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Posted: January 9th, 2005, 6:19 pm
by [old] FredrikJ
Hello everybody!<br>I would like to test my maximal oxygen uptake on the erg, like the fitness test you do on a bike. It should work since you can see WATTS in the monitor and I have a heart-rate-watch from Polar. But I need a test protocol. Is there any around?


Posted: January 9th, 2005, 6:33 pm
by [old] GeorgeD
You cant as far as I am aware test Vo2 max on either a cycle or erg unless you have the facility to measure 'resperation'. Anything else is an estimation. <br><br>You can however do a maximal HR test on the erg and the instructions are here <a href=' ... ical_tools' target='_blank'>Physiology tools</a> , from this you can extrapolate the info you are after.<br><br>regds George


Posted: January 9th, 2005, 6:53 pm
by [old] FredrikJ
Excellent GeorgeD!<br>They had max HR, stroke volume and VO2 max tests there. Thanks a lot!