2000 Meters On The 20th

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[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » August 13th, 2005, 12:53 pm

Okay. Need something else to go for? How about a monthly ranked 2000 meter race? Arbitrarily I've chosen the 20th of the month to do this - it's easy for me to remember because it's 20th x 100 & it's my pay day! <br /><br />I've tried this a couple of times. There's a strategy I found on the training forum that suggests that you start with a pace that you know you can maintain for the first 1000 meters then for the next 1000 meters you pull as hard as you can to the end.<br /><br />So, are you with me next Saturday - August 20th?<br /><br />Robin

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 14th, 2005, 4:02 pm

Hey Robin!<br /><br />I'll do the 2000m for a time trial, but I'm not good enough to even try ranking yet! But I'd like to do the trials just to see how much I am (or am not!) improving for the week, plus it'll make me get up early in the a.m. to do this. Thursdays one of those go-all-day days--I have a long clinic day to work on Thursdays, and then a meeting every Thursday night, lasting until about 8p or 9p.<br /><br />Ah, if I make a committment, then I'll have to do it, hey? <br /><br />--Jen in WI

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » August 14th, 2005, 8:37 pm

Count me in, though my 2000M lately is embarrassing! I will definitely give it my best on the 20th.

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » August 15th, 2005, 11:13 am

I guess I'm really only talking about a time trial for myself, too. I "rank" but I'm last, but that's okay, like you, I just want to improve every week. Anyway, think of the emotional boost I provide for the person just above me in the rankings. Maybe they're thinking, "Well, at least I'm not last!" <br /><br />I provide a service. <br />Robin

[old] woolsmith
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Post by [old] woolsmith » August 15th, 2005, 4:52 pm

Yup Robin, there's something about the psychology of not being last on the list! Maybe you're not the fastest in the 2000m, but hey, you're getting your numbers up there on the DIAR team rankings. You go, girl! And I'm gonna try to catch ya. <br /><br />I've looked at some of the times for the ranked rows. I can do some distances, but not very fast. Typical of what I did in H.S. track--I could do the middle distances pretty well, but bombed in the shorter sprints and the long-distance cross-country stuff. And that was all about 30 years ago! With a bad knee, I placed 4th in a state district meet in the 440 yd dash (before it became meters--THAT long ago!), running against another girl who had legs up to her neck it seemed. I'm 5'2", and I think I was hitting 3 strides for every one of hers, but I was amazingly able to beat her in our heat. <br /><br />I've tried to set a pace to hit some of the times I've seen others do on the rankings, and geesh, I'm in awe of those folks! But I also need to kick myself out of my comfort zone and give myself some challenges to up my speeds. Time to do some interval stuff again.<br /><br />And I gotta say, the last time when I tried to work in some intervals about a month ago, they really did help me boost up my speed and endurance while keeping my heart rate in a "legal" range. They seemed to help me get past a fitness plateau of sorts. Now I just gotta get back into it. C2 has some good suggestions for interval work in one of their *.pdf files, so I'm going to give some of those a whirl.<br /><br />--Jen in WI

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » August 20th, 2005, 12:41 pm

I did 2000 meters today, but I almost forgot! I was mindlessly "just rowing" with soothing guitar music and all of a sudden it hit me what day it was! So I decided I was warming up for the race. Then I did my Personal Best with 9:54.2 - the first time under 10 minutes! I'm ranked 66 of 89 in my class, and movin' on up! <br /><br />Woo! Hoo! Two days in a row of PBs! Yesterday was 30 minutes with 5718 meters.<br /><br />What will I do tomorrow!? <br /><br />Robin

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » August 20th, 2005, 5:29 pm

Good Job Sirrobin!<br /><br />I did my 2k today too, but no PB here. Still, I am happy that I stuck with it and finished, even once I realized I wasn't going to set any personal records. And I did make it within 2 secs of my PB, with an 8:10.7, so it's not all bad. Usually when I hit the wall, my time completely falls apart. I *might* try it again tonight.<br /><br />- Swamp Hen

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » August 20th, 2005, 6:33 pm

I did the 2,000 metre challenge too. I got a new PB! I beat my old time by 7.8 seconds and broke the 9 minute barrier for the first time ever. My time was 8:53.4. That's good for 40th out of 89 and an extra 11 nonathlon points! <br /><br />Shannon<br /><br />

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » August 21st, 2005, 12:55 am

well done girls ....

[old] Canada Goose
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Post by [old] Canada Goose » September 20th, 2005, 6:14 pm

<br />Well, I did the 2,000 metre challenge this morning and got a new PB! <br /><br />I did it in 8:48.0, that was an improvement of 5.4 seconds. It ranked at 40% or 42nd out of 106 rowers. Plus I gained an extra 8 nonathlon points.<br /><br />Yeah! <br /><br />Shannon

[old] Krysta Coleman
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Post by [old] Krysta Coleman » September 20th, 2005, 8:22 pm

Right on, Shannon! I had actually forgotten this was the 2000m 20th day until I read your message. So I hopped on the erg and managed to pound out a 3.8 sec PB of 7:54.4. My ultimate goal is to get under 7:30 by the end of the season!<br /><br />- Krysta<br />(Swamp Hen)

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » September 20th, 2005, 10:48 pm

I did the 2000 meter this morning, too but forgot to check my ranking until just now. I'm 76 of 104 in my category. I did it in 9:47.0 which is my personal best. Last month I did it in 9:54.2 and the month before in 10:21.7 so I am definately improving! So, I'm thinking that next month a good goal would be to get under 9:45.<br /><br />I'm so glad I've got company! Thanks!<br /><br />Robin

[old] Annabassand
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Post by [old] Annabassand » September 21st, 2005, 6:46 am

Hi <br /><br />I am relatively new at this and I just did 2000 m in 8,42 which is 19 seconds better than my last attempt. I've not really been into 2000m's because I really prefer longer workouts. So I am trying to get to a stage where I can row 10,000 several times a week. So far I am only at 5,000 because I don't want to push it :-) <br /><br />Anyway this is a really cool challenge, so in the future I will try and join in on the 20th for one monthly test of 2000m. Mind you I am really crap at pacing myself - so don't expect too much competition <br /><br />Take care <br />/Anna

[old] sirrobin
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Post by [old] sirrobin » October 21st, 2005, 11:27 am

I'm a day late, but I did the 2000 meters today & beat my time from last month by almost 2 seconds -- a new PB for me! I'm ranked 91 of 126 in the 40-49 year-old heavyweights. I would be ranked higher if not so many of you were taking the challenge! <br /><br />I think I am going to start adding my posts to the Atta-Girl thread and drop this one. But I'm still going to keep doing my monthly challenges. It really helps me to remember that working harder from time to time improves my weight loss efforts by increasing my aerobic endurance and building muscle that burns more fat.<br /><br />Rowin' Robin<br />

[old] Diane Edinger
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Post by [old] Diane Edinger » October 29th, 2005, 9:54 pm

This sounds like a great challenge...hope it is still active. I am new to the Concept2, but I have hit the ground running. Looking forward to 11/20... <br /><br />-Diane
