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Posted: June 11th, 2005, 5:14 pm
by [old] Slow Boat
I was wondering about getting some opinions regarding my chance of doing "ok" in my local indoor rowing competition next January.<br /><br />Me: I'll be 50 then, in the male lwt divison. Currently rowing a "blistering" 8:00 2K. I know 8:00 isn't going to cut it...I think I need to be 7:00 - 7:30 to get mid-pack.<br /><br />Plan: If I follow the 2K preset program for 26 weeks (level 4 or 5), as published in the Indoor Rowing Training Guide on the Concept2 UK website, what are the chances I can take :30 to 1:00 off my time?<br /><br />Or is this such an impossible task that I would be better off spending my mornings reading the paper and drinking coffee, instead?<br /><br />Any comments/advise are greatly appreciated.


Posted: June 11th, 2005, 7:23 pm
by [old] Slow Boat
Here's a link:<br /><br /><a href=' ... pter_5.pdf' target='_blank'> ... pdf</a><br /><br />(hope this works...)


Posted: June 11th, 2005, 7:40 pm
by [old] dennish
You'll be fine. My sense of it is that you'll never know if you read the paoper and drink coffee. No better time than 50, to give it a go. dennis


Posted: June 11th, 2005, 8:31 pm
by [old] TomR/the elder
If you're just getting serious, you'll can take 30 or more seconds iof you're 2k. By being moderately systematic and disciplined, you'll see results. Be patient. <br /><br />My recollection is that the level 5 program is tough. Start w/ a program you can handle. You can always make it more demanding as you get faster and develop your endurance.<br /><br />Tom


Posted: June 11th, 2005, 8:46 pm
by [old] Bayko
It seems to me that if you're motivated and follow the Interactive program that 30 seconds to a minute is possible.<br /><br />I was 52 and lightweight when I started with an 8:26. With regular training that I came up with on my own, from a background as a runner, I brought that down to 7:25 then stalled, over a 5 months period. After picking up some tips from fellow ergers and rowing coaches at my first local erg race I lowered that to 7:10.8 within another month and a half. Progress since then has been considerably slower, but progress is still being made more than 5 years later.<br /><br />If the Interactive had been available then, and I had known about it and followed level 4 or 5, I'm sure that my early progress would have been better.<br /><br />Welcome to the world of the 50+skinnies. There's always room for more (we don't take up much space). <br /><br />Rick


Posted: June 12th, 2005, 8:10 am
by [old] GoodC
Hi Slow Boat<br /><br />Competitions are always fun and a great chance to meet some likeminded sports friends! Observing competitors, studying techniques, feeling the special atmosphere as a competitor….all that makes it worth enough taking part of it….<br />…and after all there will still be enough time to read your paper and drink your coffee…, probably then in the evening though… <br /><br />Therefore I wouldn’t think too much about seconds, you know…<br />Of course, at the end we all have our personal ambitions. <br />But after reading your request I’ve got the feeling that you’re motivated enough in order to get your personal best down…sooner or later<br /><br />Don’t hesitate – sign in!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />