On a PM4 monitor for SkiErg with the newest firmware, the Ergdata (with newest android-firmware) upload the workout as indoor rowing. Anything to do with it, except going into the logbook and change it?
Ergdata Skierg uploaded as indoor rowing
Ergdata Skierg uploaded as indoor rowing
Age: 33yrs. Hgt: 193cm. Wgt: 100kg.
SkiErg :
SkiErg :
Re: Ergdata Skierg uploaded as indoor rowing
It also uploads PM5 skiergs as indoor rower. I was told by C2 that they where working with a update for android in september. Now is middle october. (Iphone upload skiergworkouts as skierg, and It come a snowcrystal in the ergdatalog.)
Sorry to messing about this, but my life would be much easier if I don't need to enter the logbook to edit each workout
Sorry to messing about this, but my life would be much easier if I don't need to enter the logbook to edit each workout
Age: 33yrs. Hgt: 193cm. Wgt: 100kg.
SkiErg :
SkiErg :