Trans Canada Row

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[old] ulu
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Post by [old] ulu » November 18th, 2005, 8:35 pm

It just wouldn't be fair if husky the musky had his picture here and max didn't.<br /><br /><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br />This fellow is Max the Moose, in <a href='' target='_blank'>Dryden</a>Ontario. We went smokin' through there today!<br /><br />At least we won't be slapping a whole ton of black flies at this time of year.<br /><br />Jim

[old] jetwbt
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Post by [old] jetwbt » November 19th, 2005, 11:31 am

November 19th 24K 1:26:28 -1:48.0 splits. Fully made up for the seven days I missed in Cairo. Now the Holiday challenge. <br /><br /><br />Cheers,<br /><br />Brian

[old] Yukon John
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Post by [old] Yukon John » November 19th, 2005, 9:22 pm

12.5 total today. I got a new PB on the 2000 . knocked off 10 seconds on my previous best! Being lightweight pays dividends as it's my best ranking (10%.)<br /><br />Very sorry to hear about your back Jim. My father in law had a slipped disk years ago and he couldn't get out of bed for a long time. What will the recovery look like? Will you receive physio?

[old] ulu
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Post by [old] ulu » November 20th, 2005, 12:09 am

Congrats on the new PB for the 2k John! I gave that one a special comment on our google earth file <br /><br />Recovery is an unknown with disk disease. 90% of the time, the pain will be resolved within 6 weeks. That still leaves me 4 weeks to go. I am taking fewer pain killers and I can occasionally walk without a cane now. My standing tolerance is limited to about 10 seconds. I am off to see the quacks again on Monday to discuss my options. <br /><br />One of the advantages is that I have been working on the Cross Canada Row site. It will still need some improvement, but check out the starter at:<br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Trial XCR Log</a><br /><br />You can click on the headings of the table and sort them by date, rower, location, etc.<br /><br />Let me know what you think, hosers. It may be slow the first time you browse to it as it uses some new technology (ASP.NET 2.0). It will be quicker on subsequent visits.<br /><br />Jim

[old] jetwbt
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Post by [old] jetwbt » November 20th, 2005, 10:57 am

Jim,<br /><br />I had a herniated L4-L5 disk about ten years ago playing rugby in Kuwait. It was one of the ones that went away. The doctor's advice was too loose some weight, improve my posture and strengthen the abdonimal muscles, the theory being that if the muscles are strong and carrying the rest of the body. Daily routine of leg lifts and such. It ended up working for me.<br /><br />November 20th 18K -6K strapless 1:05:01.1 1:48.4 splits.<br /><br />-Brian

[old] RickMan
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Post by [old] RickMan » November 20th, 2005, 1:32 pm

.5K for me today.<br /><br />And that isn't "Five Kay" it is "Point Five Kay", eh?<br /><br />I went back on the erg yesterday for the first time since my fractured arm on Oct 28th. I did 500 meters at the blinding speed of 4:45 haha...<br /><br />Oh well, it's a start. I placed the hand of the good arm in close beside the chain, and the hand of the bad arm as far out as I could. That successfully allows you to regulate the amout of force on the bad arm. It's a pretty cool technique actually, as moving the hand in millimeter by millimeter allows you to very precisely specify how much force is on the outer hand.<br /><br />Hopefully I'll be able to shoot you a half kilometer here and there and work my way up <br />

[old] MikefromCanmore
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Post by [old] MikefromCanmore » November 20th, 2005, 1:34 pm

I rowed 1.5k today. Zeb.

[old] Rowgirl
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Post by [old] Rowgirl » November 20th, 2005, 5:45 pm

Hello to the Eh Team -- And thanks for all of the warm welcomes -- about two weeks ago! You must be wondering what kind an erger I am when you have never even heard from me! I have been dealing with a slipped disc and while i was able to sneak in a few rows before officially being welcomed to the Eh Team, I am now trying to be good and pay attention to what the physio is telling me. I am not in the pain that Jim appears to be in - I had that in August, but I do want to get it to a point where I am able to row on the water again next spring. Although the Holiday Challenge is tempting. The weird thing is I feel great after erging, yet supposed to lay off while we try to rehabilitate the disc. Hmmmm. So, I am with you in spirit and will add to the row when I am able! <br /><br />Jill

[old] CalgaryHolly
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Post by [old] CalgaryHolly » November 20th, 2005, 8:59 pm

Hi there,<br /><br />I did 1,200m today in about 8 minutes.<br /><br />Back to swim club tomorrow.<br /><br />My dad hasn't rowed this weekend as it has been warm and sunny so he has been out on his bike.

[old] Yukon John
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Post by [old] Yukon John » November 20th, 2005, 10:39 pm

You're rowing well Holly! Keep up the good work . I rowed 15k including 8X500@ 1:54 pace.

[old] ulu
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Post by [old] ulu » November 21st, 2005, 12:29 am

We are rolling along highway 17 town. A narrow swath through the boreal forest of northern ontario. We went through the small town of Ignace today.<br /><img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' /><br /><br /><br /><br />A mere 3 for me today. It was painful but felt good afterwards.<br />Sorry to hear about your disc disease Jill, but welcome to the Eh!Team. We sure seem like a collection of misfits, eh? We should be able to row this boat past the 3 million mark later this week.<br /><br />Keep on rowin, hosers.<br /><br />Jim<br />

[old] jetwbt
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Post by [old] jetwbt » November 21st, 2005, 2:34 am

November 21 -16403m - 1 hour 1:49.7 splits.<br /><br />Brian

[old] Carol
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Post by [old] Carol » November 21st, 2005, 11:39 am

<br />Good Morning Eh! Team,<br /><br />We ought to move right along if we take up the Concept 2 Holiday Challenge. It starts this Thursday. Anyone thinking of doing it this year?<br /><br />My latest update:<br />Nov. 18 - 8,000 meters<br />Nov. 21 - 8,000 meters<br /><br />Carol

[old] Yukon John
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Post by [old] Yukon John » November 21st, 2005, 9:44 pm

I'll be there for sure Carol! I'm a bit torn whether to concentrate on distance for the challenge or working on getting faster. I'll probably end up compromising and doing a bit of both .<br /><br />10k today w 8 pickups to 1:50 the rest slow.<br />Any news from the Doctor Jim?

[old] ulu
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Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm


Post by [old] ulu » November 21st, 2005, 11:52 pm

Another 3k for me today. (Nov 21) It wasn't as painful as yesterday and the back and leg sure feel better after.<br /><br />My standing tolerance is up to about a minute now, but I have cut down on the pain killers quite a bit. The doctor recommend patience and just waiting things out. He was not a big proponent of physiotherapy.<br /><br />I envision just taking it easy and slow and working on my technique. Anyone have any suggestions on how to make the wheel go fast but keep the pressure down on the spine? <br /><br />I have not been able to find any articles on the intradiscal pressure during rowing, but I am sure it must reach those seen in weight lifters.<br /><br />Keep on rowin', hosers.<br /><br />Jim
