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[old] Prufrock
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Post by [old] Prufrock » September 3rd, 2004, 9:26 am

Hi<br><br><br><br>A recent, and vey interesting, topic on this bulletin board revolved around breathing. <br><br>I suppose it is natural that breathing becomes more frantic with increasing exertion. It certainly does for me! <br><br>Allegedly VO2 max has a great part to play in our ability to keep moving at pace. While VO2 seems to be the Intelligence Quotient(IQ) of the Cardiovascular world in that it seems to be largely determined genetically, I can't help but wonder if it is possible to improve your ability to transport oxygen to the blood.<br><br>I read recently about a product called Powerbreathe, which purports to increase the ability to breathe effectively in just about anyone, including asthmatics. <br><br>Now, I will do almost anything to improve erg performance and was thinking of getting one of these things, but thought I'd get the views of some of you bright guys and girls before I parted with my money. <br><br>I just wanted to know if anyone had used the powerbreathe product as part of their training programme. Did it benefit you? Are there any products out there which help? or am I doomed to hour after hour of gasping and panting to improve my erging ability?<br><br>Could it be that I breathe in more than enough of what I need already, it's just that my body has an immovable limit on how well it uses air?<br><br>regards<br>Bernard

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » September 3rd, 2004, 9:45 am

Hi Bernard<br>I have, and still aim using a powerbreathe. I have been using it for about 5 months (I think).<br>I take 30 breaths in the morning before any exercise and 30 breaths in the evening before I go to bed.<br>I have had my lung capacity measured before I started using it and have been monitored during my use of the powerbreathe.<br>(Can’t say much about the results till they are formally published, but they are good)<br>Once you find it’s getting easier to pull air through the powerbreathe you up the resistance and start again. With the new resistance it is hard to pull air through but stick with it.<br><br>My view of the powerbreathe is that it has helped my breathing a lot, as I feel this was the thing that was letting me down..<br><br>Sir Pirate<br>

[old] Prufrock
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Post by [old] Prufrock » September 3rd, 2004, 10:16 am

Hi Sir Pirate<br><br><br>Do you use the sports or fitness model? I've been training for about four months now for my first, exploratory attempt at BIRC and feel I would benefit from improving my lung capacity by any - healthy and legal - means possible. Concept2 rowing is like no other exercise I have done. <br><br>I'm used to oxygen debt from my competitive squash days, but now I'm training at AT and TR I have never felt so out of breath so often. <br><br>I could do with improving my memory as well, as I recover reasonably quickly but forget how distressing these 'short and sweet' sessions can be! <br><br><br>Bernard

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » September 3rd, 2004, 10:27 am

<!--QuoteBegin-Prufrock+Sep 3 2004, 02:16 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Prufrock @ Sep 3 2004, 02:16 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Do you use the sports or fitness model? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> I'm not to sure what model it is as I was given it to carry out the testing. I would have thought it was the sports version but I will check and post back later.<br><br>Sir Pirate

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » September 3rd, 2004, 1:48 pm

It's the sports one.<br><br>Sir Pirate

[old] Prufrock
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Post by [old] Prufrock » September 4th, 2004, 10:18 am

Hi<br><br><br>I'm intrigued Sir Pirate! What's the testing all about? I've just bought the fitness model to begin with. I hope it helps<br><br>Bernard

[old] raverlaw
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Post by [old] raverlaw » September 5th, 2004, 2:36 pm

i haven't heard of this product. Can you post a link to it?

[old] Godfried
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Post by [old] Godfried » September 5th, 2004, 2:42 pm

<a href='http://www.powerbreathe.com' target='_blank'>powerbreathe</a> or <a href='http://www.concept2.co.uk/shop/power_breathe.php' target='_blank'>concept.co.uk</a>

[old] mtnbiker
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Post by [old] mtnbiker » September 5th, 2004, 8:11 pm

anyone have the web site for powerbreathe<br><br> mtnbiker

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » September 6th, 2004, 4:09 am

Web site is.<br><a href='http://www.powerbreathe.com/homep.html' target='_blank'>http://www.powerbreathe.com/homep.html< ... rock.<br>I will post about the testing I was involved in a bit later. Trouble is I have been asked not to say much about it till the results have been made public. I think that will be very soon.<br><br>What I can tell you though is that it DOES improve performance. (I am not linked to Powerbreathe by sponsorship, work for them or ionvolved with them in any sort of way at all)<br><br>Sir Pirate

[old] Prufrock
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Post by [old] Prufrock » September 6th, 2004, 10:41 am

Hi Sir Pirate<br><br>Sounds like the kind of stuff where you would have to shoot me if you told me anything; living is my preferred state so I won't press you on the matter! <br>I would still like to see the results when they are out, though!!<br><br>I suppose I will find out soon enough whether this powerbreathe thing "does what it says on the tin" and works for me. <br><br>Ten weeks to go to the BIRC and I have some serious work to do in order to be as prepared as a novice can be. Which reminds me that I start my TR training tonight. I'm enjoying the training though and hopefully this powerbreathe thing will help improve my breathing, thus providing the missing piece in my rowing training. <br><br>I've tried it out already and, while I feel a bit daft sitting in a chair sucking through this tube for all I'm worth for five minutes, I feel it is important to exercise my flabby lungs as well as my flabby body.<br><br>I'd be even happier with it if I reach my BIRC target and some.<br><br><br>regards<br>Prufrock<br><br>I'm getting fitter though. <br>

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » September 6th, 2004, 10:50 am

Prufrock.<br><br>When you do your Powerbreath, do you do 30 breaths in one go, or break it down into 3x10?<br><br>What is your target for B.I.R.C and what are you at now? What are you stats (category, Height, weight etc)<br><br>Sir Pirate

[old] Prufrock
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Post by [old] Prufrock » September 6th, 2004, 1:15 pm

Sir Pirate<br><br><br>I am doing all 30 breaths in one go when I wake and before I sleep. I also do 10 breaths after a workout. I hide in the toilets so no-one sees me and believes I'm having an asthma attack! I've been told not to expect any results for a month. The problem for me is how am I going to know whether my lungs have improved? Improved times may be as a result of training or the psychological belief this device has helped. I guess that's all good, though, as long as there is an improvement.<br><br>This is my first indoor competition and I've not been preparing for long, so to be safe I am going for 7'30". My last test was 7'35", a couple of weeks ago. I'm 5 feet 8 ins and weigh about 90 kilos. I'm 44 years old, though people say I look anywhere between 10 and 15 years younger.<br><br>This BIRC thing was done to ensure I picked a training programme and stuck to it. I've been quite thorough with my preparation and have stuck quite closely to the interactive program and row about six times a week. I'm getting a bit nervous and will try to do more as the sessions are getting shorter and I feel I need longer rows.<br><br>Next year should be interesting as I quite fancy training properly for the 2005.<br><br>Unfortunately, the goals I have set are personal ones. I'm happiest when pushing back my personal barriers, though I guess I would benefit from a bit more of a competitive edge.<br><br>regards<br>Prufrock

[old] Sir Pirate
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Post by [old] Sir Pirate » September 8th, 2004, 6:33 am

The way I do my powerbreath is to do it in 2 sets of 15. I have around a 30 second rest between.<br>I would say that is correct, you won’t feel much difference in the first 4 weeks, I started to notice around the 4th/5th week.<br><br>Don’t want to appear rude, but can’t tell by reading between the lines if you are Male or Female, as I have not heard of the name Prufrock before, so don’t know if it is male or female name. sorry!<br><br>You have chosen a great place to make your rowing debut. The B.I.R.C is great and I am sure you will beat your set target.<br><br>Sir Pirate<br>

[old] Prufrock
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Post by [old] Prufrock » September 8th, 2004, 6:54 am

Hi Sir Pirate<br><br><br>You are not being rude. I am male. Prufrock is the title figure from a TS Eliot Poem called The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock. I was in Birmingham last year and went along to the BIRC for something to do. I was impressed by the whole event, and it's not every day you get to see world class sportsmen, Pinsent, Redgrave, Cracknell mingling with everyone else. It was this that pushed me to train for the event in November<br><br>I come from a competitive university and team squash background and that environment is very similar to the rowing one, in the sense that you get hardworking talented people, without the celebrity histrionics, mingling with those who have other professions.<br><br>I'm a little apprehensive as I'm new to concept2. The training programme has been a very good structure for me to hang my development on and try to sort my body and mind out after years of debauchery whilst working as an IT consultant with, amongst others, Big Four Companies. I'm really looking forward to next year when I can perhaps do things in a bit less of a frenetic and anxious way and maybe take my time a bit more. I'll also be a bit more aware of what I need to do and how to do it.<br><br>Rome and my rowing ability weren't built in a day, I'm afraid.<br><br>Thanks for the advice and the interest.<br><br>Prufrock
