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[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » August 25th, 2005, 8:13 pm

Well, row # 2 tonight and I'm moving along! I'm still in last place in the team rankings but not by much - my goal by the end of this weekend is to be OUT of last place!! <br /><br />My husband says I'm not using my back enough - when my legs are extended I'm not leaning back and so my arms are doing all the work. So I'm working on my form right now too. <br /><br />Any tips anyone can offer me? I'm really enjoying this!!<br /><br />Have a great night!<br /><br />CookieMonster (maybe I should change to RowingMonster!!)

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 25th, 2005, 9:15 pm

Hi again, Anne!<br /><br />C2 has a rowing technique video that I believe is free. I have one that I borrowed from an internet buddy. It's only about 20 minutes long, but I think it helps to explain each part of the sequence very well, and it gives you potential "bad habits" to watch out for. I can't lean back very far yet--I think it has to do with how developed your abs are, so they can support you and not have you strain your back. My understanding is that you lean back as far as you feel comfortable, without straining. <br /><br />There's also a spot in the C2 website that delves into the technique in some detail, and I reckon someone else will jump in to give you tips. That's one of the many great things about this forum.<br /><br />I know I have a problem keeping my knees together because of my "apple" belly. But then that makes me a tad lazy because I want to rest my arms on my knees at the catch and part of the drive and recovery. Right now, if I keep my knees together, I knock the wind out of myself when I'm sliding forward. Thankfully, I've lost enough weight now that it's not so bad, and I'm doing better--I'm able to bring my knees completely together now when I start the drive. Geesh, I'm sure glad no one can see me when I'm rowing! Must be quite a sight.<br /><br />Heehee! You sound like you might have gotten bitten by a rowing bug already. After having my C2 for only a few months, I already want to get rowing on water. We've got plenty of lakes up here in the Northwoods, so I'd get some good use out of it. I think someone should come up with a snow-rower, too--maybe like cross-country skiing, only you're sitting. <br /><br />--jen, cookie monster's evil twin. I'm eating one now (but only one).

[old] edollar
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Post by [old] edollar » August 25th, 2005, 11:02 pm

I'm so excited.. I ordered a new Model D on Monday and it arrived right on time today. I rowed 5500 meters on it at home tonight. Wonderful to row to keep my meters up without having to go to the Y every time I want to row. I had set a goal last February that I had to lose 72 pounds before I would buy one. I lack 8 lbs of reaching that goal but I bought one because we are entering our busy season at work and I'm having trouble getting to the Y as often as I should. I needed to get the Model D so I could row more meters and lose those additional 8 lbs I now owe myself. <br /><br />Ellen<br />Proud member of DIAR

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » August 26th, 2005, 1:14 am

<!--QuoteBegin-edollar+Aug 25 2005, 09:02 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(edollar @ Aug 25 2005, 09:02 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->I'm so excited.. I ordered a new Model D on Monday and it arrived right on time today. <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br />Congrats on your new Model D, Ellen, and especially on your great weight loss. I just got mine last week too. My husband said he could tell I was excited when he got home from work and saw bits of styrofoam strewn all over from my hasty unwrapping and could hear the wooshing of the erg in the back room.<br /><br />I get a kick out of watching you and my sister Shannon jockey for position on the team chart. She'll have her work cut out for her now that you have one at home, I bet! <br /><br />- Krysta<br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 26th, 2005, 10:44 pm

Way to go, edollar! Getting so close to your goal AND you got your new toy!! I'll be an enabler and tell you that getting the new toy early is legal, since it will still help you get to your goal. I reckon since you're this close, ya just ain't gonna give up now. You go, girl.<br /><br />And Krysta, I love the "word picture" of what happened when you got your C2. I can just see the trail leading from the door to you rowing on the new C2.... <br /><br />--jen

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » August 27th, 2005, 11:17 am

WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I'm out of last place!!! <br /><br />Watch out Ducks, the Cookie Monster is on the move! <br /><br />I am SO loving this!<br /><br />Have a great Saturday everyone!<br /><br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 27th, 2005, 4:12 pm

Yay, CookieMonster! <br /><br />It's addicting, isn't it? Those little bits add up, and before too long (as your fitness level increases), you'll be challenging yourself to some fairly long rows. <br /><br />And on days when you're tempted to skip the workout, promise yourself to do ten minutes. I'll wager that once you're going, you'll want to do your full workout. For some reason, even as much as I love my C2, I seem to want to procrastinate when it comes time to "sit down and do it." But after I finish my rowing, I feel so energized and exhilarated (love those good o'l endorphins), that I want to kick myself for ever even considering skipping my workout without a darn good reason.<br /><br />So keep cranking up those numbers!<br /><br />--jen

[old] CookieMonster
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Post by [old] CookieMonster » August 27th, 2005, 4:31 pm

You're absolutely right Jen! This morning I got up and had a bowl of cereal and honestly just wanted to stay in my PJ's and watch TV! But I told myself "hey, let's do 10 minutes on the rower and see how it feels from there." I ended up doing twice that once I got started! Granted that's only 20 minutes, but that's 5 minutes longer than I was doing 3 days ago so it's still good! And I hopped off, hit the shower, went a met a friend for lunch and have been going since! <br /><br />There's another thing I have to say I'm notificng a difference in already - I've been rowing every other day for the past week and today I was meeting a friend for lunch. Now normally I would get something fried like a burger or something. But after rowing this morning and going to meet her after, I thought what a waste it would be to eat something fried and bad for me after all that exercise! So I ate a salad with grilled shrimp! <br /><br />I can hardly wait to start seeing and feeling the pounds coming off me! <br /><br />-Anne

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 27th, 2005, 10:55 pm

Yup, amazing how ya can start to tune into your body, just by giving it some decent exercise. <br /><br />And by tuning in and being more aware of your body, and then *appreciating* what the ol' bod can do, you then want to do some good things for it...which makes it work better, and makes you appreciate it more, and then you want to keep doing good things for it....<br /><br />Still another advantage of tuning into your body is that you can tell a difference when it's "abused"--i.e., over training or not getting enough sleep can affect your times and stamina, alcohol intake (for me) seems to take some wind out of my sails for a couple of days, etc. Likewise, positive things have a positive effect. It's been quite a learning process for me--this cause/effect thing with my body. With a regular exercise program, these things just whap ya up the side of the head because you can measurably *see* the impact. I think it's unfortunate that so many folks (and imho, women in particular) in our society are so busy that they've lost touch with their own bodies, or they don't feel that they're entitled to meet their own bodies' needs because they're so busy meeting everyone else's' needs in their families.<br /><br />For me, it seems that if I'm going to put all that hard work and effort into an exercise program, then I might as well get the most bang for my buck by improving the quality of my nutrition. Don't get me wrong, I'm still downing stuff like chocolate chip cookies , but fewer of them. And I'm eating more fruit and finding that the fruit is doing a decent job of satisfying my sweet tooth. As a result of acquiring new tastes, I'm looking forward to fruit more than cookies (most of the time). I've not given decent food a level chance before because the garbage food is just too cheap and too easy. <br /><br />And now when I go to McDonald's (which is getting to be less and less often), I get a Big & Tasty burger--minus the cheese and mayo--and I find that the pickles, ketchup, onion, lettuce, and tomato all provide enough flavor so I'm not even *missing* all those extra fat calories. Still not the best food choice in the world, I know, but it's an improvement. And I *am* getting grilled chicken more often now! And only eating a few fries, not the whole dang carton! <br /><br />I'm not doing any big changes, just more and more little ones, and just like those meters on the C2, they keep adding up (or in our cases, DOWN! )<br /><br />Keep listening to that bod, CookieMonster! And the best part is, that salad with the grilled shrimp probably didn't taste too bad, hey?

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » August 28th, 2005, 10:09 am

Hi girls just a quick paddle in the pond to say hello. Training for the solo 100k attempt is going okay can't believe it is less than two weeks now ahgggggg ... what the heck have I let myself in for lol... <br /><br />Glad to see everyone is doing okay keep on erging ...<br />

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 28th, 2005, 10:20 am

Hey Carole Mac!<br /><br />Good luck with your training! I'm in awe of your drive and motivation, girl. <br /><br />I'll do an hour row in your honor this a.m. Here's some positive energy coming at ya--good luck!<br /><br />--Jen

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 28th, 2005, 1:04 pm

Did it, Carole Mac! 1:10:22.8, including my warm up and cool down.<br /><br />How long do you have to row to do 100k race??? <br /><br />I'd only planned to do 30 mins today, but if you can train for a 100k, I figured I could put in a measly hour. Thanks again for the inspiration, and be sure to keep us posted on how things go!<br /><br />--Jen in WI. Trees are starting to show some more fall colors daily. <br /><br /><br /><br />

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » August 31st, 2005, 4:18 am

wello done Jen .... next a half marathon for you then a full one ...... and as for the 100k I would like to do it inless than 8hrs ...but we will see... ahggggggggg ...

[old] freya
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Post by [old] freya » September 2nd, 2005, 6:54 am

Hi<br />Just joined. In January I broke my ankle, had it all fited back together with bits of metal, covered in polymer to immobilise it and in a wheelchair for 8 weeks. After that limited standing as the leg got stronger. No exercise, bit of comfort eating and somehow the pounds piled on. Summer clothes are looser so did not notice it too much until one day I stood on the scales !!!!!<br />Time for action. I had bought a concept last summer and had done a bit until Christmas. However with little flexion in my ankle I had not got back into rowing. you know how it is the longer you put something off the harder it is to get going. Decided I must get back and then my heart rate monitor broke so I treated myself to one of the polar weight loss ones. It records data and nags at the same time. You have to record your weight each day and it sets you a exercise target and a calorie target and reminds you if you do not input the data. Not that I am weak willed but every bit of motivation helps.<br />Now I am rowing not very fast but long rows of 30 mins to 75 mins. I have been posting my times ( someone has to be bottom is my motto) and I hope to get faster as I get fitter but my main aim is to shift all the excess weight.<br />I thought about joining a team and wanted one that would welcome me rowing at my own pace and this team seems a very friendly one so here I am.<br />In 2 weeks I have lost 2.5 kg and that includes 3 days staying with friends ( little exercise and too much food). The best thing is I feel so much better, really energetic and on top of things. At times it has been hard to leave the chair and get myself upstairs and on the rower but once I start nothing will stop me finishing my target.<br /><br />Quite a few kg to go and I hope that I can continue this determination when back at work. I am a teacher and term starts on Monday. I will keep posting to shame myself into keeping going

[old] kelley127
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Post by [old] kelley127 » September 3rd, 2005, 3:55 pm

Hello Duckies! Ok - I joined the Pond a few weeks ago, but had failed to check in - been really busy the past few weeks. Figured it was better to row & not post than vice versa. <br /><br />So hello - My name is Michelle - single, no kids. Plenty of weight to lose, but 7 pounds down after the first 6 weeks or so back on the rower. <br /><br />I rowed last year when I lived in an apartment w/ a gym w/ a C2, luckily for me. I rowed 5 minutes the first time and thought I was going to die, but after a couple of months w/ a trainer & consistent rowing, I loved it and had worked up to 25-30 minute rows. But then I moved to a house w/ a friend while building my new place, and no rower. So after 6 months without it, I was grumpy. My other gym options just weren't giving me suitable workouts. So, I finally tracked down the C2 website, found all of the online support, and ordered mine that week. <br /><br />So, I am thrilled to my own rower. It's such a great investment in myself. Speaking of - time to get to it... <br /><br />I've very proud to be part of the group here - thanks for having me! <br /> <br /><br />Michelle <br />
