x500m with 1 min break in between then take a 4/5 min break and do another set and so on.This will increase your muscels cappacity to get rid of lactic acid which will help alot.I realise that your doing a fair bit of water work but I belive your should try and get in a couple of 40min ergs at 20spm.Best of luck I too have been sick and am working hard to pull a good 2k in about 10 days.<br /><br />Anto