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Noise, Decibel level rowing and C Breeze

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 2:38 pm
by otorower
I remember a great message on this forum in which someone with a decibel meter tested his Model C with and without the Quiet Kit and a C Breeze. Now, I cannot find that post - it is gone!

I am trying to decide if I should get a C Breeze. I sweat like crazy so even with the C Breeze I likely will still use a fan. I won't get a C breeze if it makes things louder, but if quieter, then I am ordering ASAP. Any experience from anyone with noise and C Breeze?

I have a model C with Quiet Kit.

Re: Noise, Decibel level rowing and C Breeze

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 3:29 am
by Citroen
otorower wrote:I am trying to decide if I should get a C Breeze. I sweat like crazy so even with the C Breeze I likely will still use a fan. I won't get a C breeze if it makes things louder, but if quieter, then I am ordering ASAP. Any experience from anyone with noise and C Breeze?
My C-Breeze doesn't appear to change the noise level at all. It simply pushes all the exhaust air from the fan straight at my face rather than throwing it to the four winds. If anything it's generally quieter (although that's not a scientific answer as I use a machine in a public gym where they constantly play crap music at much too high a volume).

You don't need a fan with a C-Breeze, it's the environmentally friendly alternative. I got mine because the gym doesn't have their A/C on except for about three days a year.

Posted: May 22nd, 2009, 11:46 am
by n1lul
I concur that the C-breeze does not seem to raise the noise level and may decrease it some.

I LOVE my C-breeze

C breeze

Posted: May 23rd, 2009, 12:32 am
by otorower
Okay - I am convinced. I ordered the C Breeze today. The noise bothers my wife more than me, so more wind for me, less noise for her, sounds like a winning combination. I will report later after trying it. Bonus - the C Breeze is on sale for "non-athletes" for $34 and free shipping.


Posted: June 2nd, 2009, 12:54 am
by otorower
Got my C-Breeze and have used it several times. It was delivered super fast within 3 days. I agree, it does not change the noise level at all. It does make a good amount of wind, but nothing compared to my standing 18 inch fan. I tried rowing without the electric fan, but was dripping quite a bit. Now I row with the C-breeze ventilating the chest and face, and the fan blowing on my back. I usually maintain around 2:02-2:06 pace on distance pieces. I like doing long distances. I think the C-breeze is all I would need when doing shorter interval-type workouts. I am glad I got the C-Breeze, as more wind is always good, and I don't have to run two fans.