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Posted: January 27th, 2006, 1:59 am
by [old] tibanks
Actually I feel rather embarressed to be asking the question, but I have to ask. I am actually asking on my partners behalf since he does not get on these forums. My partner and I have recently bought a C2 (2 WEEKS AGO) to help aide in weight loss, and fitness. We are both about 60-80 lbs over weight.<br /><br />The question is, My partner is having problems lately using the C2 due to the fact that it seems to be pinching the Family Jewels When he bends his knees I guess somehow they are getting smashed or something. I know its a very odd question..I suggested he buy a jock strap, but that has not helped.<br /><br />I know its a pretty personal question, and rather funny. But does anyone have any suggestions. I want a peice of exercise equipment we can both use, but if we cant remedy the problem..we have a 30 day money back guarentee, and may have to take it back and try something else. I love the ERG..Id hate to have to give it back. Could you imagine the look on their face when we tell them why its coming<br /><br />Please those of you that aren't embarressed to leave some comments..I thank you in advance.<br /><br />Tina


Posted: January 27th, 2006, 2:56 am
by [old] george nz
I guess in the clothing department just ensure he is well supported.<br /><br />Make sure that as he comes forward to the catch position he is not over reaching, your shins are not supposed to go beyond vertical, and over stretching can apply the squeeze, sit up nice and tall and try and lean forwards to recover and back on the drive from the hips not the waist.<br /><br />Finally and this may make the most difference, he may find it easier for the hands to come forward between the knees rather than the traditional method. This may reduce the effects of the squeeze so to speak and will make the rowing more comfortable. I notice a few of the temporarily larger people at the gym use this method with some effectiveness.<br /><br />There is the odd 'quick' person out there who rows this way, but it is not ideal HOWEVER at this stage the objective is not speed but effective exercise and enjoyment <br /><br />Hope that all helps, keep at it it is well worth the effort !!!<br /><br />George<br /><br />


Posted: January 27th, 2006, 3:46 am
by [old] John Rupp
I have good sized thighs, thus this is always an issue for me.<br /><br />I just make sure of being well "organized" when starting, and don't have my knees as close together at the catch as they would be otherwise.<br /><br />This way there's not usually a problem, and not anything that has kept me from rowing.


Posted: January 27th, 2006, 9:16 am
by [old] afolpe
I suspect George is right- his extra weight is likely contributing to this problem, particularly if he has fairly large thighs and belly. Fortunately, regular rowing will be great for weight loss, and I suspect this problem will only improve over time. Keeping his legs apart for the first few months while he loses weight most likely will help- as George said, this isn't really proper form, but it is certainly better than doing nothing. I'm at about the right weight, but I do get a bit "raveled" on occasion, particularly if I am wearing shorts with a worn out liner. He just needs to "reposition" every once in a while. Bicycle shorts, preferably without the crotch liner, might help, or might not. <br /><br />Anyway- tell him to keep up the good work (and you keep it up as well!).<br /><br />Good luck,<br /><br />Andrew


Posted: January 27th, 2006, 9:20 am
by [old] mpukita
And for more suggestions, see this string of messages ...<br /><br /><a href=' ... ost&p=7912' target='_blank'> ... 912</a><br /><br />A topic (oops, two topics) near and dear to many of us!<br /><br />


Posted: January 27th, 2006, 12:53 pm
by [old] tibanks
Thank you all for your replies, I really do appreciat it. Im glad he's not the only one that has experienced the problem. Well check out some new shorts, and try some different rowing methods.<br /><br />Thanks again you've been so helpful.<br /><br />Tina in OR.