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Health and Fitness

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 7:47 pm
by [old] dereklightfoot
I've just moved to a new project for a year and chose a home based concept 2 as my primary excercise medium while I'm in temporary accommodation. (no gym anywhere near me) While I'm delighted with the overall results (particularily aerobic) I've noticed some muscle loss, especially from my upper arms and chest, since I was obliged to give up my former "weights + rowing" regime. I don't have time or space for weights as well as concept 2 any more. Any suggestions for how I can optimise/bastardise/supplement my "proper" rowing with strength training excercises to regain my former upper body definition using just a rower or own body weight exercises?<br><br>Thanks in advance

Health and Fitness

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 8:51 pm
by [old] Yoda1
Dereklightfoot,<br><br>Here's a thought. This will take a minute to explain though. First thing, purchase a removeable chinup bar and a swiss ball. The balls come in different sizes, so you'll have to ask which size fits you when buying. Adopt a super slow exercise protocol and begin with the following. One minute pushups, One minute chin or pullups, and one minute squats. All of these to be done with just body weight to begin with. Do these twice a week. Three times a week do one minute plank, then a one minute left side plank, then a one minute reverse plank, then one minute right side plank and back to the starting positon. The swiss ball can be used for abs work and balancing exercises, all of which will help you get back your original condition.<br><br>There are probably some who will read this and say old Yoda is NUTS. But I have several clients that are using this program and getting tremendous results. Especially a couple of them that are over the age of 50.<br><br>If you have any questions, just yell.<br><br>Yoda

Health and Fitness

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 9:30 pm
by [old] dgg
Yoda,<br><br>I'd like to start the sort of exercise regimen you recommend, but I understand that form is very important, and for that I need more guidance than a book provides. Can you recommend a video or two to check out? It would be very helpful to watch someone doing the exercises. <br><br>I'm 61 and have no ambition to become a body builder. But I would like to supplement rowing with some strength training.<br><br>Thanks,<br>DGG

Health and Fitness

Posted: December 15th, 2004, 11:39 pm
by [old] pduck
Here are some sites that have bodyweight workouts:<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'> ... </a><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Health and Fitness

Posted: December 16th, 2004, 8:34 pm
by [old] Yoda1
DGG,<br><br>I'm sorry, but I have no idea where one would go to find a video of the exercises I mentioned. Every time someone asks me where to get an exercise video, I choke because when I want to find something out I just go to the computer and enter the topic. <br><br>As far as the exercises are concerned, you are right that form is important. I'm sure that you know how to do a pullup, pushup, and squat so that should take care of those exercises. All you are doing is slowing the movement wwwaaaayyyyy down. Now the Swiss Ball exercises are a different story. This is a piece of exercise equipment that is fairly cheap to purchase. It is primarily used to strengthen the core. Most of the manufacturers of the Swiss Ball supply a basic exercise pamphlet with their product.<br><br>The other thing that you are right about is NOT attempting to become a bodybuilder or weightlifter at your age. Boy, are you old. I'm 62. If you'd like a further explaination regarding what I suggested you can email me at I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Good Luck,<br>Yoda

Health and Fitness

Posted: December 17th, 2004, 9:44 am
by [old] richkrz
Here's another article about bodyweight exercises, and slowing them down to make them more effective:<br><br><a href=' ... umn&id=372' target='_blank'> ... ><br>~Rich

Health and Fitness

Posted: December 17th, 2004, 1:49 pm
by [old] gw1