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Multiple new issues with PM5 and ErgData

Posted: February 22nd, 2024, 3:35 pm
by otto1965

I use my RowErg with PM5 and ErgData-App for 7 years now and it worked fine until a few days ago, when erg and app lost connection. I can not connect them any more and noticed, that the PM5 doesn't show an ID when trying to match. In addition I noticed that the light on the PM's backside is shining red. After intensive internet research I did the following:
- removed the iPhone from the case
- logged out from the logbook, closed and restarted the app, logged in again
- resetted the network settings of my iPhone
- made sure there are now other devices connected neither with iPhone nor PM5
- made a complete factory reset of the PM5
- updateted PM5 software, removed USB-stick
- made sure I use the recent ErgData-version
- replaced the batteries despite the old ones still having 72%

None of this measures solved my problem, but I'm pretty sure it's rather a PM5-issue than a ErgData-problem. Anyone here with similar experiences or suggestions? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Re: Multiple new issues with PM5 and ErgData

Posted: February 22nd, 2024, 4:18 pm
by Citroen
Have you tried updating the firmware on your PM5?

Get a USB-A to USB-B printer cable, hook the PM5 to your laptop and run the Concept2 Utility program (V7.14) from ... t2-utility

Re: Multiple new issues with PM5 and ErgData

Posted: February 22nd, 2024, 6:25 pm
by Carl Watts
Sounds like the Bluetooth in the PM5 has died.

What version of firmware is the PM5 running ?

Re: Multiple new issues with PM5 and ErgData

Posted: February 23rd, 2024, 3:25 am
by otto1965
Thanks for your answers. I repeated the firmware-update with USB-cable and the utility confimed that I use the curtrent firmware and no update is needed. Addititional factory reset didn't work either.

PM5 firmware version is 37.

Re: Multiple new issues with PM5 and ErgData

Posted: February 23rd, 2024, 5:23 am
by Carl Watts
Its a 1st Gen PM5 so potentially its getting pretty old now.

The PM5 is now on its 4th hardware version, could be time to just get a new one and keep the old one for spare parts or sell it with notification the Bluetooth doesn't work, most people don't use it anyway.

The PM5 has changed a lot over the years, maybe not to the end user who only looks at the display but its now a much better monitor.