Free Software For Linux/mac/windows
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Hi guys,<br><br>I've made a few posts a while ago on the UK forums hinting about some software that was part of my degree. Well, I'm now back from travelling and have ironed out a few issues. The first version is on Check it out and let me know what you think. It currently only supports PM2+, but hey it's free!! It's multi-platform and will run on low spec machines.<br><br>I'm also looking for a Linux tester if somebody fancies getting involved.<br><br>George
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
If you could support erow and/or the internet racing protocol on macs in Os X, that would be very much appreciated by those of us smart enough to use macs. Unfortunately, I now have a junk PC running XP, so I don't need the mac option, and I have a PM3, so I can't test your version 1, but will take a look at when the native version comes out.<br><br>Thanks for doing this.
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
Nice initiative George.<br><br>I certainly will try it out. For version 2 (or 3) Internet racing would be a great hit. Rowpro has the problem that it needs to comply with the E-row internet racing protocol. That restricts its functionality. <br>if you come up with a new race protocol and a new race server I think you can offer more functionalities (I can think of a few) than Rowpro and E-row. No need to offer it as freeware then!<br><br>Good luck with version 2. <br><br>Tom