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USIR Dev Squad: Introductions

Posted: July 28th, 2005, 3:09 pm
by [old] PeterD
Hello all,<br />Peter Dreissigacker here. I guess my CRASH-B time last winter (6:34ish) was good enough to get included with the elite group of you folks! I'm 54yrs 6'4" 210lbs and have been rowing on variations of C2 ergs for 25 years... you would think I would be better than I am by now. I still do a bit of Masters rowing, usually getting into one or two races besides the Head of the Charles each year.<br /><br />My training usually peaks at the CRASH-Bs. Then I fall into a period of sloth until right about now. After hearing that I was on the list for the squad I started to get back into it. I'm trying to get a respectable 20 min to report by the end of the month.<br /><br />Peter