N.a.t.e. (it's Not About The Erg) Team

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[old] grams
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] grams » January 23rd, 2006, 2:25 pm

Right on Todd!! You have passed me up by 5 seconds already! My fast stuff is done at about 21 spm too.<br /><br />Today I will download and install the "Fish" game C2 has made available. It will be fun to see how 'efficient' it thinks I am.<br /><br />All you sickies-take care of yourselves. I only dragged around a bit but my sister has pneumonia. For a few days last week I thought I would be shuffling off to Buffalo to see her. I am still planning a visit later this year, hopefully when she is feeling better.<br /><br />LoonLady, have a fun trip in the sun. We will be taking our first 'snowbird' trip in March-April. (something to look forward to, all you hard-working folks) It will involve lots of exercise, especially cycling with my fanatic husband. <br /><br />So I started to figure out what I need to do to get in shape for the vacation. In the past I have always gone into his planned expeditions without any preconditioning and have hurt myself every time. This time I am doing some preparation. I have eased back on the erging (sorry folks) and began cycling cross-training on the indoor trainer he got for Christmas. Its a nice safe environment in the basement for testing various body parts. <br /><br />Time for a nice reality check Tuesday through Thursday, as its off to stay with my 10 yo granddaughter while her dad goes on a business trip. Her mom and little brother are still in Taiwan. I will come away with a new appreciation for parents everywhere and the time and attention necessary for family life with children.<br /><br />Grams hint for the day: When you think "I should do....." and feel rushed, ask yourself if it matters to anyone else if you don't do it. If it doesn't, then decide why you feel you need to do it. Maybe your time and effort would be better spent on another task. <br /><br />grams

[old] wellborn
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] wellborn » January 23rd, 2006, 6:34 pm

Hi Naters,<br /><br />Well, I have been quite the slacker for the past week. I told my wife this morning that it is just too easy to get accustomed to coming home from work and camping out on the couch for the evening. I take to that like a duck to water! It's been 8 days since I have rowed. <br /><br />OK, tonight ... even if it's for 10 minutes. If I don't do it, it'll just slide by the wayside faster than I can say, "Honey where's the remote?"<br /><br />I'll report back later tonight.<br /><br />Gene

[old] cwcesario
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] cwcesario » January 23rd, 2006, 10:33 pm

Hey,<br />good luck Gene, and Grams! Just remember we'll still love you no matter how much you row...and we're just about encouragement not guilt! For me, it only works when I row for myself. I can use our team as inspiration, but it's really up to me. Why else would we be Naters?<br />Grams, what you said about thinking about the should reminds me, I like to say "thou shalt not 'should' on thyself!"<br />the should's do get in the way. <br />Hang in there, and please get or stay healthy!<br />Crane

[old] wellborn
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] wellborn » January 24th, 2006, 4:30 am

Thanks for the gracious encouragement, Crane. I appreciate the reminder about "not being about guilt." I just don't want to lose too much of the conditioning I gained during the Holiday Challenge. It's the up-and-down inconsistency that frustrates me. That's why I appreciate this challenge. A little bit of extrinsic motivation helps me. And I did make it off the couch tonight. <br /><br />Gene

[old] mmracing
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] mmracing » January 28th, 2006, 12:05 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-grams+Jan 23 2006, 02:25 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(grams @ Jan 23 2006, 02:25 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Right on Todd!! You have passed me up by 5 seconds already! My fast stuff is done at about 21 spm too.<br /><br />grams <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />I still can't break the 4 minute 1K hurtle. I just rowed a 1K: 04:09.8<br />

[old] Citroen
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] Citroen » January 28th, 2006, 4:42 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-mmracing+Jan 28 2006, 04:05 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(mmracing @ Jan 28 2006, 04:05 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I still can't break the 4 minute 1K hurtle.  I just rowed a 1K: 04:09.8 <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />If you have a PM3 - install the V92 firmware with the fish game. That gives you a chance to row for 4 minutes without worrying about stroke rate or pace or distance covered. You only have to worry about the big black fish while trying to eat the small and medium sized fish. That will get you used to the four minute time limit.<br /><br />Also try rowing 8*250m (start at 2:02 pace aim for 1:57 with 1'45" rest) or 4*500m (start at 2:03 pace aim for 1:58 with 3'30" rest) intervals to improve your 1K and 2K times.

[old] wellborn
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] wellborn » January 30th, 2006, 12:36 am

Crane, Congratulations on going over 200,000m this month! You have really been consistent over the course of the whole month. You will be knocking on the door of your first million pretty soon, if I remember correctly.<br /><br />Great job to the whole NATE team. This was a tough month for us to get on the rower very often. Glad to have been your teammate.<br /><br />I made it through a horrendous fortnight, and now I'm on vacation for the next 4 weeks. My next goal is to better a few of my personal bests in the upcoming month. Also hoping to make it to 1.5 million meters by the end of the 2005/2006 rowing season.<br /><br />Gene

[old] grams
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] grams » January 30th, 2006, 3:19 pm

Here are the resolutions we all contributed to the list:<br /><br />stick with the erging <br />cut down on swearing <br />spend more time with my family<br />acquire motivation to make myself get on the erg<br />blow off stress<br />enjoy having buddies to count on in a rough spot<br />concentrate on my technique<br />reinforce my self-motivation (plus stress relief and break for the brain)<br />break into the 900 level on all of the Nonathlon events <br />most of all, help each other out!!!<br /><br />I burned out mid-month trying to erg regularly. However I did follow through on my family and personal resolutions. Thanks to all of you for helping me get my year off to a really positive start. I looked forward every day to checking our thread to see how everyone was doing day by day. Your collective support and friendship this month helped me to sort out my priorities and made me a more relaxed person. <br /><br />I propose that we continue the NATE thread throughout 2006. It isn't about the meters, so those of you who belong to other teams can continue to contribute your meters to them. <br /><br />I suggest that we simplify our New Years resolutions, by working on a resolution a month. My priorities change with the timesand so should my goals. <br /><br />February resolution for me: Get in shape for our biking trip in March by crosstraining on the bike trainer. <br /><br />Let me know if you are interested in continuing a NATE thread. We will need to move it to another category - perhaps 'General' is the right one.<br /><br />Kudos to you all for your efforts this month, <br /><br />grams<br /><br /><br /><br />

[old] jschuman
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] jschuman » January 30th, 2006, 3:43 pm

Hi All,<br />Just a quick update here:<br /><br />- I'm close to reaching my standing goal of 100k meters per month. I'm sitting at 93K with 2 days to go, though I was going to take either today or tomorrow off.<br /><br />- I am happy with my improvement on the erg for this month. I've hit PBs in all of my ranked workouts, with the exception of the 5000m and the 30 minute row. But that is more a function of my laziness to go for it in those categories. <br /><br />- I like to row 5 times a week, but had to take a couple of days off in a row a week ago because I briefly caught something from my kids that knocked me out for around 24-36 hours.<br /><br />- I was hoping to attend the 2006 Mid Atlantic Sprints in Alexandria, VA (very close to me) but those plans were scuttled when I realized that the day of the event (Feb. 4) is the same day as my son's first day of indoor soccer. He is a little over 3 1/2 years old.<br /><br />Anyway, thanks for the encouragement! I look forward to the next 'challenge' we tackle together!<br /><br />Jeff

[old] cwcesario
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] cwcesario » January 30th, 2006, 9:46 pm

Hi All,<br />thanks for a good month, ups and downs notwithstanding. It's great to have a supportive group to rely on.<br /><br />Grams, I'm game! Need to work on a resolution tho. <br /><br />Jeff, great job! Keep up the good work. Nice to hear your prioiritizing that soccer game (from one committed parent to another), those times are irreplaceable. Glad you mended from the latest child-delivered illness. No fun.<br /><br />Gene, thanks for your kind words. Good to hear you made it through the horrendous fortnight, hope you have some great time ahead! We are a great bunch. (BTW I'll hit 500K next month...)<br /><br />As for me, I kept rowing but was short of my weekly goal a few weeks. Now I want to keep rowing and pay a bit more attention to my 2nd job, for which I need to figure out some balance!<br />take care all, Hope you'll continue posting!<br />Crane<br />

[old] erikajas
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] erikajas » January 30th, 2006, 11:45 pm

Grams and others, I have fallen off my plans for the month thanks to travel, meetings, interviews, my family and alas, my job. All through it though you have all been an inspiration and a boost of support. Those of you who somehow manage to get the meters in show me that it is feasable for me to do the same, and I need to work harder to find this balance in my life. This has become my new goal for the year. <br /><br />So thank you to everyone for being out there. Keep striving for fitness, personal bests, and general well being. Row on.<br /><br />--Erika

[old] grams
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm

First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] grams » January 31st, 2006, 2:45 pm

I'm glad to hear that you folks are interested in continuing our support thread. There are many days when I don't feel like doing any exercise but when I read our thread I change my mind and do it.<br /><br />Erika, I have an older sister who is in failing health. I got word mid-month that she had developed pneumonia. I couldn't seem to get up the energy to exercise for a week or so until she got better, as I didn't know if I would be hopping a plane the next day. You went through a lot more this month with your dad's illness, so no excuses needed at all from you.<br /><br />Crane, waht an achievement to keep up the Holiday Challenge pace for another month! You must need a new wardrobe to go with your in-shape bod.<br /><br />Jeff, I have been part-time mom to a grandchild the last 2 weeks. I wonder now how I ever managed to do everything when I had 3 kids, my own business, and played soccer too. Hats off to all parents everywhere. <br /><br />Gene, enjoy your 4 weeks! I hope you have some fun stuff on your 'todo' list. I look forward to hearing about your exploits.<br /><br />Todd, keep at the steady erging and your times will come down. Paul had me doing only 8000m pieces for each workout at a steady rate. No speed trials. After 2 months I did a 2000m and did a time nearly equal to my fastest before my injuries.<br /><br />Loonylady is working on her tan in Florida right now. <br /><br />Oakydaisy, it sounds like an Ipod is in the cards for you. My daughter gave me one for Christmas; she said I needed one for my active lifestyle. I have all kinds of music in mine, and you can download books etc too. I actually have my motivational cd's loaded in it so I can listen to them while I am in that erg 'zen' state. Surprisng how well that works, but I tend to slow down when he goes through the relaxing routine.<br /><br />I'll start a NATE thread under General in a couple of days and let you know.<br /><br />Time to erg-I think to classical music-Carmina Burana and Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini.<br /><br />grams<br /><br />

[old] jschuman
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] jschuman » January 31st, 2006, 11:19 pm

woo hoo! Rowed 7k tonight to <i>just</i> push me over 100k for the month. It's a good thing January has 31 days! February might be tough. <br /><br />Jeff

[old] mmracing
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] mmracing » February 5th, 2006, 10:50 am

<!--QuoteBegin-grams+Jan 31 2006, 02:45 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(grams @ Jan 31 2006, 02:45 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I'm glad to hear that you folks are interested in continuing our support thread.  There are many days when I don't feel like doing any exercise but when I read our thread I change my mind and do it.<br /><br />Todd, keep at the steady erging and your times will come down. Paul had me doing only 8000m pieces for each workout at a steady rate. No speed trials. After 2 months I did a 2000m and did a time nearly equal to my fastest before my injuries.<br /><br />grams <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br /><br />Gram, it has been fun to get back into rowing. Well, I wouldn't say I'm back into rowing, since I really didn't have a consistant workout schedule. I started rowing again and that is mostly due to the support on this team/thread.<br /><br />Thanks to everyone for their encouragment.

[old] jschuman
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First Virtual Team Challenge

Post by [old] jschuman » February 7th, 2006, 6:23 pm

Grams,<br /><br />Many thanks for the graphics. They're awesome!<br /><br />Jeff
