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Stroke Length

Posted: October 8th, 2022, 1:29 am
by kingpeterking
I can't see a CSafe command for sroke length - but it is shown on the Erg Data App.
There is mention of it in the docs in the multiplex and BTS tables - but how do I access this data?


Re: Stroke Length

Posted: October 16th, 2022, 7:09 pm
by tussocky
Stroke distance is a collection of bytes broadcast under BLE characteristic 0x0035. Most apps don't command the PM to return this data, instead they subscribe to updates for this characteristic (and pretty much all the characteristics). In this case, the PM sends updates after every stroke and the app updates as soon as this data is received. Very easy to manage updates that way.

In any case, the command you are looking for is CSAFE_PM_GET_STROKESTATS, the identifier is 0x6E, and the bytes for
stroke distance are 0 (MSB) and 1 (LSB). Page 63 of the newest Concept2 Bluetooth Definition.

Re: Stroke Length

Posted: October 20th, 2022, 6:36 am
by kingpeterking
Super thanks