What Training Have You Done Today??

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[old] hennmart
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Post by [old] hennmart » June 3rd, 2005, 6:22 am

<!--QuoteBegin-CAROLE MAC+Jun 3 2005, 10:44 AM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(CAROLE MAC @ Jun 3 2005, 10:44 AM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin--><br />I am just trying to get some metres in and lose some weight at the moment but I keep getting distracted by Mr Mac's cooking and the odd glass of wine or voddie ..oops... must try harder this weekend...... <br /> </td></tr></table><br />Hallo Carole,<br /><br />When you row a lot of metres you deserve a cooldown :<br /><br />Bloody Oath! <br /><br />Glass: 285ml footed Hi-Ball Glass<br />Mixers: 30ml Aussie <span style='color:red'>Voddie</span> straight from the freezer<br />30ml lemon juice<br />Fill with vegetable juice<br />6 slices of jalapeno chillies<br />Double dash of Worcester sauce<br />Salt and grind of fresh black pepper<br /><br />Method: Build ingredients in glass over ice, garnish with black olive<br /><br />The name says it all!<br /><br />Keep up the good rowing Hennie<br /><br />

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » June 3rd, 2005, 6:59 am

heck Hennie that's a meal as well as a drink.... printed recipe for further investigation .....ggg<img src='http://techhelpers.net/e4u/drink/trink32.gif' border='0' alt='user posted image' />

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » June 4th, 2005, 4:19 pm

So - I just finished going back and logging my water meters for the team. I decided to go ahead with the low estimate of 5000 a session. <br />Today our novice class graduated with a scratch regatta. That was an interesting experience. How does one fly out of their shoes and off the seat without so much as catching a crab?? I guess I'll have to start wearing shoes inside the shoes!<br />Anyway, I didn't want you to look at the team standings and think I had rowed all those meters today! Now my log is up to date. Too bad I can't count them for the million meter club! I'm going to try to work in more erg time now that the official class time is over. <br />Keep up the good work everybody!<br />Ye Old Buffle

[old] mallard
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Post by [old] mallard » June 6th, 2005, 6:35 am

No training for another week !! My cough has come back again, and I've got another course of antibiotics so I'll need to take it easy for a while. The Doctor has also given me an exhalation monitor as the chest infection may actually be being triggered by some sort of seasonal asthma type thing. I should know in a couple of weeks time if this is the case or not.<br /><br />In the meantime I look forward to seeing you all logging metres in my absence - go for it! <br /><br />Jenny

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » June 6th, 2005, 9:36 am

awww what a shame Jenny..... Well keep your chin up you will soon be back....<br /><br />as for moi ;-<br />On 1600-0200 today and tomorrow ....great shift for getting two sessions in and getting some house chores done . <br /><br />This am faffed around the garden for an hour then dragged the erg onto the deck ..not too sunny just right then did <br /><br />15k at 2.10.9 at 21spm 65mins 27 secs and enjoyed it didnt get over heated feel sorry for the boys erging in 90'...not...lol <br /><br />Looks like a good forecast for my days off though on weds and Thursday. <br />

[old] Ank
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Post by [old] Ank » June 6th, 2005, 9:44 am

Hi everybody<br /><br />I did not do much erging the last time. I'm so fascinated by on water rowing that the erg cannot attract me enough when I have opportunities to do water training. I did some wonderful things. One of them was rowing through the narrow and cosy canals of Utrecht on a hot, nice sunny day. Everybody was enjoying the weather and then our boot with four woman-rowers passed by. We stopped, putted the boat aside and went for a beer. Sweaty, hot and half naked. In the middle off the city with the tiniest, cosiest canals of the Netherlands, crowded with bars and restaurants. This is not training of course, but just enjoying the feeling of being "watched" from all the restaurants at the border of the canals.<br /><br />And another thing, I did sweeprowing in a competition-eight for the first time of my life! What a wonderful feeling. All that human power in one boat! Wauw!<br /><br />Yeah, I need to pick-up the erg again, that's better for my condition. Mayby I should take the heart-rate monitor in the boat to make the water rowing more effective and less "recreational" <br />I never log the "waterkilometers" But there are many meters passing by at the moment.<br /><br />Ank

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Post by LindaM » June 6th, 2005, 10:17 am

Too gorgeous a weekend to spend time inside. I climbed Mt Elmore on Saturday - 2 hours total. And then cycled to my book group on Sunday - also 2 hours total. No meters for the Ducks, I'm afraid, but lots of aerobic conditioning for me!

[old] billandmargaret
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Post by [old] billandmargaret » June 6th, 2005, 8:56 pm

If I had the option to be rowing on real water or hiking a mountain, I'd be there! That's the best. I did make it outside for some fun in the sun & saw 4 or 5 different kinds of butterflies all on one walk.<br /><br />Today I rowed 30k in preparation for next Monday's marathon. I felt more sluggish and less exhilerated than from my 20k's, but I also slightly picked up the pace once I discovered I could safely. Mostly, rowed at 2:25-2:30 per500m, picked it up to 2:20-2:25 for half an hour or so, and down to 2:15-2:20, but just for 1000m or so. I was plenty bushed at the end, didn't need to do any bravado sprint. <br /><br />Hopefully I'll get in 60 minute rows at least twice this week. Then take one or two days off before rowing my marathon to feel "refreshed." I'm thinking I should stick to 2:30 pace for the whole marathon, unless I have extra energy the last half hour (seems unlikely). On regular days, I'm pushing my 60 minute row pace up to 2:20 from 2:25. For my long rows, I'm drinking half a cup of very dilute OJ every half hour, & getting up to stretch every 60 minutes, per C2 recommendations. Any other advice from those of you who've done this?<br /><br />Margaret

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » June 6th, 2005, 11:44 pm

Margaret, good luck with your marathon on Monday. I did a Marathon in April and another one in May. In April, I got up and stretched several times, and I really regretted doing that. After getting up the first time, I just kept wanting to keep getting up because it felt so good! The second marathon I rowed I didn't get up at all, I drank a lot while rowing one-handed or even coming to a complete stop a few times. I've only done the two, and I am certainly no expert, this is just what worked best for me. <br /><br />

[old] RowedandRode
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Post by [old] RowedandRode » June 7th, 2005, 5:20 pm

Training I did today:<br />5 a.m., steady warm-up row, 5000 m in about 26 mins, then I went out and ran 6 km immediately afterward.<br />Utterly lovely weather today!<br />

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » June 7th, 2005, 10:13 pm

26.5 mile bike ride, avg 16.2 mph. It felt great to be outside and everything whipping by, and charging up the hills and not even feeling it too much. I can really see the advantage rowing all winter gave my ability to enjoy the bike this summer. Summer just can't be long enough....Tomorrow no time for outdoor stuff, so a late night row for me, another plodding 10K probably.

[old] WebbedFeet
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Post by [old] WebbedFeet » June 7th, 2005, 10:39 pm

Hi All<br /><br />Well, today I did 5000m in 25 mins. and that's it. I'm such a wimp next to all of you. However, there is good news. There's no way but up!! I'll just keep trying and have all of you for inspiration. Thanks!!!

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » June 8th, 2005, 2:40 pm

Another sunny day up north!!!!... I have been in the garden all day ..in fact since 10am ... have dug over all the beds in the front garden...sorted the herb garden out... played with the dogs with the hosepipe..... they love it .. no hosepipe ban here hee heee..... <br /><br />Back garden was a suntrap so waited for the sun to get off the deck before training... <br /><br />3k warm up .. <br /><br />3 x 10 ' at 22-24spm ..3.30 rest <br /><br />1/ 2.05.6 23spm <br />2/ 2.04.3 24spm <br />3/ 2.04.4 24spm <br /><br /> also had to have a go at the 500m at 20spm .... 1.57.6 at 160drag ..tried on top drag at first .legs were jellyafter 100m so waited and had another go. <br /><br />5k cool down <br /><br />good session over 15k .. <br /><br />Mr Mac on evenings his last one thank goodness ..so I am going to zoom through the house and give it a clean ...well I have got guests for dinner tomorrow ... well we are having a bbq that is for a few folks from work.. also have some meats to marinate . <br /><br />I must have worked of hundreds of calories today bet I aint lost an ounce ...<br /><br />

[old] scout
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Post by [old] scout » June 8th, 2005, 11:06 pm

Hi All!<br /> Trying to slip back into a good, regular workout pattern again. Am in my second week of 5 1-hour workouts (including some weights). Today I did a 6 min. warm-up, then did weights for my chest and abs, then a 30 min. piece at just under 2:15. Felt good <br /><br />Kate<br />Vancouver Lake Crew

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » June 13th, 2005, 7:51 am

Got up this am had had a good sleep slept 11hrs solid ..ate some porridge and decided to do 30k in preparation for a marathon praps next week and the long term goal of a doing a 100k for charity. <br /><br />It was drizzly so pulled the erg under the gazebo on the deck.. wow cool but dry ..I liked it but went off too fast praps <br /><br />did 25k at 2.12.9 at 24spm 1hr 50 mins 45 secs <br /><br />then 5k cool down <br /><br />looks good for a marathon attempt at 2.15... though ..... my only marathon I did at 2.20.9.... so think a pb may be on the cards the first for a while ... . <br /><br /><br />30k for the session .... so what goodies can i reward myself to eat as burnt just short of 2000 calories.... <br /><br />
