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Posted: September 5th, 2004, 8:48 pm
by [old] kpd
It appears that the CSAFE DLL is compiled as C++ and exports the functions as C++ mangled names. The other 2 dlls do not, they exort funtion names as C functions.<br><br>This is causing linker errors for me as I am not compiling with Microsoft C++.<br><br>The other DLLS link just fine.<br><br>Would it be possible to compile the next CSAFE DLL as C, or export the functions in a non-name-mangled manner?<br><br>Thanks....<br><br>example, DDI def:<br><br>LIBRARY RPPM3DDI.dll<br>EXPORTS<br>tkcmdsetDDI_discover_pm3s<br>tkcmdsetDDI_do_command<br>t<br><br>CSAFE def:<br><br>library rppm3csafe.dll<br>exports<br>??4cpm3csafe@@qaeaav0@abv0@@z<br>?tkcmdsetcsafe_command@@yafggqakpag0@z<br>?tkcmdsetcsafe_get_cmd_data_types@@yafepae0qae01@z