Silence reader within the last two years. I highly appreciate the valuable assistance of this community.
After almost 40 years of cycling history, my wife and I got infected by c2 virus about two years ago. We started with rowing and added the Skierg about 4 weeks ago to our fitness equipment.
Since yesterday, all the data from SkiErg and RowErg, either via direct Strava/Garmin Connect sync or via FIT-export from the logbook and import creates flawed/corrupted data.
Specifically, any power-data is complete nonsense and not usable.
If I check the Fit-files, speed is mostly at >100 km/h and power values >2000W

This is true for both of our accounts (my wife and mine). Iphone 12 and Iphone 13 in every single activity, at least since yesterday.
In the logbook , all entries seem to be ok, including power.
Thus, those of you who don't analyse their data downstream of the logbook as we do e.g. in might not have realized the issue yet.
Is that a consequence of the last ErgData update from two days ago or anything else?
I already reported the problem to concept2 this morning.
Has anybody else seen the problem?