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Posted: February 10th, 2006, 2:36 pm
by [old] SlugButt
<br />Greetings, fellow members of Group A!<br /><br />Ernie and Tim, I wanted to get in touch with you about scheduling races for this weekend. If you have a chance, could you post times that might work for you. I'll also check on the RowPro server from time to time, and may set up a scheduled race there in hope that it will be at a time that might suit.<br /><br />Thanks!<br /><br />David Lilly


Posted: February 10th, 2006, 4:10 pm
by [old] eparizeau
David - Not sure I understand the rules yet so glad to see your post. I'm traveling until Sat. evening but will be avail ato row on Sun afternoon EST. Hoping to do a 2k TT on Sun but can always fit in some other rowing too. Best, Ernie