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Issues importing to www

Posted: August 22nd, 2007, 12:42 pm
by annabassand

I've got Concept2 Logbook 2.0 and a PM3. I have been erging on and off for a few years but it's long been bothering me that my online logbook and my logbook 2.0 are out of sync.

To solve this issue my first attempt was to highlight a sample historic row in Logbook 2.0 and then push export to concept2 logbook. Bad idea - this left me with doublets.

I now faced the task of looking through all row sessions individually and importing the missing rows. I didn't like this task so decided to delete all my history on the web - in order to clean the sheet so to speak. I should then be able to import everything from scratch leaving me with two totally synced logbooks.

After deleting all my historic events and trying to import all my rows from Logbook 2.0 I suddenly realise that the web only accepts this seasons row sessions.

I have now lost all my history online. Can this problem be solved in some way?

Kind regards