Thank you again. I decided to play around and try to learn IRMM today. I know that it was a brief learning period, but I just wanted to set up one meeting with one event with one race, with 14 competitors from the regatta last weekend, and it seems as though I've run into a problem. I created the meeting, the event, and the race with no problem. I also successfully loaded competitors into that event-race. I also successfully loaded the results excel file for that event/race, but I got an error when I went to store those results. Here is that error:
System Error Detected
All available information about the error has been written to the log file
IRMMerrorLog.txt, located at:
:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Stuff\
2013 Indoor Champs\IRMMerrorLog.txt
If you have the time it would be appreciated if you could e-mail this file to:
The error you have encountered is indicative of a bug in IRMM software,
it is however likely that you will be able to continue your session.
If you wish to exit from IRMM you should first attempt to save any work.
To save work and to exit from IRMM please use the standard IRMM features.
I'm not sure, but it may be due to either the format of that results file. I realize that you don't own IRMM, but the e-mail address in the above error message is no longer valid, and I have no one else to ask for help with this, so please see if you can, please tell me what is wrong. Here is the contents of that IRMMerrorLog.txt file. And at the end is the contents of the xls results file.
Exception Reported at 4/14/2013 3:43:11 PM
Machine Name: JMDANZAT400
App Domain Name: IRMM.exe
Thread Identity:
Windows Identity: JMDANZAT400\danza
Current Version of IRMM: 2.5.3402.32380
Current Version of OS: Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
Current Version of .NET: 2.0.50727.3643
Current Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Stuff\2013 Indoor Champs\Race Results
Memory for Process (in Hex): 29F2000
1) Exception Information
Exception Type: System.ArgumentException
Message: This row already belongs to another table.
ParamName: NULL
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: Void InsertRow(System.Data.DataRow, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
HelpLink: NULL
Source: System.Data
StackTrace Information
at System.Data.DataTable.InsertRow(DataRow row, Int32 proposedID, Int32 pos, Boolean fireEvent)
at System.Data.DataRowCollection.Add(DataRow row)
at FitTM.IRMM.IRMMLogic.StoreLoadedData.storeExcelResultData(DataBaseInfo dbInfo, LoadExcelDataInfo resultOfLoad, Object& o)
at FitTM.IRMM.MainApp.FormLoadExcelOrERow.storeButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
Results.xls (formatting here is not nice, sorry)
First Name Sur Name Event Race Place Erg Affiliation Age Time
Nicholas Danza 1 1 1 7 Newburgh Free Academy 15 07:24.5
Spencer Schindler 1 1 2 11 Kingston High School 15 07:26.3
Peter Yacuk 1 1 3 15 Kingston High School 15 07:37.6
Devin Wunderlick 1 1 4 13 Kingston High School 15 07:40.7
Jack Oatts 1 1 5 3 Clarkstown 15 07:41.6
Kyle Sarbak 1 1 6 4 Warwick 15 07:48.9
Jacob Dennis 1 1 7 5 Newburgh Free Academy 15 07:57.3
Joe Costello 1 1 8 12 Kingston High School 15 08:00.4
Michael McIndoe 1 1 9 1 Clarkstown 15 08:08.5
Michael Holder 1 1 10 9 Newburgh Free Academy 15 08:14.0
Bryan Feigel 1 1 11 8 Newburgh Free Academy 15 08:20.1
Michael Levinstein 1 1 12 6 Newburgh Free Academy 15 08:24.3
Devon Robinson 1 1 13 10 Clarkstown 15 08:25.9
Gabe Karcher 1 1 14 14 Clarkstown 15 08:34.0
I'll be humbly grateful if you could help me out. If you need to contact me out of this forum my email address is majorben at gmail dot com.
Thank you,
Joe Danza
P.S. From the results file, you should be able to figure out that I have a vested interest in creating a replay.