Yo Dansker..

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[old] Iliana
Posts: 0
Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] Iliana » November 10th, 2005, 2:49 pm

Hej :-)<br /><br />I'm heading to Danmark on the 18th for 10 days or so visiting my auntie, and as I'm just starting rowing again after a looooong hiatus, I don't want to take a 10-day break.<br /><br />So! My auntie (moster elise) lives in Bråde near Nykøbing Sjælland. I think we'll have a rental bil, so I can get around some.<br /><br />Anyone derover who knows of a good place where I might go row, I'd love to know! I use a wheelchair, so gyms with 5 billion steps won't work so well.<br /><br />Tak & cheers!<br /><br />../Iliana
