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Posted: December 16th, 2004, 10:19 am
by [old] Chip M
I remember we used to rate or rank a workout or race with a letter A, B, C, D<br>according to the pace of the event. This would give the rower an idea of what they are getting into before they register. As it seems we are on the edge of a new<br>online rowing breakthrough maybe we could publish the chart and adopt this practice for good. Does anybody have the pace setting we used to use? Or be willing to come up with the ranking chart. <br>
Posted: December 16th, 2004, 10:49 am
by [old] Canoeist
Supercanoa had weekly 6K races. Each weekend would be for a different speed class of rower. "A" was for rowers who could row under 20 minutes. "B" was for rowers who could row under 21 minutes, but not fast enough to go under 20 minutes. The increments were 1 minute for each letter.<br><br>We still used a form of that system to handicap teams for the 4K relay race last weekend.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Paul Flack
Posted: December 16th, 2004, 10:52 am
by [old] michaelb
On rowpro, using the oarbits server, you can now add full text descriptions of the row, so that would be better and more informative than any coding system. I would think once rowpro is really established and the oarbits race server has the bugs shaken out, even erow users could use oarbits to review races and read the descriptions etc for more info about any given row. I am going to guess that they would need to still sign up for a race on the erow server though.<br><br>But if there was a coding system out there, I would use and/or look at that too.