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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » May 9th, 2005, 12:48 pm

Trained this afternoon thought I'd have a go at the old 10k..but if it hurt I was going to stop <br /><br />2k warm up <br /><br />then 10k 43.18 just managed to duck under 2.10 pace was at 24spm so strength deffo coming back . <br /><br />20 mins cool down .. just over 4k making the session over 16k .... yehaa the bitch is back ... leg slightly swollen but nothing that the ice bag won't cure.<br />

[old] JaneW.
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Post by [old] JaneW. » May 10th, 2005, 1:04 am

Ank,<br />Thanks for the info. about at night rowing. When your sight is taken away, all your other senses must increase to compensate. At least this is what I thought when a friend and I ran through 12 miles of wooded area with only the moonlight. At times, the area became spooky but felt exhilarating. Please give more details of your rowing experience. I love to read other people's tales and stories. Quite enjoyable!<br /><br />Carol,<br />Happy to log in next to you. Hope your leg was not too sore from the exercise today. Always rooting for a safe recovery.<br /><br />Tonight<br />1 hour recovery erg . tried barefoot rowing and I liked it!

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » May 10th, 2005, 8:17 am

Well was a lovely day so dragged the erg out onto the deck .. I felt pretty good and set the clock to a HM ...ahgggggg was doing okay til last 5k was on course for sub 2.12 pace but as not as fit as i would like and ended up at 2.12.3 in a time of 1hr 33 minutes and 2 secs over 3 mins down on my best...but hey ho Rome wasn't built in a day .Will do some pilates later ... <br /><br />This afternoon going to see the force M.O. to say I am not looking forward to it is an understatement ... he is s'pose to be a bit of an ogre and calls peeps slackers ......mind you he ain't met me in full flow yet ..grrrrrr <br /><br />Now what's for lunch I am starving ..over 1200 cals burnt.....<br /><br />

[old] Shari
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Post by [old] Shari » May 11th, 2005, 12:28 am

Has anyone experience pain in your hand or wrist from rowing. I have a pinching or burning feeling in my palm which travels down the outer side of my arm. I try not to hold on tight. I have been wearing a magnetic bracelet which does help. I also wear gloves. I was just wondering if anyone else has this. Any suggestions?<br /><br />Thank you, Shari

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » May 11th, 2005, 8:09 am

Yippedodah....... the reason I have put so much work in this week is I knew I would get my five million up . This is since I started logging the metres on here properly (Oct 2003). <br /><br />Today sun shining so out onto the deck again.. <br /><br />20 mins w u at 2.14.8 24spm 4452 metres <br /><br />2 x 12 mins at 22-24spm <br /><br />1/ 2.07.7 2818metres 24spm <br />2/ 2.07.9 2814metres 24spm <br /><br />5k cool down total for session 15,082 and over 900 calories burnt. <br /><br />This afternoon going to mow the lawns and loz in the garden seeing as it's my last day off before the dreaded four letter word .... wor*...gggg<br /><br />

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » May 11th, 2005, 8:48 am

Awesome recovery work going on, Carole! I expect your 2006 season is going to be really great. Your workouts are pretty darned impressive!<br />

[old] Ank
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Post by [old] Ank » May 11th, 2005, 9:51 am

Hi Jane,<br /><br />Thanx for your reaction.<br />My rowing experience..... ahummm..... To be honest... I have no long history of rowing. My profession is "video-editor" (Read: sitting behind a computer and do not move the whole day)<br />At a day, when my weight was over 90 kilo's, the doctor said that I had to loose weight. So I went to the local gym and the instructor putted me on a Concept2. "Just ten minutes, thats enough for today" I was almost dying on it, what a torture machine!"<br /><br />But I kept on, and lost more than 25 kilo's just by erging. No diets, nothing else, just erging. This weight loss took me two years. After a year I bought my own erg. And finally I thougt: "Why not become a member of the local rowing club?" My on-water experience... about a year now. I row aprox 3 times per week for 2 hours and as an extra, two times Concept2 in the week. (mostly an hour)<br /> <br />Life changed dramatically through this. My weight: 63 kilo's at 1.74 lenght. Time off: no more DVD watching but rowing. Have a lot of new friends too, from sporting and rowing. Feel very, very strong now. I used to buy my clothing at special expensive "big size shops" and I was wearing "big tents" to hide my body. Never something tight. I still have a kind of obsession with "looking fat" The first time I was wearing a tight rowers all-in-one it took me 10 minutes to come out of the dressing room and I almost had to cry. Now I look athletic and my friends envy me. Slowly my feelings about how I look are coming more into balance. <br /><br />My rowing technique is improving quick now. Times on the erg become more impressive and are improving a lot. I do my first rowing matches now. I have some medals and they are like diamonds for me. They are a proof: "You can change.... if you really, really want"! Never say: "I can't" If you believe in your own power everybody can row 60 kilometer on an windy lake to do the Elfstedentocht"<br /><br />And I know, I'm not finished yet! This is just the beginning.<br /><br />How about going to "Crash-B, or to "BIRC" To see you all in real life?<br />Lady's, keep on rowing, believe in your ability to get what you want!

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Post by LindaM » May 11th, 2005, 10:06 am

Ank - Thanks so much for sharing this story. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that body image is an issue for women everywhere. I don't think there is anything like the new rush of self-esteem and confidence that come from taking charge of your own life - dropping those unwanted pounds through healthy diet and exercise. Wonderful to hear how the erg and rowing have been key to your journey. -LindaM

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Post by [old] CAROLE MAC » May 11th, 2005, 10:09 am

Ank you are in inspiration .... I have been rowing 20 mths but haven't lost a lb.. I like my food and wine too much ... but I have got so much faster. The biggest thing for me is the competitions and the meetings .. I recently hosted a marathon day at my house and 14 peeps showed up from the British forum we had a fantastic time and some records were broken to.<br />I do hope you come to Birc and I am positive there are I.R comps in Holland and Germany... you just got to do it .<br /><br />I have my sights set on going to Boston next Feb to as it's the 25th Anniversary of the comp and should be fantastic . It doesn't matter if yoy are first or last at these events it's the taking part that counts . How many people put themselves through it ...not many so we are one in a million anyway ....well that's my twopenneth!!! ....

[old] JaneW.
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Post by [old] JaneW. » May 11th, 2005, 12:47 pm

<!--QuoteBegin-Shari+May 10 2005, 09:28 PM--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE(Shari @ May 10 2005, 09:28 PM)</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Has anyone experience pain in your hand or wrist from rowing. I have a pinching or burning feeling in my palm which travels down the outer side of my arm. I try not to hold on tight. I have been wearing a magnetic bracelet which does help. I also wear gloves. I was just wondering if anyone else has this. Any suggestions?<br /><br />Thank you, Shari <br /> </td></tr></table><br /><br /><br />Hi Shari,<br />Nice to meet you. You seem a sweet person. I have a slight pain on the wrist from rowing, cycling, swimming (holding onto the wall), and weight training. This was accumulative. I have had to work on strengthening my hand grip muscles and forearms in addition to proper technique. <br /><br />First, your injury sounds like a nerve ending. Are you doing other activites such as keyboarding or any other type of repetitive hand movements? Are you positive that rowing is the root cause of your injury? For myself, I could not emphatically say that rowing caused my wrist pain. Aside from seeing a doctor, e-mail PaulS. (rowing coach) on the forum for help with this problem. Hope things get better and let me know if you found an answer.

[old] JaneW.
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Post by [old] JaneW. » May 11th, 2005, 1:02 pm

Shar,<br />One more thing, there are stretching exercises which can be done on each individual fingers and wrists. You can even roll your wrists in a circle to develop full range of motion. Using a tennis ball will help with gripping muscles. If you want more exercies, let me know and I'll dig up my resources. Have a wonderful day!

[old] JaneW.
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Post by [old] JaneW. » May 12th, 2005, 1:01 am

Ladies,<br /><br />I'm sorry for creating a bit of a stir in another section of the forum. Because I have strong values and beliefs, I often state them openly. I'm not perfect but care too much about people. Many of you on the forum have become real human beings, not only words on the computer screen. I wish you all the best in whatever goals each of you are trying to achieve. <br /><br />Ank, <br />I enjoyed reading your rowing summary. Your story of perseverence and success is a wonderful example to me. I would also enjoy meeting many in person but I'm still new to rowing and learning. <br /><br />Tonight<br />needed to take a breather and had a swim. Plan on attending a swim meet where some of the fastest high swimmers will be competing. Very exciting to me. I use the erg mainly for easy days of my workouts.

[old] Ank
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Post by [old] Ank » May 12th, 2005, 1:22 pm

Hi ladies...<br /><br />Thank you all for the compliments. It's so valuable to have contacts like this. Yesterday evening I had a wonderful row at sunset with my closest rowingmates. 12 KM on flat water, with beautiful light.<br /><br />Today I have been rowing in a lightweight single boat. Three small singles dancing on the river! It was warm and sunny weather. What a pleasure!<br /><br />And yes ladies, I'm dreaming. About going abroad to do those indoor rowing matches. Carole, I saw on the "resultslist" from "NKIR" Amsterdam that you've been there! I did not come that year because I thought that my rowing was still not good enough. I would love to see you rowing in real life, in the Netherlands or England! Your times are crazy! I know I'm strong. (I have the womans 40+ veteran record of our rowing club on the indoor rower ) But for sure, you are quicker than I am. (MMMMMM still need som training.... ahum....)<br /><br />Have fun, you all<br />Ank

[old] Mary P.
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Post by [old] Mary P. » May 13th, 2005, 5:06 pm

Carole - BIG congratulations on the 10K earlier in the week. You seem to be getting right back into form. So good to see after the long ordeal with all the casts, therapy, etc. Cheers! <br /><br />Today did a good warm up, then 3.7K, 2.2K & 1.5K pieces at 1:59-2:00 pace, with a friend. These may seem like odd distances, but we are preparing for head races in the fall (October) and have been working up the distance (500m to 200 m/week) when we meet each Friday. Hope to be capable of 2x5K at this pace or better in preparation for the head races in an 8+. I'm glad and grateful other women from our boat are willing to meet to do these erg workouts; this particular type of distance is very, very difficult alone!<br /><br />Ran a few miles & lifted weights later. Hope everyone who also rows on the water has a good weekend outdoors (and everyone else - take the erg outside!)<br />Mary P.

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » May 14th, 2005, 12:37 pm

Today my husband and I had our first learn to row lesson on the water. He was seat 6 and I was seat 5. We had an absolutely wonderful time! We go out again at 6 am tomorrow morning. What a great way to start off the day!
