How Can I Gain Weight?

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[old] KM_Rower
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] KM_Rower » January 26th, 2005, 4:05 pm

Currently, I vary between 143 and 146 pounds. I would like to be closer to the High School LWT limit, 155. What sort of exercises should I be doing? What should I be eating? Help!<br /><br />-Thanks

[old] chickenlegs
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Post by [old] chickenlegs » January 26th, 2005, 8:48 pm

can you take advice on this subject from a rower called 'chickenlegs'? <br /><br />if you can...<br /><br />to gain weight , eat more than you are presently.<br />to stay healthy eat a balanced diet of non processed foods.<br />the body will convert some of the extra food to fat and store it around you waist (xy) or around your hips (xx).<br /><br />this extra fat will keep you a bit warmer in the winter and give you a surviving advantage if you are castaway on an island, but it will not make you any faster on the erg or the water.<br /><br />if you also lift progressively heaveir weights, and give the stressed muscles time to rebuild to adjust to the stimulation, you will gain new muscle mass and therefore weight.<br /><br />will you be any faster?<br />you might have heard contradicting answers.<br />if the muscle mass increase is in areas used in the force generation that propels the boat (or accelerates the wheel), than you will very likely become noticebly faster on the erg and marginally on the water.<br /><br />however, rowing is much more an aerobic sport than an anaerobic one, so cardiac output and muscular capillarity are more determining fators than muscle mass (mass still helps - see xeno muller's quadriceps..).<br /><br /><br /><br />

[old] row_on
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Post by [old] row_on » January 27th, 2005, 2:27 am

easy......EAT HEAPS!!!!!!!!

[old] Rocket Roy
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Post by [old] Rocket Roy » January 27th, 2005, 8:23 am

I work out for 4 hours a day and find I've put on a kilo by the end of it <br /><br />must be an age thing!<br /><br />Seriously eat loads of good stuff, no crap, eat often !

[old] Canoeist
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Post by [old] Canoeist » January 27th, 2005, 2:54 pm

Most weight lifter do 3 sets of 8 reps at maximum output for each muscle group that they are trying to strenghten (gain muscle mass). Do this three times a week.<br /><br />To gain rowing muscle, you might try to find a Dyno and do 3 sets of 8 reps of "bench pulls", "leg press" and "chest press". The Dyno is a great machine and I would use it more if I had the time.<br /><br />If you don't have access to a Dyno, try doing some max intervals on the erg. Maybe something like 10 sets of (150m @max, 3 min rest)<br /><br />Paul Flack

[old] starboardrigged1seat
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Post by [old] starboardrigged1seat » January 27th, 2005, 3:25 pm

Get a spotter, and someone to show you how to lift correctly. Exercises such as bench press, leg press, lat pull downs, military press, bicep curls, tricep extensions, cleans, and dead-lifts are great for putting on weight. Try starting off with 2 or 3 sets of 12 to 15, and progressively build the weight until you are doing 3 set of 8 reps. When that gets easy, cut down the rest time until you have about 30 seconds between set. When that gets easy, do more reps. Build up to 12, cut down the rest time, and then add more weight. Look into adding more protein to your diet -- try drinking more milk with every meal, having a peanut butter and banana sandwhich before bed time, and eating a can of tuna fish a day. Do this on top of your regular diet, the added calories, the lifting, and the protein should do the trick. Or you can be a naughty lightweight like me, and eat an entire pizza by yourself on Saturday nights... <br />Edit: This training should be done on top of your erging/cross-training, and should not interfere with your rowing. If it does, then it's being counterproductive.
