Sept. 20 Min Test

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[old] cem6k
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] cem6k » September 27th, 2005, 1:26 pm

Sept. 20 minute test results:<br /><br />1:57.2<br />28 spm<br /><br /><br />Didn't have the erg card for this test, but will have one by the 2k. Good luck everyone!<br /><br />Chrissie

[old] dadams
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] dadams » September 27th, 2005, 5:19 pm

Almost forgot about this. I'm glad I saw your post Chrissie.<br /><br />By the way - good job on the test.<br /><br />Dwayne

[old] dadams
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] dadams » September 27th, 2005, 7:46 pm

6177 (1:37.1 avg, 26spm). Goal was 1:38 avg. So I'm pretty happy with this one.

[old] jim mcgoldrick
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] jim mcgoldrick » September 27th, 2005, 11:39 pm

Gotta give Peter D. something to shoot for after he set the standard for me the past 2 months.<br /><br />1:44.7, 5731m, at 27spm. Hard, but not as bad as the August test piece.<br /><br />OK Pete, your turn!<br /><br />Jim McGoldrick

[old] dennish
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] dennish » September 28th, 2005, 11:49 am

Jim> I'm not Pete but I did mine this morning on the Model C at the club where I train. I was about 1k into it when I remember that we were supposed to hold the rate to 28, so the first 1k was a bit fast. After that I settled at a 28/29 rate and came in at 5626. (Ave. rate was 29)Thats about exactly where I have been on most of these when you take into account the miscue on the rate for the first 1k. I'll take it however as its at about 7800 ft. By the way snow over 8500 feet this morning. Here it comes. dennis

[old] libbypeters
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] libbypeters » September 28th, 2005, 6:20 pm

Hey guys,<br /><br />I was wondering if anyone has tried to get this "verification code" off the monitor yet? I just downloaded the software update onto one of our ergs, used a logcard to do a workout, but didn't understand how to access the verification code. Any ideas?? <br /><br />By the way, I'm doing the actual piece tomorrow morning. GOOD JOB to those who tested already!!<br /><br />Libby

[old] Mary P.
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] Mary P. » September 29th, 2005, 1:09 pm

Libby P - Did you try looking at the explanation given here?<br /><a href='' target='_blank'> ... sp</a>.<br /><br />I downloaded the software on a PM 3 I have at home attached to a model C, tried a short piece & got the code as described in the explanation given in the link. (BTW, the code appeared in two lines of 8 characters, and some characters were letters, some numbers.) <br /><br />I took that PM3 over to the boat club (LBRA) and attempted to hook it to a model D for the test -- BIG PROBLEM -- on first movement of the handle, the screen went blank. Nothing I tried was a fix; I still need to e-mail Bill P. to see if this can be fixed. (Did the test anyway, by returning the original PM3 that was on the club's model D back onto the machine - wrong version of the software, though. Did about 75m better than last month's test, stroke rate was about 29, too high.)<br />

[old] Indoor Racer
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] Indoor Racer » September 29th, 2005, 6:00 pm

Did my 20 minutes for September yesterday and it was my best so far:<br /><br />4122 meters<br /><br />I'm not watching spm or split times too closely - I'm just trying to hang on for 20 minutes straight!<br /><br />Paul Randall<br />The Ancient One

[old] rspenger
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] rspenger » September 29th, 2005, 10:20 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Indoor Racer+Sep 29 2005, 03:00 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Indoor Racer @ Sep 29 2005, 03:00 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Did my 20 minutes for September yesterday and it was my best so far:<br /><br />4122 meters<br /><br />I'm not watching spm or split times too closely - I'm just trying to hang on for 20 minutes straight!<br /><br />Paul Randall<br />The Ancient One <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />That's the way to go, Paul! It's great to see that you are still hanging in there. You are an inspiration to those of us in the junior octogenarian class. I have been holding off on my own September 20 minutes at 28 spm until the last day. Two weeks ago, just a few days before I reached 81, I got hit by a bacterium that laid me low. Five days of levaquin treatment seems to have knocked it out, but in the meantime I had run a fever of over 103, so I was rather wasted for a few days and missed a lot of erg time. Damn! Just when I felt that I was making some real progress with training. Well, I'll see how it goes in the next few days. With any luck we'll both be healthy enough to meet again in Boston for the next CRASHB.<br /><br />regards,<br /><br />Bob S.

[old] kjgress
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] kjgress » September 30th, 2005, 6:20 pm

Hello all: Sat down to do the test this afternoon (my erg is in my bedroom at home) and was about halfway through when had a domestic crisis (involving children and blood) hung on through minute 13 when I realized that I was going to have to abort and deal. Reset and finished, but of course the results don't mean anything. Now will have to find a space in the workout regime to recover for a few days and try again on Sunday or early next week:<br /><br />totals were 5113, 1:57.3, 26.8 spm<br /><br />We'll see what happens on the re-test.

[old] rspenger
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] rspenger » September 30th, 2005, 8:23 pm

I made an attempt to get back with the program today, starting in with a 5 minute warmup. I did the first regular 20 minute piece at 18 spm with so-so results, but felt ready to continue. Then I tried to sandwich in the September 20 minute at 28 spm. About 8 minutes into that I realized that I hadn't really recovered enough to tackle that yet. I am still waiting for the results of lab tests, so I just don't know where I stand at this point. Lousy timing. I had just connected up a new PM3 yesterday and all it has to show is two of my usual 10 minute start of the day warmups, one 5 minute pre-workout warmup, one mediocre 20 minute at 18, one aborted 20 minute at 28 attempt, and one post workout 5 minute cooldown. I suppose that I should have waited for an official O.K. from the clinic to resume exercise, but they seem to take forever to get back any information.<br /><br />Bob S.

[old] NavigationHazard
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] NavigationHazard » October 1st, 2005, 12:26 pm

Jim, Peter -- FWIW I just turned 50 on 9/26....<br /><br />5845m this morning @ r28, = 1:42.7 pace<br /><br />2-min splits (pace):<br />1:42.9<br />1:43.2<br />1:43.2<br />1:42.9<br />1:43.4<br />1:43.0<br />1:42.5<br />1:42.9<br />1:42.7<br />1:40.0<br /><br />Playlist for this (very important): Argent, "Hold Your Head Up"; CCR, "Fortunate Son," Blue Oyster Cult, "Don't Fear The Reaper," Guess Who, "No Time" (a reminder for the stretch run).<br /><br />I apologize for being 12 hrs late to post -- I got a PM3 from C2 late on Thursday, retrofit it and figured out the software, but spent my Friday workout adjusting to the unfamiliar monitor GUI. I'm used to ErgMonitor and my trusty old PM2, and the PM3 display took some getting used to. In particular I had trouble at first picking out the SPM and average 500m splits. I think once I start using the PM3 for workouts that will disappear quickly. THANK YOU C2!!!!!! Unsolicited plug -- the PM3 is to the PM2 what color is to black-and-white tv. If you're serious about training and have one of the older models, upgrade.<br /><br />One thing I noticed in passing: to average a verified 1:42.65 for 20', I had to have rowed some 5k chunk of that in at least 17:10.8. [EDIT: excuse my math; make that 17:06.5]. Too bad there doesn't seem to be a way to extract rankable splits from a longer piece..... OTOH, I could just go row a discrete 5k ...

[old] rspenger
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] rspenger » October 2nd, 2005, 12:23 am

<!--QuoteBegin-NavigationHazard+Oct 1 2005, 09:26 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(NavigationHazard @ Oct 1 2005, 09:26 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--><br />THANK YOU C2!!!!!!  Unsolicited plug -- the PM3 is to the PM2 what color is to black-and-white tv.  If you're serious about training and have one of the older models, upgrade.<br /> <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />I concur with the big "Thank You" to C2 and the Dev Sq. To extend your analogy to my situation, I suppose that my old PM (unnumbered when it was manufactured, but presumably PM1) would come under the category of radio. At first, I was stymied a bit that the PM3 did not provide an easy time setting so that I could do my early morning 10 minute wake up pyramid, my 5 minute pre-workout warmup, 5 minute post workout cool down, and what I had hoped to be my 3 X 20 Friday program, with an end of the month test sandwiched in the middle. The pesky bacteria confounded my plans about halfway through, but I did manage to fumble my way through the intricacies of the PM3 and the 5', 10', and 20' time periods are now duly installed in the "Favorites" for convenient use.<br /><br />It looks rather odd to see the bulky PM3 perched on top of the old model B, where it sits and vibrates when I am pulling. I am puzzled about how the drag factor is supposed to work with this combination. The B has a sliding wheel that can be used to close off the side vents, but there are no numbered positions for the vent cover - just a continuous movement from fully open to fully closed. Of course the rest of the B is just covered by the open cage. This provides a certain amount of fan effect to cool off the rower, but I gather from other messages that it is regarded as creating a heavier drag than the Cs and Ds.<br /><br />I still have a lot to learn about the use of the PM3, especially the application of the verification code, but like the manual says, the best way to learn to use it is to play around with the buttons and watch what happens.<br /><br />regard,<br /><br />Bob S.

[old] Jim Castellan
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] Jim Castellan » October 2nd, 2005, 4:38 pm

I was traveling 9/15-9/24. Got three days on a Mod C dog (dust encrusted damper cover, left foot stretcher missing two top bolts, bottom two very lose, etc.) but that was it for workouts.<br /><br />Getting back into the erg plus catching up in all things meant I didn't get a chance for a good 5k (my test pieces) by end of the month. Knowing this, I did two before leaving -- a 17:45.0 on 9/9 (held 1:45 for 3k, fell apart at end) and 17:44.5 on 9/13 (held 1:45 for 3.5k B4 crashing) -- was trying 60 y.o. WR pace (17:30.0) to see how it'd feel. Felt I should be able to do a 1:46 pace but went out aggressive to test the limits.<br /><br />Must start intense intervals if I'm to do a hard 2k by the end of October for a time trial.<br /><br />Does anyone know what the selection requirements/standards are for the 60 y.o. age group? If selected, does anyone know what's required (dates away, where you have to be, and personal costs?) for the Europeans in early December? I've got some more travel coming up this month (Oct) and need to try to figure out when when I can fit in a 2k gut-buster if I can manage to get set for it.

[old] bcb
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USIR Dev Squad: Training

Post by [old] bcb » October 2nd, 2005, 6:53 pm

20 mins.....6013 meters...139.8....27spm
