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[old] NavigationHazard
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Post by [old] NavigationHazard » April 22nd, 2005, 5:47 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Sir Pirate+Apr 22 2005, 02:35 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Sir Pirate @ Apr 22 2005, 02:35 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->It’s a session I do sometimes, I set the monitor to 4000m, I then have to beat 14:00 minutes and the 2nd 2000m must be quicker than the 1st.<br /><br />I did this session with Roy a few weeks ago; it’s harder than it sounds.<br /><br />Sir Pirate <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Damn right it's harder than it sounds, especially if you're not thinking when you row that first 2k. Just did it in about the same as you-- 13:40.5: <br /><br />first 2k 6:53.8 (daft), second 2k 6:46.7. <br /><br />PB inasmuch as I'd never done it before :-)<br /><br />SirP-- tack on a 3:30 1k and you're looking at a 17:10 5k. Sounds like your 17:06 or whatever it is could stand a test. Come join me under 17 <br /><br />ps. Did Roy do it too? Or just watch?

[old] tomraven
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Post by [old] tomraven » April 23rd, 2005, 12:06 pm

I did a sub 8:00 2k today together with Brisbane Mike And Slothful. Man, rowing online was great. It was a real rush rowing against a real person and not a pace boat or even a file downloaded off the internet. I made it in 7:57+ .something<br /><br />What do I aim for now?<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Tom<br />

[old] hennmart
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Post by [old] hennmart » April 23rd, 2005, 12:24 pm

PB marathon 2:53:53,4 (was 2:57:11,5). <br /><br />Hennie

[old] mark2
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Post by [old] mark2 » April 24th, 2005, 4:30 am

Yesterday new PB: MAX PULL 1.16 (WAS 1.17)

[old] Stevo
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Post by [old] Stevo » April 25th, 2005, 9:46 pm

Knocked 2mins 4sec from my old 5000m time yesterday...<br /><br />Now down to 37.19

[old] Stevo
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Post by [old] Stevo » April 26th, 2005, 3:48 am

<!--QuoteBegin-Stevo+Apr 26 2005, 11:46 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Stevo @ Apr 26 2005, 11:46 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Knocked 2mins 4sec from my old 5000m time yesterday...<br /><br />Now down to 37.19 <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />meant 10000m

[old] Gregg
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Post by [old] Gregg » April 26th, 2005, 8:55 pm

less than a month i dropped from a 7:43 to a 7:31...i need to work harder

[old] NJPitcher
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Post by [old] NJPitcher » April 26th, 2005, 10:03 pm

2k in 7:54, that's the first time I've ever tried rowing for any sustained period of time (usually I do a series of sprints). It's not horrible (I'm 16), and I was happy to break 8 minutes, but the rankings say it's 86%...oh well, always room for improvement.<br /><br />However, my 500m is 1:39, which is 42%...I guess I'm not all that horrible, just average

[old] xcountryrower
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Post by [old] xcountryrower » April 27th, 2005, 9:14 pm

YES. Just broke 7 for a 2k with the whopping time of 6:59.9. I am a 17 yr old lightweight.

[old] 6:50_wannabe
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Post by [old] 6:50_wannabe » April 28th, 2005, 7:00 pm

Well its not realy braging....brought down my 2 by 8 seconds from last mount now down to 2:10.4 wich is my personal best. Ive just turned 17 and im a heavy weight at 82 kg and 177 cm....

[old] 6:50_wannabe
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Post by [old] 6:50_wannabe » April 28th, 2005, 7:02 pm

WOW what i meant was i brought down my 2k by 8 seconds from a 7:18 to a 7:10.4 . Two days ago...and it was also my i have a new PB my old one was a 7:16.9

[old] Polaco
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Post by [old] Polaco » April 29th, 2005, 3:50 am

Hi everybody:<br /><br />I'm really happy because I've done my first rowing marathon, so it's my personal best with 2h 55m 2,5 sec.<br /><br />I did it yesterday and today I'm really exhausted, I think that I'm onli going to try once a year <br /><br />Greettings from Spain!!

[old] hennmart
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Post by [old] hennmart » April 29th, 2005, 6:03 am

<!--QuoteBegin-Polaco+Apr 29 2005, 10:50 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Polaco @ Apr 29 2005, 10:50 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi everybody:<br /><br />I'm really happy because I've done my first rowing marathon, so it's my personal best with 2h 55m 2,5 sec.<br /><br />I did it yesterday and today I'm really exhausted, I think that I'm onli going to try once a year  <br /><br />Greettings from Spain!! <br /> </td></tr></table><br />Hai Polaca,<br /><br />To row a (first) marathon and do this under the 3 hours isn't bad at all!<br /><br />Congrat! Hennie

[old] Stevo
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Post by [old] Stevo » April 29th, 2005, 3:56 pm

I'll be happy when I grow the balls to try a marathon

[old] H_2O
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Post by [old] H_2O » April 29th, 2005, 7:19 pm

Folks,<br /><br />I am gleeful about my new 6K PB.<br /><br />I don't have a good ranked piece this season since I started working out hard only 3 months ago and I<br />do lift weights also which gets in the way of rowing since I am never rested enough to do a fast piece.<br /><br />Browsing around in the rankings I noticed that the 6K are not contested as hotly as usual with many big guys missing<br />or not being their usual selves. I smell an opening for myself and decide to go for it.<br /><br />A pack of five is sitting between 20:32 and 20:39 with my PB from last year being 20:39.<br />I am generally in somewhat better shape than last year but have been working out 6 days in a row with lifting weights<br />three days ago. The day after the weightlifting I could only manage a 1:47 for the thirty minutes <br />(due to dreadful muscle weakness) but just yesterday did 3 times 8 mins splitting 1:41 and not feeling too bad.<br />The weightlifting should be out of the system now but the 3 by 8 might still linger.<br /><br />Therefore I decide to go out fast for the first 2K to bring any problems to the surface quickly, <br />break off if necessary and go at it again tomorrow.<br /><br />I do have a rower myself but decide to row at my health club for added stimulus.<br />The conditions there are often adverse. The two rowing machines sit in the corner by the door which is usually closed<br />as are the windows. This leads to serious oxygen depletion on days where the place is crowded.<br /><br />My attempts to open windows or the door often meet with the disapproval of other members. Just yesterday a member pointed <br />to his shoulder and told me that no draft must fall on him lest his rheumatism be aggravated. <br />Therefore the windows had to remain closed.<br /><br />On my way to the fitness center (life style club really) I run over all the possible distractions which might <br />interfere with my row: the rheumatic shoulder might walk in and close the door and all windows, another rower might get<br />on the other rowing machine and break my concentration (the machines are close together, no space) or I might get some akward <br />looks from other members because of my sweating and panting.<br /><br />You see, I am the only low class member in this otherwise uppity club (I signed up by mistake) and the upper class of the <br />continent (Vienna, Austria in this case) does not look kindly on the idea of labour and sweat. This is in marked contrast <br />to the United Kingdom of course where just being a rower qualifies you as a member of the upper class.<br /><br />As I get to the club the air is excellent and there are very few other members one of which is a platinum blonde looking <br />deadly sick (probably Mono but could be Aids). True beauty always has the touch of death. I derive some inspiration from this,<br />prop the door open, open several windows and turn the rower to face the wall.<br /><br />The blonde wanders into my general area but still at a safe distance --- infection hazard minimal.<br /><br />I pull off and see 1:37.<br />I know that I will pay for this very soon and slow down to 1:39. At 40 seconds I slow down further to 1:40-1:41 and <br />then stabilize it at 1:41. At 2000 I am still feeling good and decide to go on come what may. The pace slows down to 1:42.<br />Projected time about 20:20. It's blissful.<br /><br />I know that the 4th 1000 will be the problem but I am slowing down at 2500 already. I am seeing 1:43 often, 1:42 rarely.<br />This is a worrisome development as 1:43 will not even get me to 20:30. Projected time: 20:28, the machine must be doing some <br />rounding (ie. I am going 1:42.6 but see 1:43).<br /><br />The fourth 1000 is here and things are going from bad to worse. I am sokaed in sweat, the handle is slippery and I have <br />trouble holding on to it with the right forearm hurting badly. I tell myself "relax the grip" but apparently relax more <br />than that as the pace slows further and 1:44 shows itself. Projected time: 20:32. <br />This is bad as the pack has swallowed me up again.<br /><br />The handle problem gets worse and I have to drape a towel over it. Fumbling around with this a dreadful 1:48 appears.<br />Finally the towel is in place but I can't get the pace under 1:45. The stroke rate is deteriorating too. <br />Just at the darkest moment a guy gets on the other rower, fumbles around, gives me akward looks. Projected time 20:35. <br /><br />Now I am only an inch from disintegrating. The pack is passing me but I simply don't care. <br />The thought of giving up is taking shape. A voice says: get off at 4000, this a nice pace for a 4000, a really good <br />workout. <br /><br />I have to do something. I am telling myself: get past 4000 and make it to 5000. It really does not seem possible to go <br />farther than 5000. I get rid of the towel on the handle. The handle and my hands are now dry again. This is good. <br />The pace goes to 1:43. Projected time 20:32. 4000 is here and only 2K left so the pain does not matter, after all a <br />2K is even more painful. <br /><br />I should now be able to pick up the pace but no doing, I can't get the stroke rate past 29. I try to put more emphasis on <br />the legs, lengthen the stroke and suck in all the air possible. It works, I get rid of the 1:43s.<br /><br />5000 is coming up and this is dangerous. <br />Since I have played with the thought of getting off at 5K that's just what might happen. A couple of times on a 2K I <br />told myself "just make it to 1500" and then promptly just made it to 1500 even though I wasn't feeling all too bad at 1500.<br />For no good reason at 1500 no more stroke. <br /><br />And now I am not exactly feeling great. I decide to row through 5000 with eyes closed. 950 left but no pickup in speed.<br />Suddenly with 850 left I am feeling better, I know I am getting home. I am seeing 1:41s again. Finally with 300 to go the <br />projected time goes under 20:30 and now I can't let it get away. I get in at 20:29.1.<br /><br />I think I'll drop the weightlifting to once a week now and make the day after lifting a day of rest.<br />So far concept2 won't let me post the result since they want some verification. I hope I can get it in for this season.<br />I am pretty motivated now though and hope for some good times for the 2005-2006 season.<br />
