Best Use Of Rower To Lose Weight?

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[old] LeonCrewDewd
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] LeonCrewDewd » December 15th, 2004, 9:51 pm

sure, long rows are great<br>but i you are not used to rowing (i duno if you are or not) then you may wanna start out easy 6:5 min on/1 min off, once your cardiovascular stuff's up, then you can move into 20-30-35 minute peices, but keep it mixed up, every 3rd day do like 15: 1/1's at full press

[old] balbec
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] balbec » December 16th, 2004, 8:39 am

long rows are the way to go..its all about finding a balance between eating healtier and finding time to row every evening.<br><br>I started rowing about 4 months ago, would push myself and be torn up after 7 minutes, and again the next night and would be wrecked the following night and might not row again for a week. I became pure annoyed and frustrated when id be down at the gym and there is a guy there for 30mins and not as stressed as i was after a 7minute stint.<br><br>So i re-evuated all i was doing, got onto the concept 2 website and found a programme for beginners (before i felt that i was at least intermediate-but when push came to shove, i was not able for that level) so it entailed doing 4-5 sessions a week, starting on 4 x 1 minute sessions with one minute break between each, bring this up to 8 x 1 minute sessions gradually and when i was comfortable, move on to 4 x 2minute sessions, etc. After a while I was able to do 2 x 10 minute, 2 x 15minute sessions and I was overjoyed the day I did my first straight 30minutes. I now can do an hour straight and dont feel as tired, cranky, thirsty, sore, etc. You already can do 20minutes straight, keep it up and dont try and do a half an hour before you are ready, get comfortable with the 20min session and add a minute every week, or even 2 weeks. All I can say is to listen to you body!! Also read over past posts in the concept 2 website both american and uk, there are lots of people who are and were in the same position as you, so read their replies and questions!!!<br><br>Sorry for the long reply, but just sharing what I did. Best of luck<br><br>Mike D<br><br>p.s I have lost 28lbs since thinking about what I was trying to achieve (want to loose the same again)and also remember you have to walk before you can run!!!<br>

[old] yperess
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] yperess » December 18th, 2004, 1:06 pm

Just another point, if you have the time, try to work out twice a day. For those of you that manage to do more than an hour you'll find the you burn more calories if you split 90 minutes into 2 45 minute sessions. Here's how it works...<br><br>When you work out and bring your heart rate and metabolism up they take a while to go back down. Generally to find how many calories you burn in an endurance exercise (more than 30 minutes) you should add 10%-15% varying by body structure and gender. This unfortunatly stops being true when you get to really long distances (something like 2 hours or so) and seems to become less effective as the inteval exceeds 45 minutes to 1 hour. Past a certain point the time it takes for the body to go back to normal activity become constant, so you'll probably get 150-200 calories extra.<br><br>So the idea here is this: do 45 minutes, burn 750 calories. Then over the next hour while your body is relaxing you'll burn an aditional 75-115 calories. Do this twice a day and you get 1500 calories from your workout just like always, and an additional 75-115 calories just from resting in between. Now this doesn't seem like much, but with working out 4 days a week you get approximatly 400 calories extra per week. Keep in mind one lb of fat is approximatly 3500 calories, this means that every 9 weeks you lost an extra lb for no extra effort short of convincing yourself to erg twice a day.<br><br>Hope this helps, I lost 30 lbs doing this in the past year.

[old] brianric
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] brianric » December 19th, 2004, 9:31 am

An example.<br><br>Date................Weight.........BMI......,BMR.....%Fat<br>11-20-2004........214.2..........33.1......1900.... .30.3<br>12-01-2004........210.6..........33.0......1871......28.5<br>12-12-2004........207.8..........32.5......1853......27.6<br>12-19-2004........203.0..........31.8......1823......26.8<br><br>Exercise on C2 Rowing Machine since 11-20-2004<br>588,662 meters (366 miles)<br>44.5 hours<br>34,385 calories, equivalent to 9.82 pounds burned off.<br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

[old] SimonB

Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] SimonB » December 19th, 2004, 11:38 am

There are some good articles on weight loss on the UK site.<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'>Main Page</a><br><br><a href=' ... he_fat.php' target='_blank'>Chewing the fat</a>

[old] kentuckyliz
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] kentuckyliz » December 19th, 2004, 9:33 pm

I went from 278 to 214 last winter by:<br>1. South Beach Phase One, which you're only supposed to do for two weeks. I did it for six months. Skipped dinner a lot because the exercise was suppressing my appetite big time. The exercise being high all the time.<br>2. Erging every morning and evening. Moderate pace, conversational...the best fatburning zone. Half marathons on Sunday mornings.<br>3. Weight training to build muscle mass and increase strength, mostly because I was terrified about buying a new boat and then dropping it. LOL But really because muscle is the furnace. Build a bigger furnace, burn more fuel.<br><br>Erg, eat, lift, erg, eat. Repeat. LOL

[old] jschmidt63
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] jschmidt63 » December 21st, 2004, 2:04 pm

214.5 pounds as of today from 246 pounds in mid october<br><br><br>erg steady min 4 days week, now in the 7-10k range and more like 5 days a week with supplimented walks<br><br>strict but balanced diet, low fat, lots of fruit and veggie, good proteins<br><br>except for being a little sore I feel great!!

[old] Cran
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Cran » December 21st, 2004, 6:27 pm

<table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> </td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->The long rows of 40 minutes or more, at a "conversation" pace that keeps the rower in the optimal fat burning heart rate range, is the best exercise approach for weight loss<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>hmmm... gives a higher % fat loss, but a higher intensity gives more actual fat loss.<br><br>aim to do 5-6 sessions at 70%mhr, and 2-3 sessions at higher intensity per week.<br><br>The way to lose weight is 2 hours+ a day of moderate+ intensity cardio combined with eating lots of carbs.

[old] quackrower
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] quackrower » December 23rd, 2004, 11:52 am

I've been trying to lose weight, and I started out with the long, 12k type rows. It was okay at first, but then there was one time where I kept having to stop because I was making too much noise (hard to erg near sleeping babies), and after that I had trouble making myself row long, long pieces.<br><br>So today I'm going to try (I haven't tried it yet, but I think it'll work) a few 5k pieces with short (5 or 10 minute) breaks in between, so I don't get so bored and overwhelmed with the huge amount.<br><br>(also, if you erg in the morning before breakfast, you'll burn more while you eat, so it's good to work out before meals)

[old] Rocket Roy
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Rocket Roy » December 24th, 2004, 8:39 am

I started to lose weight after Birc 22nd Nov (92.5k) and now I am at 83.6k.<br><br>I do 40 mins on the stepper at 250 watts, 1 hour bike and 5 or 10k on the erg. <br>Then I have breakfast.<br><br>After lunch i then do another 20k on the erg. I find that 6 x 13 mins or 4 x 5k are best. I normally do them as hard as I can.<br><br>I do everything as hard as I can. If i just pootle along I get so bored and I feel it's not doing me as much good as hammering it.

[old] Avid Napper
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Avid Napper » December 28th, 2004, 5:30 pm

I am under doctor's orders to exercise and lose weight (to combat rising blood pressure) and am finding this section very inspirational. My rower (or should I call it "erg"?) arrived today, and I'm looking forward to starting my fitness program with the knowledge gained here. <br><br>Have always enjoyed rowing at the local Y, but have had trouble getting my carcass over there. That said, I have a veritable dead gym equipment graveyard in my basement, but have a feeling the rower may be the last apparatus I buy.<br><br>We shall see--thanks for your help!

[old] roadrunner
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] roadrunner » December 31st, 2004, 5:52 am

I use the erg and have done now for 6years or so to keep in shape and to satisfy mt competitive streak.<br>I train twice sometimes three times daily but usually twice.<br>First session a.m. early is a long steady paddle. Higher intensity sessions take place after 11am but always before 5pm as I like to finish early. Don't particularly like training at night time.<br>I find this regime keeps the weight down. Currently I'm 72.5kg and keep it there with no trouble at all.<br>i watch my diet and am vegetarian.<br>My way of weight control is "different" and sometimes a bit crazy but it works for me and I'm happy with how I work it.<br>Not the conventional 3 meals a day but one at about 7:30pm. It works for me and have done it this way for as long as I can remember.<br>RR

[old] Rocket Roy
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Rocket Roy » December 31st, 2004, 7:48 am

9k on the erg today, inc 3 x 1k attempt's the best 3.17.6 <br><br>then 20 mins stepper at 250 watts<br><br>1 hour bike<br><br>82.4k, this is the lowest I've been since I was 25 years old, YE-HAAAAAAAAAAAAH <br><br>And it means I have now lost 10.1k since Nov 22nd, only 7.4 to go now

[old] Kiie
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Kiie » January 9th, 2005, 4:30 am

It's been proven recently that to lose weight it is better to train in 3 ten minute periods with at least ten minute breaks as opposed to one 30 minute one.<br><br>This is because each time you do exercise your metabolic rate gets faster, and therefore the more intensive your training session, the faster your metabolism. The shorter time periods, along with breaks allow much faster/harder workouts, and therefore faster metabolism, and therefore fat/calories are burnt quicker.

[old] Mr. Bun
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Weight Loss/ Weight Control

Post by [old] Mr. Bun » January 9th, 2005, 10:57 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Kiie+Jan 9 2005, 03:30 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='genmed'><span class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></span> (Kiie @ Jan 9 2005, 03:30 AM)</td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->It's been proven recently that to lose weight it is better to train in 3 ten minute periods with at least ten minute breaks as opposed to one 30 minute one.<br><br>This is because each time you do exercise your metabolic rate gets faster, and therefore the more intensive your training session, the faster your metabolism. The shorter time periods, along with breaks allow much faster/harder workouts, and therefore faster metabolism, and therefore fat/calories are burnt quicker.<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><br>Could you provide any sources that support this? I'd like to understand the physiological mechanism a little better. I am not skeptical; in fact, it sounds to me like what I thought to be the "High intensity interval training", but I'm not sure. I know that the interval training seems to be an important ingredient in the training plans for racing and improving 2k times. I just didn't realize it had improved fat burning qualities.
