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[old] xdarrylx
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Post by [old] xdarrylx » October 31st, 2005, 2:47 pm

22yr old rugby/water polo, basketball/ultimate athlete...ERG rowing is the <br />next on my list of sports/exercises and I am hooked. Started 2mths ago and <br />don't forsee myself stopping anytime soon. Goal is to compete <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> and do <br />decently well. Representing Ottawa, Canada (Carleton University)...see you in Toronto! <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Darryl

[old] parish
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Post by [old] parish » November 19th, 2005, 4:10 pm

Greetings!<br /><br />I bought my model B and a polar HRM in late 1992 and have rowed pretty much continuously since then except for ~2 year break that ended a few months ago. Just did my first 60 minute row this morning since starting up again and that went as planned, but in general I've been pretty frustrated with how long it's taking to get back to my previous workouts.<br /><br />I've never had a problem with boredom when rowing, so I don't watch TV or listen to music while I'm doing it. Instead I listen to the rising/falling pitch of the flywheel; I love that sound! I can actually maintain a target pace pretty well just by monitoring the pitch. My feeling on the erg is probably not unlike a hamster on its wheel. My wife thinks I'm nuts, but that may be just another way of saying the same thing. <br /><br />Looking forward to what I will learn from all of you in this forum.<br /><br />Daniel<br />

[old] jschuman
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Post by [old] jschuman » November 23rd, 2005, 4:12 pm

Greetings from Fairfax, Virginia!<br /><br />My name's Jeff and I'm a <u>complete</u> rowing novice.<br /><br />Some background:<br />I'm 33 years old with a wife and 2 wonderful kids. Way back in high school I played soccer and basketball and ran track (1 and 2 miles). I've always been a pretty good athlete (nothing spectacular, just pretty good) but I really couldn't/didn't compete "seriously" in anything since HS. Intramurals in college and the occasional soccer, basketball and softball teams since.<br /><br />Around 5 months ago I suffered a serious leg injury playing softball. I slid into home and broke my leg and ankle. It's been rough, but I am just now recovered enough to try and get back into shape. <br /><br />During physical therapy the idea of rowing was brought up and it intrigued me. I did my research, found the Concept2 web site and was hooked on the idea. So here I am. I just received my Model D last night. I set it up, rowed for a bit and looked over the materials. It's a fun exercise!<br /><br />I'm going to spend the next week or so concentrating on my technique and then come up with my "plan". I definitely am planning on getting to 100k for the Holiday Challenge!<br /><br />I am <b>very</b> interested in the upcoming software release that will support Macs. I have a Windows desktop that is not located anywhere near the rower, but I have an iBook that would be perfect for connecting to the PM3. Any updates on that? <br /><br />Thanks for the opportunity to introduce myself!<br /><br />Jeff

[old] eyespliced
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Post by [old] eyespliced » November 24th, 2005, 3:21 am

Hmm lets see here<br />I'm 17, from berkeley Ca, i just started rowing again after a 4-5 year haitus(i rowed in a single with my aunt(well not in the same boat, but at the same time in seperate boats))<br />i just started rowing for Berkeley High School and really love it.<br />I am on the mens novice team, I do not own a erg, but I use one at the Y an at practice<br />as I have only ever recorded 2k times i'll share them<br />1st 2k 1:54.9 approx 2 months ago<br />2d 2k 1:51.9 approx 3 weeks ago<br />3d(last)2k 1:45.8 one week ago<br /> wt-280 ht 6'2 1/2"<br />as for other stuff, I am a total bookworm(and love it) i mean I read a lot(and I mean A LOT) i do play some videogames(not a ton anymore) school is good beans and is also very nice <br />also, i was planing on getting a erg, how much do they cost used on average?<br />thanks

[old] remador
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Post by [old] remador » November 30th, 2005, 9:37 am

32 years old rower, who practiced competitive rowing from 13 to 18 years old, then stopped. Came back just for fun at 30, but couldn't avoid it: once a competitive rower, allways a competitive mind. Started training properly about 18 months ago. Coming from scratch, still not in the desired shape (2k pb @ 6'49''). I think of the first 3 years of training as just a preparation phase. Let's see what happens in the next 18 months .<br /><br />I also teach in an university and I make some research and consultancy on social projects. I play <i>flamenco</i> and classical guitar. <br /><br />I think of rowing as a school of character and mental discipline and as the king of all physycal performance sports.<br /><br />AM

[old] soundave
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Post by [old] soundave » January 6th, 2006, 8:54 am

Hi. My name is Dave, and I'm supposed to receive my new Concept 2 today! <br /><br />I'm 31, a stay-at-home dad of a 1 year old girl, and since my wife first got pregnant, I somehow put on about 35 pounds. I'm sick and tired of lugging around this fat. So the erg is to help me and my wife lose the weight we put on.<br /><br />I rowed crew in college for a semester and used the Concept 2, so I know the product fairly well. I would have continued rowing (I really did enjoy it), but I was involved in a some other activities (an a capella group, a band....studying!) that made some late night demands on my life. It seemed I could either study and row, or not row and have a bit of a life. I always wish I didn't have to make that decision, because even though I had only just started rowing, I loved it. But I went to college for more than rowing, so I made my decision, reluctantly. It was the first time in my life I could remember not doing a sport.<br /><br />I'm hoping to be able to teach my wife the proper technique, and I'm hoping I have some muscle memory. It has been nearly 13 years since I've done it. We've gotten in shape together in the past and been successful, but the part that has always been the problem is the aerobic exercise machines. They always break! So, I've gone back to my old friend, the erg, and I've been singing its praises to my wife. It seems like a more complete workout than an elliptical or stair master or other such thing. I hope she likes it as much as I do!

[old] DavidA
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Post by [old] DavidA » January 6th, 2006, 3:42 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-soundave+Jan 6 2006, 07:54 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(soundave @ Jan 6 2006, 07:54 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hi. My name is Dave, and I'm supposed to receive my new Concept 2 today! <br /><br />I'm 31, a stay-at-home dad of a 1 year old girl, and since my wife first got pregnant, I somehow put on about 35 pounds. I'm sick and tired of lugging around this fat. So the erg is to help me and my wife lose the weight we put on. <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />So you were just trying to keep your wife happy by gaining weight with her? <br /><br />Congratulations on the baby, and good luck with the weight loss and rowing. <br /><br />David

[old] soundave
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Post by [old] soundave » January 9th, 2006, 4:39 pm

<!--QuoteBegin--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->So you were just trying to keep your wife happy by gaining weight with her?  </td></tr></table> <br /><br />Well, I lost my willpower, I guess! It was hard to see her eat whatever she wanted and keep up my diet. I also felt like my dieting success was making her feel even fatter. So, yeah, I was kind of trying to keep her happy. She's told me that when she gets pregnant again, God willing, she wants me to stick to my diet so I don't have to go through this all over again. I'm glad to have her support on that.<br /><br />Thanks for your support, from one Dave to another!

[old] insen
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Post by [old] insen » January 10th, 2006, 7:03 pm

Hi <br /><br />My name is Jose. I live in Spain, near Madrid. I am 42, married and the father of 2 beautiful daughters (5 and 7). I work in the Aerospace industry, formerly in flight test and now training our blue-suiters to use their toys. <br /><br />My main hobby is motorcycling (I own a BMW and a Ducati). I have been on and off other sports, mainly bicycling –on and off road- and running. My weight is now firmly in the overweight zone. 3 months ago I was drawn into in-line skating by my daughters. I do some fitness skating and in-line hockey with other ageing fathers of little hockey players. Put down 3 kilos in 3 months just learning to go around and hitting the air with the stick. <br /><br />Looking for a cardio-machine to compensate the skating muscular imbalances, I discovered the Concept 2 world. Some days ago I did one 20 minutes rowing session at my local gym with absolutely appalling technique, and got a sore back. Today I did my second 20 min. session, veeeery slowly and paying attention to technique (still awful), and I got 4070 meters (laughable but no sore back this time… yet).<br /><br />I am purchasing a Concept 2 hopefully this month. I am developing a combined in-line skating/rowing training plan, and look forward entering the online rankings, challenges etc., and having fun rowing. <br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Insen<br />

[old] Ducatista
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Post by [old] Ducatista » January 10th, 2006, 11:29 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-insen+--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(insen)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->My main hobby is motorcycling (I own a BMW and a Ducati). </td></tr></table><br /> You've got plenty of company on the board. Who knew there'd be such a correlation between rowing and riding?
