Posted: February 16th, 2006, 2:40 pm
Congratualtions to all your PB's! Arno, Krysta, Sergio, Clair, who more?<br />This weekend we will row with the age class adjustmens,<br />the last chance to score for the 8. finals. The points are only to qualify, not cumulative for the finals<br /><br />This last race in the pre-rounds will be a class based race (not a PB race)<br /><br />Who will be selected? How can I be selected?<br />It will depend of many variables:<br />1. my opponent: Is he/she in his/her class better than me?<br />2. my points: Do I have so many points that I don't need to row too fast?<br />3. My opponnent is a noshow: I will receive the points from the winner of the other pair. Is the winner strong enough than his/her opponnent that I can receive enough points?<br />4. In the other pair there is a noshow: How can affect it my results? If my opponnent is much stronger than me, then the other one will receive<br />all the points of my opponnent, can he/she beat me?<br /><br />Andreas Bcase:<br /><br />Oh, yes Andreas<br />You and Joachim have actived the red alarm with your points<br />That we have the chance to win some points with a PB is ok, but soo many!!??, No, it is not ok<br /><br />How to control that excedent, I am still thinking about it all the week<br /><br />Analisyng your case and your times and the times of your group...<br />Andreas won 10 points beating you, 17:12.6 vs. 19:42.3<br />You won 24 going to 18:17.7 what it is not a fast time when I compare with Andreas time<br />So I think maybe a fair result in your group should be:<br />Andreas 10<br />Eckart 8<br />Andreas 4<br />Dyson 0<br />In other words Andreas should win more points beating you or you should win less points with your second race<br />Is it something I will calculate for the next World Cup Eliminatory (in 4 years )<br /><br />The prognose can be that Andreas and Thomas row at the WIRC in Bostonfor the 8. finals<br />2. Winner G<br />vs<br />1. Winner H<br /> "head to head", <br />I recommend you to row as cooling down after the race to have the possibility to row better (the winner) in the 4. finals (a PB Race)<br /><br />In the next races I think it will be easier, you know the rules, you know the rowers and you have to develope<br />the best strategy. You win or you lose, no more points. Over next weekend (Feb 24 Feb 27), after the eliminatory, we will have 16 rowers<br />1. Race. 8 finals (16 rowers):<br />1. Winner A vs. 2. Winner B I<br />2. Winner A vs. 1. Winner B II<br />....<br />....<br />This race is a class based race<br /><br />2. Race 4. finals (8 Rowers)<br />A PB based race:<br />I vs. II<br />......<br /><br />As always I am open for suggestions . If you have questions mail me. I would prepare a second FAQ<br /><br />Another point, I will update the page with your comments, I will have a form to submit your comments for the next edition<br />I would like to have a picture of all the participants, you can update the picture yourself in your profile<br /><br />Marilyn