Goals For 2005
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In my garage it's not a matter of wearing a hat. It's the cold air going into the lungs that is the problem. It irritates the asthma and really effect performance. I always warm up the garage before rowing now.<br><br>roll on springtime
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My indoor rowing goals for this year are:<br><ul><li>sub-7:00 2K by the end of March (my birthday)</li><li><75Kgs by BIRC 2005</li><li>06:40 2K by BIRC 2005</li></ul>
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1 - sub 6:40 in first half of 2004<br>2 - sub 6:35 by end of 2005
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*Save enough money to buy a brand new Colnago CT2 roadbike (okay, it ain't rowing but it is my favourite activity )<br>* 37min 10K<br>*15500m 60min<br>*Go from 94kg to 82kg before April (I am already down to 91kg since getting started on my new C2 D in Mid December). It will make tackling the alps on my existing steel roadbike just that little bit easier.<br>*Reach an intermediate level of Pilates mat workouts<br>*Complete my Goethe certificate in German language skills.<br><br>That'll do for 2005.
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notch up at least 1,737k (note to self, deduct 143k held over from 2004).<br><br>lose 4kg or, at the very least, make it to lightweight. (current weight 64kg.)<br><br>learn to row in a real boat.<br><br>be more attentive to the vegetable plot.<br><br>jane
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Row 4x week minimum<br>Row 1,200,000 meters this year (100,000 meters/month)<br>Continue to lose mass (at least another 20 lb/9 kg) and eat well<br>Susan<br>
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Hi folks<br><br>My goals are:<br><br>1 - Get to 95kg by 30 June. Currently 105kg.<br>2 - Get to 6.40 for a 2k. (third ever 2k was 6.59 more than two years ago).<br>3 - Up my weekly metres to at least 40k. Currently doing around half that.<br>4 - Try and get some cross training activity in as well as my hips are stiffening up from too much erging and no stretching .<br><br>Cheers<br>RichardT
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...oh....and to stop lurking on teh UK and US forums and make some contribution by posting every now and then (...when the UK site is up and running , that is )
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Hit 40million meter mark in February - 38.5million mark went this morning.<br>Keep enjoying training AND racing.<br>Not get hooked up on times<br>Stay LWT<br>Hit BIG 50 on 2 December.<br>Coach RR Junior to sub 6:40 and another medal in BIRC 2005<br>RR
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sub 6:15 2k<br><br>break all other pr's<br><br>go to some indoor rowing competitions!
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- Joined: March 18th, 2006, 10:32 pm
In a non-specific order:<br><br>1) loose another 30 kg<br>2) break all PR's<br>3) do a sub7 2k<br>4) do 200k each month<br>5) beat the Llamatron in the Nonathlon<br>6) go to EIRC 2005 ( where is it ? )<br>7) go to A<b>u</b>ntie Carole's Marathon Weekend
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my rowing-related goals:<br>1) keep on rowing regularly - no slacking off at the end of the semester!<br>2) row my first million meters (i've probably done quite a bit already, but i only just started recording, so, million recorded meters)<br>3) row a marathon<br>4) row around Fishers Island (it's approx. 7 miles long, it's off the coast of CT, it's where i summer, and my grandfather and uncle have done it...the challenge will be dealing with tide and current)<br>5) lose weight by keeping goal 1 <br>
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Lyse01,<br><br># 4 is a Great Goal. I grew up in Ledyard and spent many a summer around LI & Fishers Island Sound. Those currents are wicked!!!!<br><br>Good Luck & keep us updated, peterb <br><br>ps- Stay away from the Jellyfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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1). Compete in my first race (Surrey IRC)<br>2). Continue my 7 week rowing bug and compete in the GP series and the BIRC, EIRC , WIRC.<br>3). Woo Christina.
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ANTie carole?<br><br>that's how she goes so fast. she's got 6 limbs!<br><br>jane