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Posted: February 9th, 2005, 11:48 pm
by [old] dioniram
I'm getting calluses on my hands at the base of my fingers. Any suggestions on how I can avoid this? I'm not a high volume rower (ie 3-5000 m a few days per week except during the holiday challenge when I did more) and I still have them. I want to row more but I'm afraid it will get worse and it's not an attractive look! I tried athletic tape but it won't stay on very long. I have the model D. The grip is already pretty big so I'm afraid gloves will be too much bulk.
Posted: February 10th, 2005, 1:18 am
by [old] John Rupp
I wrap the handle with nylon socks. <br /><br />For more information see post #5 on this thread:<br /><br /><a href=' ... #entry8897' target='_blank'> ... try8897</a>
Posted: February 10th, 2005, 5:09 am
by [old] ranger
Calluses are good, not bad (Blisters are _much_ more painful). <br /><br />Calluses are evidence of work done.<br /><br />Badges of Honor<br /><br />ranger
Posted: February 10th, 2005, 8:50 am
by [old] David Speed
Being an ugly, fat, hairy male, I must admit that the callouses that I've developed on my hands are not of a concern to me .<br /><br />However, I can understand why not all members of the populace would think the same <br />If you're finding the handle on the D big already, this does suggest that your hands are rather small. Can I be so bold as to guess that you are a lady rower?<br />This is a tricky situation indeed. Most of the direct solutions involve the use of extra padding, which you have already questioned due the grip issue.<br /><br />The only other solution I can see, therefore, is that you accept that the callouses will start to form and tackle the problem, rather than the cause.<br />Gentle rubbing with a pumice (or similar) after a warm bath will remove the majority of any hard skin build up. Use plenty of moisturiser after the pumice, and through the course of the day.<br /><br />Just don't ask me how I know this, I have my ugly, fat, hairy male secrets to keep
Posted: February 10th, 2005, 9:12 am
by [old] jamesg
Dioniram,<br />If this were a poll I'd vote for hard skin, rear, everything; however could be you're gripping the handle too tight, if you get hards at the base of your fingers. Just hook on, keeping the thumb slack under the handle. This will thicken the skin at the finger joints only.<br />Another possibility is you're pulling too short and hard, maybe against high drag; if so lengthen and smooth out the stroke and reduce the force, for any given rating.<br />In any case, no need to think callouses are unattractive, and anyway they're part of our world and here to stay - all that force that goes through the handle is bound to have some adaptation effect. Maybe a better index of work done than all that ut2, 1, AT nonsense..