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PM3 Bad trap err - 4E5E, what is it?

Posted: November 5th, 2008, 4:48 pm
by Strikeslip

I got a model D with a PM3 in April, 2008. I rowed about 1.7 million metres on it so far. I go about 10km 5 or six days per week, and it's had no problems. Oiled the chain a couple of times so far.

Last night I was rowing merrily along for about 15 minutes when the PM3 went blank, then some gobbledy-gook, then text like this:

Bad trap err - 4E5E
2718 0 430 0
0 0 1 5652
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
(a bunch of rows of zeroes)
Screen Adr - DB4C
Command addr - E2D8
Record data, hold key to reset


I got it going again and started my 10km over again. The extra 15 minutes was never recorded to my log card.

What does this mean? Do I simply need to replace the batteries?

I would cry if I were on the way to a new personal best and this happened!

Any help much appreciated.

Posted: November 5th, 2008, 5:47 pm
by Strikeslip
And for you sailors, here's a photo to look at while you mull over my query...


Posted: November 5th, 2008, 6:12 pm
by Citroen
I'd recommend sending an email to Concept2, there's an address on Most of the hieroglyphic error codes from PM3/PM4 monitors aren't documented and refer to, what I'd define as, internals (stuff you can't fix) rather than externals (stuff you can fix).

All we can, normally, do as end-users is run the logcard utility (or stand-alone updater) to make sure our PM3 is running the latest firmware (that gets the internals updated). We can remove the batteries for 30mins (or more - better overnight) to get a reset.

Or we can use a strange arcane sequence of key presses along with the reset switch (small hole left side of rear of PM3 - needs an unfolded paper clip to activate it).

Simultanously press the Change Units button with the 1st and 5th grey buttons on the right while pressing the reset button with a paperclip.

Nice sailing picture. Although, I prefer rowing shells on rivers as they make me more jealous.

Posted: November 6th, 2008, 9:28 am
by Strikeslip
Thanks for all that info, Dougie! I got new batteries, which I'll put in tonight, but I'll also email C2 to make sure I don't need quadruple bypass surgery or anything.
