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<!--QuoteBegin-Prufrock+Oct 8 2004, 11:37 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Prufrock @ Oct 8 2004, 11:37 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Daren's done a million metres in just short of three months <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> Two months! 7 weeks and 2 days. Heheh. Of course, it was only possible because I only had one day off, and because I work from and erg at home. 3 or 4 30 minute sessions a day were easy to find time for. I think I'll calm myself down now that I've reached my goal though. =)
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Sorry Daren<br><br><br>For some reason I thought we were in November. I think it was caused a BIRC panic attack!<br><br><br>Bernard
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<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Supercanao is looking like they are trying to catch up!!!!</span></span><br><br>I'm sure you guys will stave them off, though, especially with Niall back in the saddle!<br><br>Re: Math: Martin, I'm so simple minded about this stuff that I just assumed if I made that (&*&** monitor say 2:05.0 at the end that it would also HAVE to say 41:40.0 . That's what the pace calculator told me, and that's how it came out, thank goodness. What a let down that would have been for it to say 41:40.1 . Probably would have slashed my wrists. <br><br>Good luck on your road HM! And remember, no running ahead when your daughter stops at the rest room!!!<br><br>Bernie, how can you stand not adding your meters right after you do them? I think sometimes the only reason I get on the machine at all is to be able to hit the refresh button and see the number go up.<br><br>Godfried hope you are OK haven't heard from you in a while.<br><br>Go Taffs! Supercanao has nothing on us!<br><br>Carla
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Hi all<br><br><br>Why do I keep doing this to myself? 1 hour 31 minutes and 16 seconds later; 21098 metres elapsed, and now all I want to do is go to sleep.<br><br>At least I've nailed another bogey man. Pah! half marathons are easy - NOT!<br><br>It was slow, it was long and it was done at about 20spm; any faster and I would not have made it, no way. I didn't break, but wish I had because my bottom is sore.<br><br>I used Godfried's method of breaking it up into 8x2500 and adding the rest in one final mad fling. So the final(9th) 2500 was only about 1250. I had a 30 second interval in between each work period which I rowed through anyway .<br><br>What I don't understand is how anyone with two neurones that connect can even attempt a full marathon . It's a good job I don't have two neurones that connect!<br><br>Carla, you're right, but you worry too much. They'll be lulled into this false sense of catching up and then... see ya, see ya, don't want to be ya! We leave them behind again. <br><br><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--><br>What a let down that would have been for it to say 41:40.1 . Probably would have slashed my wrists. <br><!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br><br>Is the difference between life and death .1 sec <br><br>Martin, I couldn't give you a time for the row earlier because I didn't really want this row to be an all out pumped up row. Sometimes I have to test the terrain before I see what I can do.<br><br>At least for an hour and a half I wasn't getting all neurotic about BIRC. Blimey a half marathon isn't half a long row.<br><br>Should hold back Niall though, for a couple of days at least. Aiming to do about 35k this weekend.<br><br>Bernard
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Ok, this is what you all asked for so prepare to be mildly amused! Actually, the man is a star!<br><br>Chip,<br><br>Heres your return interview, answer the standard stuff first and we'll move<br>on.<br><br>1. Where were you born, and where do you live now?<br>Born in Tredegar South Wales, now live in Caldicot South Wales.<br><br>2. Who are your sporting hero's, Speedy and........?<br>Speedy, nuff said and Lance Armstrong. Anyone who can survive the the big C<br>then win the Tour De France 6 times has got to be the Man.<br><br>3. When did you start erging and why?<br>I was training for the ultra fit challenge, ten events in the gym one of<br>which was 500m on the ergo. The challenge got canceled so i just kept on rowing.<br><br>4. BRIEFLY explain your training plan?<br>I phone you up, you tell me to row 8000meters, then you row 10,000 meters<br>so you can catch me up!!!!<br><br>5. What motivates you to row each day?<br>You do fatty. I also like to see my feet, a big belly would get in the way.<br><br>6. Whats your greatest sporting achievement, proudest moment?<br>First Triathlon...Full of a cold, coughed and splutterd through the<br>swim, crashed my bike after 400m, bleeding from every where, buckled<br>wheel, bent handle bars and only top gear working if i kept my hand on it. I carried on anyway. Hobbled the run, knee up like a ballon from the crash but FINISHED the race. Did not win, did not come last........Smiled all the way to the hospital.<br><br>7. Favourite 'Taff Attack' memory/moment?<br>First Risca Regatta of Regret when we both got PBs on the 2k.<br><br>8. Who would you like to see interviewed next?<br>Aussie Taff. Martin<br><br>I have tailored these questions specifically for you.<br><br>1. Chris has challenged you to be the first to 1 million meters, how does<br>it feel to be 50,000 meters in the lead, with only 200,000 left to row?<br>Whether its 50 thou or 100 thou i will not be taking it easy cos i do not<br>trust him!!!<br><br>2. How will you feel when he finally catches you up, and beats to the<br>final meter?<br>If he does finaly beat me to the million i will shake him by the hand<br>congratulate him then go home and cry like a baby..<br><br>3. Speaking as a craftsman, whats the best thing you've ever made?<br>The name Taff Attack even though you do not like it.<br><br>4. What REALLY gets your back up?<br>Football, bunch of nancy boy cheats.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br>5. If I was to say 'odd shaped balls', whats the first thing that jumps<br>into your head?<br>Scoring a try with number 7 on my back.<br><br>6. What questions do you wish I had asked?<br><br>Why do they call you chippy?<br>Some say cos of my work with wood, Chris says its my luv of frying oil and<br>potatoes.<br><br>Cheers mate (fatty)<br><br>There you have it, a sorry tale of woe, regret, and hopelessness. Next week we'll catch up with Oz, any questions to the usual -
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OzT (Martin),<br><br>I been meaning to congratulate on your HM PB, but never seemed to get round to it. I've been contemplating 'aving a go at you tonite, but in all honesty, thats a serious time (4 mins faster than me), I would need to drop my pace by over 5 secs to be in the game. You never know tho, Chippy reckons Im a right sneaky b*****d! You got good times all through the nonathlon but seem to wince out on the sprints. That aside I think that your now firmly established in the No.2 spot in the TA Speed stakes - great effort mateo!<br>I may just go for HM PB, it will at least close the gap on chippy, or I may complete the 3 workouts I've missed this week due to Work, Work, Work, Work!!!!<br>Cheers, Chris.
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Chris,<br><br>Great interview, beats Michael Parkinson and Terry Wogan any day and is right up there with Jonathan Ross/Woss!<br><br>I like the idea of AussieTaff getting an interview next and will certainly be contributing some probing questions.<br><br>All,<br><br>I promised I'd return with a 20-30K row over Thursday and Friday. As it turned out I completed 28K in total. It would have been 30K but my 10K this afternoon didn't go to plan. The drag factor was lower than I was expecting (115 compared to my normal 128-135) and I experimented with a more upright position on the pull (rather than leaning back and getting a fuller pull). This resulted in me completing the first 3,500m in 11:52.9 (avg pace of about 1:59) which is unheard of for me! Thinking I might be on for a PB soon disappeared as I completely blew out and ended up completing the 10K in 41:24.0 <br><br>Anyway, regardless of the poor performance, these 28K metres have meant I've gone through the 400K barrier for the season and 3 Million metres overall so I'm a happy bunny! <br><br>Rest day tomorrow and back in the seat on Sunday. Back's still okay albeit a little muscle sore (not the strained lower back area though).
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I have just completed the HM I mentioned above, and I really got to take my hat off to OzT. I set a pace boat to his 1:59 ave, and he was out of site within 1000 meters, having said that there was two other pace boats on the screen (rowpro is a minter!). My previous personal best (history after 5000m), and what I had hoped to achieve (caught me back up at 10,000m). I wanted to half the gap between myself and Martin, but could only quater it.<br><br>Previous Best 1:27:56, new PB 1:26:47.2<br><br>Some of the twenty splits are below:<br>5) 5,000m ish - 2:04.5 - HR 153<br>10) 10,000m ish - 2:03.5 - HR 163<br>15) 15,500m ish - 2:04.6 - HR 168<br>17) 18,000m ish - 2:02.5 - HR 171<br>18) 19,000m ish - 2:01.6 - HR 175<br>19) 20,000m ish - 2:00.0 - HR 178<br>Rowpro robs you of the final split, BUT the finish pace was 1:44, with 187 HR, goodnight vienna, the tank was well and truly empty.<br>Ave 2:03.4 - DPS 10.5 - Cal 1361 - SPM 23<br>Hot Dogs for tea now!!!<br><br>Oh Yeah, the PS - This has bumped me back into the Nonathlon top 50!
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<!--QuoteBegin-Bore Da!+Oct 8 2004, 04:09 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Bore Da! @ Oct 8 2004, 04:09 PM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I have just completed the HM I mentioned above, and I really got to take my hat off to OzT. I set a pace boat to his 1:59 ave, and he was out of site within 1000 meters, having said that there was two other pace boats on the screen (rowpro is a minter!). My previous personal best (history after 5000m), and what I had hoped to achieve (caught me back up at 10,000m). I wanted to half the gap between myself and Martin, but could only quater it.<br><br>Previous Best 1:27:56, new PB 1:26:47.2<br><br><br> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> [QUOTE]<br>Bore da<br>Well done matey a pb on the hm . Been out for a meal with all the family,had a few beers,and will not get all soppy like you do when you have had a few..<br>Chippy.
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<!--QuoteBegin-Daren C+Oct 8 2004, 05:03 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Daren C @ Oct 8 2004, 05:03 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--> <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>1,002,255m</span></span><br><br>'ave it!<br><br>*cough* Right, onwards and upwards. Here's to 2 million!<br><br>(MIT are pulling away though) <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br> [QUOTE]<br><br>Well done Darren on hitting the million <br>Chippy
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Great HM Chris, with 2 smashed up legs you really are THE MAN to do a HM in that time.<br><br>Just want to dash off a quick congrats as I see you are logged on, will waffle on more later when time permits. Did notice that you got faster and faster as the row progressed - go out harder !!!! (only kidding - as I said, great row )<br><br>Chat later<br><br>Martin <br><br>Back again,<br><br>Great interview - can see why you two get on so well - both true men of iron.<br><br>That Rowpro sounds like a lot of fun. Can you set a pace boat to vary its pace for different sections of a row or does a pace boat just do the same pace throughout a row ? Not that it matters if you set me up as a pace boat as I tend to do the same pace throughout a row, when I try to pick it up in the middle stages I'm usually dying ! Thats why I disappeared after the first K , you started slow then picked up the pace later on when I was just around the corner of the screen. How did the legs pull up, got another 3 mins in them ?<br><br>Half way through mine I thought 'bloody hell I'm not doing this too often' so went for a 'max' effort time so I could take it easy on later HM's without worrying about PBing. So you're got plenty of time to bridge the gap - just go out hard, pick it up in the middle and sprint home as an old coach used to say !<br><br>You're spot on with my 'sprints', just don't seem to be effective enough on the erg. Lower back gives me buggery if I thrash around too much so I try to always keep good rowing form - works for long distances not short I'll get there though.<br><br>How's your 10K time ?<br><br>Martin
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<!--QuoteBegin-Prufrock+Oct 8 2004, 10:56 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Prufrock @ Oct 8 2004, 10:56 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Why do I keep doing this to myself? 1 hour 31 minutes and 16 seconds later; 21098 metres elapsed, and now all I want to do is go to sleep.<br><br>At least I've nailed another bogey man. Pah! half marathons are easy - NOT!<br><br>It was slow, it was long and it was done at about 20spm; any faster and I would not have made it, no way. I didn't break, but wish I had because my bottom is sore.<br><br>What I don't understand is how anyone with two neurones that connect can even attempt a full marathon .<br><br>Bernard<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Bernie,<br><br>What a week of rowing ! First of all a gutbusting 2K PB, now your first HM in a great time. Although for the super long distances I suspect time is a lesser factor (unless Bore Da gets ahead of me) than the experience of the row and just finishing it.<br><br>One of the big pluses of doing a HM is that all the lesser distance Kms seem so much 'easier'. A 30 min row seemed a real mountain 6 months ago, now after a HM, doing 8K hardly registered as an obstacle, the Pace was the killer !!! So you should find your 10K's, 60min pieces etc will just 'fly by' and you will need to set new challenges.<br><br>Sore bum - would have happened anyway I think. Connecting neurone count < 2 if London Marathon pledge upheld <br><br>Bonza effort cobber,<br><br>Martin
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<!--QuoteBegin-seat5+Oct 8 2004, 08:51 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (seat5 @ Oct 8 2004, 08:51 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Re: Math: Martin, I'm so simple minded about this stuff that I just assumed if I made that (&*&** monitor say 2:05.0 at the end that it would also HAVE to say 41:40.0 . That's what the pace calculator told me, and that's how it came out, thank goodness. What a let down that would have been for it to say 41:40.1 . Probably would have slashed my wrists. <br><br>Carla<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>And what if it read <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>41:39.9</span></span> Carla <br><br>Fate must have meant for you to be exactly the same as Carole. As for your answer to the Maths question - full marks for creative writing, zero for the maths !!<br><br>Niall, Top comeback row. Low DF's definately kinder on the back I find, try 110 - 120 to find best for you. Remember to make catch bright and snappy, rest of stroke is as per normal (i.e. not rushed). Sub 40 here you come ?<br><br>HM run here I come,<br><br>Martin
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Hey Martin<br><br><br><br>I hope you're right about the lesser distances being not quite so tough, because right now I feel quite tired. This rowing thing has strange effects. I thought I was going to die after the 2k test, no really I thought it was all over. However, the next morning I felt great.<br><br>After yesterday's effort I didn't feel too bad, but this morning I feel too tired to do my normal 10k row. I'll do a 4x1000 tonight.<br><br>I hope all goes well in your run.<br><br><br>Bernard