January Weight Loss Challenge To All Ducks

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[old] billandmargaret
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Post by [old] billandmargaret » December 16th, 2005, 8:01 pm

OK, for those of you who are trying to row and lose weight, here's a challenge to follow up on the Holiday Challenge. Let's set a goal of losing one pound a week for the month of January, through exercise and restricting calories to create a deficit of 3500 calories a week. There's some history to this thread under "Before and After, Well Almost..." in the Women's Forum.<br /><br />Whoever wants to join, post your ideas and goals for this challenge here, keep us posted on how you're doing doing, and we'll support each other.<br /><br />Here's my half-baked plan:<br /><br /> Calculate how many calories I need for my ideal weight. Use that as my daily calorie limit, and add 500 calories worth of exercise each day. When I can't exercise that much, reduce calories consumed accordingly. Lots of rowing (about 40km/week), strength training 2-3 times weekly, and walks most days.<br /><br /> Coffee, tea, and water to my heart's content (well, no coffee too late in the day...)<br /><br /> No soda, no trans fat, or eating after 9 pm.<br /><br />We already eat lots of whole grains, vegies, and fruit, so I'll just need to make sure I keep plenty on hand and keep snacks and desserts in moderation . The no sugar/flour/vegetarain diet won't work 'cause my husband, whose weight is already good, doesn't like that, and I want to eat with my family.<br /><br />Any takers?<br /><br />Margaret

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » December 16th, 2005, 10:59 pm

Okay, Margaret, I'll go for it!<br /><br />I'll probably try to do what I mentioned in some of my other posts and what you touched on in your post: <br /><br />Starting January 1st, I'll decrease calories and/or row (or some other exercise) to equal a loss of 500 calories per day, which over 7 days will equal 3500 calories or enough to lose one pound. <br /><br />If DIAR does the January Virtual Team Challenge, I pledge to the best of my ability to row at least 5 days per week (I'm currently doing 5 or 6 days/wk) for that, except in cases of illness. I also want to keep doing my yoga DVD at least 3 times/week.<br /><br />I'll limit myself to one can of soda pop per day, which will help my goal stated in the above paragraph. Instead of pop, I'll drink LaCroix, hot or iced tea, coffee, milk and more water. I've done this before, so I know I can do it--it's a matter of habit.<br /><br />And some other things--I'll not eat any food in front of the computer or when I'm reading. I'll focus on the food to more thoroughly *experience* the food. I'll eat veggies 3 times per day and fruit 2 times per day (my serving sizes, forget the pyramid ) <br /><br />Good idea about the better quality fats, too, Margaret. I'll read more labels again. I use olive oil and peanut oil, but I splurge with real butter on my homemade bread. Fortunately, I don't use very much, because homemade bread is usually good enough on its own. I usually use at least half whole grains in my bread, sometimes more. I usually make my own homemade yogurt too, and in the last year, I've used it in almost all of my recipes to substitute for sour cream. I've found I even like it better on baked potatoes than s.c. <br /><br />Small changes--if I get overwhelmed, I'll be less likely to make these changes a habit, so we'll start here. I really think the soda pop will make the biggest impact for me. <br /><br />Anyway, these things should be good enough for at least one pound per week.<br /><br />Ok, I've publically committed to it now! <br /><br />--Jen

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » December 17th, 2005, 7:57 am

I know I am not a duck ..... but count me in ladies ... I got to get rid of some of this lard .......

[old] edollar
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Post by [old] edollar » December 17th, 2005, 10:57 am

Count me in on the weight loss challenge. Rowing has been an awesome help in losing weight. I know what I have to do to lose weight...daily exercise and limit carbs. A bit of history: I lost 88 pounds in 2002 doing low carb but more extreme than now and then put 70 of it back on by February 9th of this year when I started rowing, exercise bike, and weight lifting and limiting carbs again. I lost 60 pounds by July and then I got off track eating fresh peaches with cream and sugar. Then other carbs crept in and I lost my focus and even though I was rowing every day I lost no weight in August, September and October. Then Anne Badanes (a dear DIAR friend) jerked my chain and forced me back on track for a November weight loss challenge. She is a successful weight loss person and knows how to be tough. I lost 12 pounds in November. Anne then made me state my goal for December and I said I would be happy to lose 5 pounds in December and 5 pounds in January so that by February 9th I would have lost all the original 88 pounds plus 12 more to be 100 pounds off my high weight in 2002.<br /><br />So far I've lost 4 pounds in December and am now just 6 pounds away from the 100 lb loss which will be a milestone for me. I have more to lose after that but that will be a milestone that I will be proud of. When I hit it, you will hear a loud "YES!!!!" resonating from down here in the Ozarks. I am not as strict in my low carbing as in 2002 and I think the way I eat now I don't consider a "diet" but my new way of life. I think I can continue doing this for years with just a momentary slip now and then that I won't let make me lose my way.<br /><br />The plan that works for me is exercise daily. I'm going for 2 million meters by February 9th which is my one year anniversary from my very first row even though I didn't log meters until the last two weeks of April. That will keep me rowing. Another big motivator is trying to stay ahead of Deb and Shannon. I am also going to increase minutes on the elliptical, exercise bike and increase my weightligting at the gym. I have found I have to do it every day or else the day I don't work out will be today every day. I have to exercise no matter what... Probably not the best for my body but it is a mental thing for me. Other than rowing daily, I do change what I do daily at the gym. <br /><br />I don't drink any soft drinks or juice. 99% of my intake is water and I drink a lot of water. I really like water so this isn't a problem. I do drink coffee in the morning. No aspartame products. I do best if I keep the sweet taste out of my mouth.<br /><br />Keep plenty of my "legal" snacks around (cheese, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, etc) if I get the "hungries". Eat at least one big salad a day with all sorts of greens besides iceburg lettuce. <br /><br />Stay ahead of my hunger by eating about three snacks a day. Eat small amounts at a time even at meals. I don't count calories, points, carbs...I just know if I stay away from potatoes, bread, desserts, sweets, I'm going to be OK. I also have to stay away from fruits and juice...it just makes me hungrier. I know other people have no problem with fruit but I do.<br /><br />When I get a carb craving I fix a bowl of oatbran and flaxmeal which is high fiber and I think I like it as much as the Breyer's ice cream I was addicted to. I'm sure my food choices sound boring to others but actually eating food that doesn't excite my tongue helps me. I like what I eat but nothing really exciting which would make me want seconds and thirds or lose control. <br /><br />This works for me. I just need to make sure I stay on track daily and row daily. I want to work into a hard/easy plan which I think will help build a better base to do a half marathon which I would like to do by sometime in February. I had a blood test this last February and for the first time my glucose and cholesterol were just out of the "normal" range. (Had always been "normal" before even though I was overweight) I am going back for a blood test the first of February this coming year just to find out if all these meters, watching carbs, and losing weight has had a small effect or large effect. <br /><br />One of the best motivators is DIAR, rankings. and honor boards. Love reading the forum and feeling accountable for my actions after posting. <br /><br />Thanks for the opportunity to put in writing what has been in my head. You can tell I have a lot of reasons to stay focused on fitness in January. I'm sure I can count on others on this forum to make me accountable. <br /><br />Ellen<br />Proud member of DIAR<br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » December 17th, 2005, 11:28 am

<!--QuoteBegin-CAROLE MAC+Dec 17 2005, 07:57 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(CAROLE MAC @ Dec 17 2005, 07:57 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I know I am not a duck ..... but count me in ladies ... I got to get rid of some of this lard .......  <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Glad to have ya, Carole Mac! The more the merrier. <br /><br />Hey, I meant to ask you earlier--did you know either of those police women who were shot in the UK awhile back? So sad. My sister and one of her sons are in law enforcement, and it's always a worry. Anyway, to all of your police forces in the UK, my condolences.<br /><br />--Jen

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » December 17th, 2005, 11:39 am

Hey Ellen!<br /><br />Sounds you have the plan that works for you, and I agree with you that putting it all into writing and making that public committment definitely helps to solidify the plan and the goal. <br /><br />And you have an additional target--making sure those cholesterol and glucose levels fall back in line. But if they don't, don't beat yourself up over it. One of my little "sayings" I keep in my head is, "You can do everything right, but bad things still happen." So keep doing the right things, because that's the right thing to do! I say that because I know I can get really bummed when I don't get the results I expected with something.<br /><br />I think we can do this better together, hey? I've found that to be true in keeping me rowing and getting some of my rowing goals. Thanks, y'all!<br /><br />--Jen

[old] holladay
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Post by [old] holladay » December 17th, 2005, 1:58 pm

I'm in.<br /><br />In January I will:<br />1) row 5 days a week (or 50K a week)<br />2) write down what I eat (my husband says I have been eating more this month while doing the challenge. I don't believe him. So I will write down everything I eat. Should be quite revealing!)<br />3) No Fried Foods. <br />4) Only calorie free drinks--water and tea (Fortunately new years eve is still technically December!)<br /><br />That should get me to lose a pound a week! If not, different goals for February! <br /><br />Susan AKA Wood Duck<br />

[old] C2dreamer
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Post by [old] C2dreamer » December 17th, 2005, 2:04 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-billandmargaret+Dec 16 2005, 07:01 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(billandmargaret @ Dec 16 2005, 07:01 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->OK, for those of you who are trying to row and lose weight, here's a challenge to follow up on the Holiday Challenge.  Let's set a goal of losing one pound a week for the month of January, through exercise and restricting calories to create a deficit of 3500 calories a week.  There's some history to this thread under "Before and After, Well Almost..." in the Women's Forum.<br /><br />Whoever wants to join, post your ideas and goals for this challenge here, keep us posted on how you're doing doing, and we'll support each other.<br /><br />Here's my half-baked plan:<br /><br /> Calculate how many calories I need for my ideal weight.  Use that as my daily calorie limit, and add 500 calories worth of exercise each day.  When I can't exercise that much, reduce calories consumed accordingly.  Lots of rowing (about 40km/week), strength training 2-3 times weekly, and walks most days.<br /><br /> Coffee, tea, and water to my heart's content (well, no coffee too late in the day...)<br /><br /> No soda, no trans fat, or eating after 9 pm.<br /><br />We already eat lots of whole grains, vegies, and fruit, so I'll just need to make sure I keep plenty on hand and keep snacks and desserts in moderation .  The no sugar/flour/vegetarain diet won't work 'cause my husband, whose weight is already good, doesn't like that, and I want to eat with my family.<br /><br />Any takers?<br /><br />Margaret <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Margaret, count me in. That is if I can become a Duck if that is required. Let me know.<br />Susan<br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » December 17th, 2005, 4:18 pm

Hey Susan!<br /><br />It's not required to be a Duck to do this. We'll make anyone Adopted Ducks if need be , but if you're not a member of a virtual team, we'd sure be glad to have you join us in the Duck Pond. The instructions are permanently posted at the top of the Women's Forum topic listings.<br /><br />Wow, this is getting exciting--seems like a good number of folks want to do this! Maybe we could keep track of the number of calories we've burned and post that as a grand total as well as our meters?<br /><br />Thanks for organizing this, Margaret!<br /><br />--jen

[old] efg
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Post by [old] efg » December 18th, 2005, 3:51 am

I just wanted to wish everyone good luck with this. I've lost about 7 pounds doing the Holiday Challenge - it was nice getting back in lightweight range. I'm not really trying to lose any more weight, so I won't 'officially' join, but I want to keep off what I have lost. The only way I'll do that is if I keep rowing, so I'll be there rowing along with you. I'd be happy to stay the same weight, but to exchange some fat for muscle.<br /><br />Emilia

[old] Shari
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Post by [old] Shari » December 18th, 2005, 11:17 am

<!--QuoteBegin-efg+Dec 18 2005, 02:51 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(efg @ Dec 18 2005, 02:51 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I just wanted to wish everyone good luck with this.  I've lost about 7 pounds doing the Holiday Challenge - it was nice getting back in lightweight range.  I'm not really trying to lose any more weight, so I won't 'officially' join, but I want to keep off what I have lost. The only way I'll do that is if I keep rowing, so I'll be there rowing along with you.  I'd be happy to stay the same weight, but to exchange some fat for muscle.<br /><br />Emilia <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />I would like to join and loose a pound a week during January. I will limit carbs and row at least 6 days a week (when I am in town). Otherwise I will do the treadmill, eliptical or walk/jog when staying at relatives. Thanks for this good idea.<br /><br />Shari

[old] Hapa
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Post by [old] Hapa » December 18th, 2005, 2:52 pm

I'd like to participate as well, but I have no idea how to figure how many calories I've burned in a day. My ultimate goal would be to get back down to lightweight (10 lbs), but five lbs would be great. Besides the weight, just getting solidly into a size 8 would be good also rather than being a borderline 8. <br /><br />Aiko

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » December 18th, 2005, 3:54 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Hapa+Dec 18 2005, 02:52 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Hapa @ Dec 18 2005, 02:52 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I'd like to participate as well, but I have no idea how to figure how many calories I've burned in a day.  My ultimate goal would be to get back down to lightweight (10 lbs), but five lbs would be great.  Besides the weight, just getting solidly into a size 8 would be good also rather than being a borderline 8.  <br /><br />Aiko <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Hi Aiko!<br /><br />Do you have a Concept 2 Rower? What model do you have (A, B, C, or the newest D), and what PM do you have? PM2? PM3? I have a PM3, and to get to the calories burned mode, I have to push my "change units" button until the calorie mode comes up. I think I push it 3, maybe 4 times to hit the calorie mode from the default screen. <br /><br />Otherwise, I'm sure there's a resource on the Internet somewhere that can give you an estimate of the amount of calories burned for a specific activity or exercise. It would be an approximation of course, but it would give you an idea. Maybe someone else on these forums knows a good link they could give us.<br /><br />It was when I was in high school, but I remember a time when I was a size 8.... One of these days, I might just hit it again! <br /><br />--Jen

[old] LittleBit

Women's Forum

Post by [old] LittleBit » December 18th, 2005, 4:10 pm

I'm with Shari - I will try to lose about a pound a week during January, and row at least 5 days a week. Putting it in writing on the Forum makes it more accountable for me & I think that will help. <br /><br />Part of the reason I got a rower was for working on my weight. So far I haven't seen the scales reflect my progress, but some of my clothes are starting to fit better. I had done very well with Weight Watchers a couple of years ago, but then fell off the food wagon, and over indulged & stopped exercise. Not a good combination, so all the weight I lost came right back. Since then I hadn't been able to get consistent on walking/running due to some injury problems, and I was getting even more frustrated with my weight gain!! At least now I know I am able to row nearly every day, and not have to hobble to work, and I am more inclined to start watching my eating habits again. <br /><br />Ideally I would like to lose 25-30 pounds. I know it didn't all get there in a day, so it's probably going to be a while before I reach that goal too! Just knowing that the Ducks are reading this & quacking along makes it easier! <br /><br />Catherine<br />

[old] Sparks
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Post by [old] Sparks » December 18th, 2005, 5:05 pm

I'm definitely in for losing a pound a week in January, even if it means having to step on the scale I try to avoid weighing myself at all costs. I'm still trying to work off some stubborn "baby fat" from having my son. I've still got about thirty lbs to lose!! D@!* you, Ben & Jerry!<br /><br />Anyway, my plan is:<br />-start training for my first marathon (Woohoo!)<br />-limit my sugar intake<br />-no alcohol<br />-lift weights twice a week<br /><br />Well, that should do it. If anyone has any advice about marathon training, I'm all ears:) <br /><br />Em<br />
