New Ranking Policy

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[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » May 7th, 2005, 7:54 pm

I have been reading several of the threads about the new policy for ranking top times, and really hope that C2 changes the new policy. I will never have to worry about this rule for myself, but I really feel for those people, like Carla, who row at home and at odd hours and have several of the top times in 2005. <br /><br />Even with the little experience I have, I know that PB are not always planned. Sometimes they "just happen". It doesn't seem fair to not allow someone to post their best times just because they didn't make prior arrangements to row it and didn't do it on a public machine. <br /><br />If this rule remains in place, we will not actually see the best times for any events, what we will see are the best times of those people who row on public machines and notified C2 in advance of their intentions. I, myself would rather see the BEST times on the rankings pages, and be allowed to determine on my own about the validity of any posted times. <br /><br />Is there something I am missing here? Is there a valuable prize for ending the season with a top time? Is there some award? If not, why isn't the honor system appropriate and/or sufficient? The ranking boards are a very good source of motivation for me to improve my times. I love looking at the top times in total awe and admiration of the rowers, with the hopes of someday maybe making the first page of the rankings. <br /><br />I'll step off my soap box now, but to all those people who have top times and will suffer from this new rule, you have my support!

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » May 7th, 2005, 10:47 pm

There have been some good suggestions on that other thread about this, like having the top times that have been authenticated or Ok'd by C2 marked in some way, or having a special ranking just for rows that have been done with witnesses, etc. That's a fine idea. I have no problem with that. <br /><br />The strange thing to me is that the rower was invented so people could train on it, and own their own and do it at home, right? It was really meant to be an individual thing. Then the rankings were invented for motivation. It's a great combo, being able to work out at home at your own convenience, but be able to compete and have this community, too. I can see wanting some sort of proof, but to me a photo of the monitor, E-row records, or PM3 data card info should be good enough. Maybe someone could tinker with a photo, though, so I can see saying it has to be the PM3 log card or E-row (though I suppose there are some who could mess around with that). It's not that I want to get around proving that the results are real. I just think it would be more reliable to require electronic proof than witnesses, and then there's the whole having to announce it baloney, and the public machine nonsense. <br /><br /><br />Some folks really enjoy the face to face competition of racing at a venue, like the Crash B. That's great! Not all who row at those races actually do their best times there, though.<br /><br />One thing I like about my rower at home is that is what it is. Something I can conquer by myself. I don't like being watched, even by my family--I don't like the distraction. If they are around at the end of a piece and can give me a count, that's ok, but not for the beginning or the middle of a long piece, which always seems eternally exhausting. I'm very high strung. If I decide I'm going for a certain time, the last 5 minutes or so before I sit down to do it are nerve wracking and distressing. My stomach churns, my heart races, and I have to make several bathroom trips before I'm ready. It's the same before a bike ride when I'm planning to go for time, and it was the same when I used to run. I really hated track meets for the same reason. In "real" competition situations it's even worse. At home alone, I can focus and just get the job done. With other people around I rarely perform well at all. I am more likely to quit than when I am alone. I don't know why, but there are parallel challenges in my musical life. I can play technically difficult things at home alone that I can't get through at all if I have an audience.<br /><br />Part of the draw of owning a machine is the fun you can have with the rankings. If this policy stands, it will discourage folks that might purchase a machine from doing it, if they realize that if they get good enough, their results won't be entered in the rankings because they used their own machine at home by themselves--as it was designed to be used.<br /><br /><br /><br />

[old] KRed
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Post by [old] KRed » May 8th, 2005, 1:58 am

I agree, Kathi. I'm not worried about it now, but what happens when i'm doing really good times for my rows? I did a pb 5k the other day... and I had no idea it was going to happen, it just did... and it was at home.

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » May 8th, 2005, 9:03 am

Guess I'll add my two cents, too. Last night, when I went to hit the rank link, was the first time I saw the new policy. Oh poo! I obviously did my marathon at home, and it wasn't a blistering pace by any means. I just happen to be in third place from the 2005 results because only two others did it last year in my category. So much for seeing my "name in lights" right away! <br /><br />Fortunately, my trainer was there for the last half of the marathon, so I gave them her email address as a witness. I hope she doesn't mind, but I wanted to be able to post my result in the rankings. Of course, I didn't notify C2 prior to starting my marathon, so I guess I'll just wait and see what happens.<br /><br />This is probably the only category that I will ever have to "worry" about being in the top of the rankings. I agree with the rest of you - this makes it difficult for those of us who row alone. <br /><br />The Buffle

[old] John Rupp

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Post by [old] John Rupp » May 8th, 2005, 11:18 am

Sue,<br /><br />Congratulations on your marathon!!!<br /><br />It is very sad that c2's policy kept you from adding your piece.

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » May 9th, 2005, 10:23 am

Well, that sure was quick!! I had an email today from C2 saying that my marathon had been entered in the rankings. <br /><br />Thanks!<br />The Buffle

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » May 10th, 2005, 10:50 pm

I don't think it would have been entered, though, if it had matched or bettered last season's top 3, since it was rowed at home, etc.<br /><br />Got plans for your mug?

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » May 11th, 2005, 10:09 am

You are absolutely right, Carla. It really shouldn't have counted since only two women in my category did a marathon in the 2005 season. That puts me in third place by default. So - I have voluntarily deleted my record from the rankings. It was quite easy. I just edited it with a comment and that got rid of it. <br /><br />Now, before anyone makes any comments, let me explain. I believe in following the rules whether I totally agree with them or not. C2 has provided me with something I haven't had in a long time - motivation. What I have gained is far more important than seeing my result on a website. Just as an example - I was able to meet some of our rowing community in London when I was there on business. It was one of the best days I ever had on a business trip. Now, would I have even known they or the SLIRC existed without the C2 website? Heck no! And what about the fun we're having with Ducks in a Row?<br /><br />Please <b>do not </b>send any negative emails to C2 about my decision. I made this decision after reading most of the posts over on the topic in the general thread. There are enough negative people posting out there as it is. A few names come to mind, but I will keep my opinions to myself! <br /><br />And besides, all I need is for one more female to row a marathon a little faster than me. Then I will cheerfully punch the rank button again. Now, how about we get on with rowing? <br /><br />The Buffle

[old] KathiS
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Post by [old] KathiS » May 11th, 2005, 1:36 pm

Wow Buffle, you have an absolutely wonderful way of putting things into perspective. I agree with everything you said about C2 providing incredible motivation for us here with this website, which they are continuously improving to make things even better. I have learned so much here. The Ducks are a constant source of inspiration as well. <br /><br />I am extremely grateful for everything that C2 has done for us. My original post was intended to be more of a show of support for those people that the new rule would negatively impact. <br /><br />Bottom line is that you know you rowed that marathon, and that is all that really counts. I do look forward to seeing it ranked when the time comes.<br /><br />Thank you, Buffle, for focusing on the positive!

[old] seat5
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Post by [old] seat5 » May 12th, 2005, 9:33 am

<!--QuoteBegin--><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><div class='genmed'><b>QUOTE</b></div></td></tr><tr><td class='quote'><!--QuoteEBegin-->You are absolutely right, Carla. It really shouldn't have counted since only two women in my category did a marathon in the 2005 season. That puts me in third place by default. So - I have voluntarily deleted my record from the rankings. </td></tr></table> <br /><br />Arghghg!!!! No! That's not at all what I meant!!!! I had no idea how many women in your group did the marathon last year. I should have looked before I said that, and I'm sorry! I think all pieces belong in the rankings! Put it back!!!!! I ought to be sent to my room for having posted that. Or stood in a corner or something.<br /><br />Taking it off has kept your time from motivating others to beat or match your time that may not look at the forum but check the rankings to get going.<br /><br />Besides, now I think they are doing this thing that all of them go in the rankings, but they say "ind v" if they are verified, and are numbered. And if they weren't verified, they are just in the rankings where they belong in order but aren't numbered. Or something like that. <br /><br />Bottom line is, the rankings are there to help us all want to row, not to get into snits over....accept my apology?<br /><br />Carla (from the doghouse)

[old] Bufflehead
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Post by [old] Bufflehead » May 12th, 2005, 9:57 am

Carla, Carla, Carla -<br />You had nothing to do with my decision. I had already made my mind up before I saw your post. It was already a done deal by then. It was something I had to do for me. So - get yourself out of the doghouse! <br /><br />I shouldn't have directed my response to you - it just seemed so timely. So - no apology necessary. My bad! Besides, I never would have survived the marathon in the first place if you hadn't told me the secret of no undies! <br /><br />This will all settle down one day.<br />Ye Old Buffle

[old] alisont
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Post by [old] alisont » May 24th, 2005, 2:11 am

I was somewhat surprised by the new ruling concerning top rankings. At this point I am not able to row in the top few, but hope one day to. I am very proud of myself when I get a personal best and rank it. I feel other rowers on the ranking would feel the same and I don't think people would falsely rank themselves. I love the fact that I can row at home when it is convient to me and at the same time have all this motivation and competition. I think Concept 2 is the greatest company and I promote them and the erg every chance I get. I have motivated a number of friends and family into the sport. I recently made a trip down to the factory to pick up a erg with a friend who is now also a proud owner. Everytime I have had any interaction with a member of the C2 team they have been exceptional and that is why it surprises me that they would change the rules like this. I always felt it was very refreshing how they run their company with so much support to their customers and using an honour system. I know many people these days are dishonest, but I find it almost insulting that this rule implies that the C2 community is not honest. I respect every member of the online community and fully support everyone in their accomplishments. I have done the majority of my rowing at home. There are many reasons for this. One being that I am a mother of two and work a full time job as a Para Transit driver which has me working different hours which changes throughout the year. Some times when I workout there are no fitness places open. My workouts vary and occur at some odd times.For instance my last marathon (my 2nd one) was started at 1230am after I can home from an 11 hour shift! Another main reason why I row at home is many of the public erg's are not properly maintained and make it difficult to have personal best times on. I also prefer to row in private and have a variety on things around me such as movies, tv or music or a combination during the workout. Sometimes I row when I am at home with the kids who couldn't be with me at a public erg. By having an erg at home (located in our living room) it has enabled my husband, 2 kids, mother and friends to all take up the sport. Many times I row a personal best I had no intention of rowing that well that day, it just happens. Some of them I didn't know were a personal best until after I finished it. I am sure there are MANY people out there that have multiple reasons why this new rule is a problem. I am confident others on the online community will be honest about their rankings and feel this new rule should be thrown out! I feel people row to feel healthy and feel good about themselves and being dishonest would not provide that.

[old] ancho
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Post by [old] ancho » May 24th, 2005, 2:19 am

There have been some changes regarding the "Top times ranking requirements". Just have a look at the thread "Ranking protocol update"<br />Have a good row!

[old] grams
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Post by [old] grams » June 27th, 2005, 8:35 pm

I can't stand it-I have to put in my 2 cents worth. I will never delete my marathon rows, no matter how few other old ladies do one in the same year. Just to be able to erg at all after 60 years old is an accomplishment I think. Or to do one at any age. My grandson may be a super guy on his college crew team but he has never done a marathon! <br /><br />So, all you ladies. Hold up your heads (and your best times) proudly. Don't pick & choose what you think merits being added to the rankings. All us other ladies want the most complete list of fellow ergers to row with. In my head I am always rowing with (not against) others with similar times. That's what keeps me motivated. Otherwise I would be all alone here in my basement.<br /><br />grams
