Very Long Configuration CSAFE Commands
Posted: March 9th, 2022, 5:12 am
I have an app for the C2 that is in a very late state of development. My CSAFE over BT stack works flawlessly in configuring workouts with one exception- utilizing the C2 proprietary wrapper to configure variable interval workouts. Whenever the frame size goes over 120 bytes (I'm aware that is the limit), which is very easy to do considering the number of bytes each interval takes in the frame, the command fails.
I know that other apps have overcome this limitation because most of the time they exclusively use the variable interval framework for all types of intervals, in some cases up to 50. I'm assuming they do this by stringing together the configuration command over multiple frames. Whenever I try this I cannot get it to work and there is nothing in the C2 BT definition documentation saying how it should be done. Any ideas how to structure these frames?
I know that other apps have overcome this limitation because most of the time they exclusively use the variable interval framework for all types of intervals, in some cases up to 50. I'm assuming they do this by stringing together the configuration command over multiple frames. Whenever I try this I cannot get it to work and there is nothing in the C2 BT definition documentation saying how it should be done. Any ideas how to structure these frames?