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Posted: November 13th, 2004, 12:43 am
by [old] Ikabob
I am thinking about ordering the PM3 monitor, but it does not support e-row. I was told that ConceptII will not be improving e-row and that the PM3 will work with RowPro. RowPro will not work on my computer (Windows98). I am connected to a computer and wanted some day to be able to race with some who may be of my beginning status. I will not be able to do this with PM3 . I am not certain what to do....should I just use the features of the PM3 and forget e-row and online racing OR should I keep my PM2+ and hope to do e-row online??? Basically my question is : WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF E_ROW ONLINE RACING VERSUS THE NEW ROWPRO RACING? Need some advice. Maybe I need to get a new Windows XP computer (which I dont want to do). Thank you.


Posted: November 13th, 2004, 3:57 am
by [old] Slowboat
<br><br>Hi,<br><br>I think the first thing you really need to do is to get a new computer, you don't need to spend a fortune nowadays and you can aquire one that meets the spec at a reasonably low price. ( Put one on your Christmas list, and if your a good boy )<br><br>E-row is still available and will go to the new digitalrowing server so you can row with e-row and rowpro rowers online with the PM2+ and without purchasing RowPro or a PM3 ( I'd put the money you'd spend on a PM3 towards a new PC as the PM2+ works with e-row and RowPro. If you purchase RowPro then you won't look at the PM3 as you've got everything you need on the RowPro screen ).<br><br>LIFE WITHOUT ROWPRO!!! ( No Thanks )<br><br>Personally, it's the best piece of software I've ever purchased. It keeps me motivated and rowing, even though I've been doing it for a while, has become addictive taking me for the first time to a 2.5million+ season.<br><br>It offers everything you could need, and if it doesn't, make a note of it in the forum and any suggestions are considered for future improvements!<br><br>Online rowing, now we are moving into a more stable Beta version of testing (currently Beta 4 ), has become extremely popular. Now for the first time, there are more races posted on the RowPro Schedule than on e-row with regular weekend and weekday spots. <br><br>The future is RowPro, which is great for everybody and is far superior to e-row, this is what everybody was waiting for!<br><br>That's the online option to RowPro discussed, but there is far more to RowPro than that, check it out at<br><br>Regards Paul.<br>


Posted: November 13th, 2004, 9:28 am
by [old] michaelb
Although I like having the PM3, particularly the force curve feature, I would also keep the PM2 and get rowpro instead. Although getting XP can be expensive, you can get a row capable computer for $1-300 (walmart sells xp computers for $300 for example). The upgrade for your computer, if worth doing, it usually around $90.<br><br>If you have a computer though right now, you can always try erow and do some internet racing right now if you want to check that out. Currently, I haven't seen many beginners online (rowpro really just started online racing), but if you look at the rankings, there looks like lots of beginners using rowpro.


Posted: November 13th, 2004, 11:28 am
by [old] Slowboat
To join e-row or RowPro online events, you actually do have everything you need!<br><br>To join RowPro events you'll have to go through e-row.<br><br>Change internet setup web server and race server addresses, replace the 'e-row' sections with 'digitalrowing'.<br><br>You then have access to the RowPro races, with a great online community of rowers from all ranges.<br><br>Try it out, look forward to seeing you online.<br><br>Post any problems or let us know if you are successful.<br><br>Regards Paul ( Slowboat ).


Posted: November 14th, 2004, 1:56 am
by [old] Thomas
I would think that as long as people own a PM2+ type ergometer and use the erow, those two events should keep it activated. Internet racing was my purpose when I purchased the Model C. <br><br>E-row is a good example of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". <br><br>I cannot get a break with rowpro. I purchased and downloaded the 1.6 and wish I never downloaded the 1.7. Rowpro is the "neverending story" of problems. <br> <br>And today's example is:<ul><li>I decided to do a 1k on rowpro. I rowed a <b>2:58.7</b>, which is a personal best for the 2005 season. I checked my rowing log and found it not saved. I am so glad I did not do anymore rowing after that piece since the result is lost forever. Fortunately, the PM2+ saved the day.</li></ul>If the PM3 works with the erow with a <i>digitalrowing</i> setup, than you got it made, otherwise, you are going to have to get something like rowpro.<br><br>I had tried to go back to the 1.6, but I did not have any luck. I might try again.<br><br><br><br><br>


Posted: November 14th, 2004, 6:46 pm
by [old] giniajim
I've got the following situation: I've recently purchased a Concept II, Model D, with a PM-3. I've got a computer thats not near the rower. My computer is an XP. I'd like to get into on-line racing at some point. What options are open for me and e-rowing?


Posted: November 14th, 2004, 9:25 pm
by [old] bgood
I would think the main reason to buy a rower is to stay in shape. Being able to race others online is an added benefit.<br>Now being able to race others online for free is like a free lunch. Who is paying for all the server equipment and network access and why?<br>I don't believe anyone is getting rich producing RowPro (not at $99 to a limited market). It's more of a labor of love by a few guys who really want to race online.<br><br>I purchased RowPro this past February, and have used it over 340 times to a total 4 million meters. I never had a problem with it (currently using ver. 1.7beta4). I consider it to be one of the best purchases I've ever made.<br><br>Owning a Model B since 1988, I've upgraded the PM's along the way to the PM3. I have to wonder what they were thinking when they designed that model. But it was designed in the days before jump and flash drives. RowPro 1.7 has giving the PM3 new life.<br><br>If you're still using Windows98/Me, you're begging for problems (or you have problems and don't realize it).<br>You shouldn't even be online without a firewall (software), antivirus software (updated weekly at the very least), and spyware remover.<br><br>Problems with RowPro should be posted on the Digitalrowing user forum or send an email to<br><br>There are no free lunches. <br>Sit and row or sit and get fat, the choice is yours.<br><br>


Posted: November 14th, 2004, 11:10 pm
by [old] Thomas
Internet racing was my purpose when I purchased the Model C. <br>


Posted: November 15th, 2004, 6:31 am
by [old] Christine
Hei Ikabob,<br>if you have a PM2+ and a Computer with Windows98, you have everything you need to race on eRow. (if you are online with this Computer) Just download eRow and join us!<br><br>Regards<br>Christine


Posted: November 15th, 2004, 8:40 am
by [old] SteveV
<!--QuoteBegin-giniajim+Nov 14 2004, 05:46 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (giniajim @ Nov 14 2004, 05:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I've got the following situation: I've recently purchased a Concept II, Model D, with a PM-3. I've got a computer thats not near the rower. My computer is an XP. I'd like to get into on-line racing at some point. What options are open for me and e-rowing? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> NONE<br><br>you wll need a computer next to the C2, simple as that.<br><br>you also need RowPro (, e-row doesn't work with a PM3<br><br>So move the PC, or buy a new one, and download rowpro, you get 10 free goes, then it's $99 to buy.


Posted: November 15th, 2004, 9:07 am
by [old] Christine
Hei Steve,<br>Ikabob hasn't bought a PM3 yet. He wrote, he has a PM2+, and that should do.<br>No need to buy your programme. I think there is a little bit too massive advertisement for it on this forum right now. I wasn't negative to it in the first place, but I start to be very soon. And 99 Dollars is more than the gratis eRow version if you have a PM2+! I have tried the new digitalrowing server too and it is not working stable. I have raced on it and I have tried and it didn't work. <br><br>You wrote, there is something wrong with the PC setup. Yes, my thought too. But where??? Any suggestions welcome.<br><br>A last question: did you buy the protocol against the PM3 (PM2+)? I havn't found a complete interface on the ConceptII page. Or how did you get it? Just curious.<br>Regards<br>Christine


Posted: November 15th, 2004, 9:35 am
by [old] Ikabob
Thanks for all the input. I use the PM2+ and plan on keeping it. Prior to this thread I did order the PM3, but I definitely plan on returning it and sticking with e-row. I have not been able to get erow online rowing going yet. I think (I hope) it's just a matter of setting some codes in properly. I'm goinna keep trying. I can chat but when the race starts I get a Com Port error msg and it crashes. It must be something I'm doing wrong. Anyhow, I WILL row someone online soon I hope! Thanks for all of your support! Ikky


Posted: November 16th, 2004, 12:51 am
by [old] Slowboat
Hi Ikky,<br><br>What e-row version do you have?<br><br>If you haven't already then download from concept 2 site, - e-Row v4.1.0 Build 115.<br><br>You can still row online with us on RowPro by swapping the internet setup details i.e. raceserver and web server from e-row to digitalrowing. Plus you can also row with Christine and the gang on e-row <br><br>If you have no success with this , you might try upgrading to Windows ME, which also supports RowPro, this saves you having to buy a new PC! <br><br>Regards Paul.


Posted: November 16th, 2004, 3:39 am
by [old] SteveV
<!--QuoteBegin-Christine+Nov 15 2004, 08:07 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Christine @ Nov 15 2004, 08:07 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Hei Steve,<br>Ikabob hasn't bought a PM3 yet. He wrote, he has a PM2+, and that should do.<br>No need to buy your programme. I think there is a little bit too massive advertisement for it on this forum right now. I wasn't negative to it in the first place, but I start to be very soon. And 99 Dollars is more than the gratis eRow version if you have a PM2+! I have tried the new digitalrowing server too and it is not working stable. I have raced on it and I have tried and it didn't work. <br><br>You wrote, there is something wrong with the PC setup. Yes, my thought too. But where??? Any suggestions welcome.<br><br>A last question: did you buy the protocol against the PM3 (PM2+)? I havn't found a complete interface on the ConceptII page. Or how did you get it? Just curious.<br>Regards<br>Christine <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> I wasn't talking to ikabob, i was answering GiniaJim, read the message above me<br><br>I have no connection with DigitalRowing, I am just a user who has done some testing for them. RowPro is the only product for PM3's, as time goes on more will not have a choice, RowPro is the future.<br><br>I thought the PM3 protocol was available ? maybe not all of it, but neither is the protocol for the pm2+ available, i believe only a sub-set is published.<br><br>When Colour TV was invented and became available people said it was too expensive, nobody would want it and why don't we all stick with our old Black and White TV's. Pretty soon everyone switched over. The same will happen with RowPro.


Posted: November 16th, 2004, 4:27 am
by [old] ceesie
<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->A last question: did you buy the protocol against the PM3 (PM2+)? I havn't found a complete interface on the ConceptII page. Or how did you get it? Just curious.<br>Regards<br>Christine<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br><br>Hi Christine, <br><br>the PM3 interface spec is published by Concept2 and available over here after you sign up: <a href='' target='_blank'>Interface spec PM3</a><br><br>The interface spec for the PM2+ has never been published officially by Concept2, but it has been reversed engineered by several folks (i've done this myself, it turned out to be fairly trivial). The best write-up for this is done by Sytze van der Zee in a PDF doc. It's available over here: <a href='' target='_blank'>pm2erglib</a><br><br>BTW, I've started to architect an application that provides a layer between eRow's serial port interface and the PM3 API. Still working out some basic problems but at this point it doesn't seem unthinkable to make the PM3 backwards compatible with eRow that way. Would love to hear any insights you can provide here.<br><br>cheers, Cees