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PM5 - FIT files
Posted: March 7th, 2015, 1:31 pm
by Livio Livius
What I still do not understand is why haven't Concept2 not included in the PM5 the possibility to save FIT files? This would make life so much easier to upload data to various online platforms for example TrainingPeaks. It is possible to connect a Garmin Forerunner and save the workout on the watch with all data such as HR-Wattage-Tempo-etc. So why not create FIT files?
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: March 30th, 2015, 6:58 pm
by crankles
I second that!
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: March 31st, 2015, 2:45 pm
by jag
I'm no expert, but as far as I can tell the .fit file format is Garmin proprietary. If so, I can see no way Concept or any other company (besides Garmin) would or could support that file format.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: March 31st, 2015, 2:53 pm
by Livio Livius
It is part (if not mistaken) of THISANT (Dynastream Innovations Inc.) which is the owner of the ANT transmission protocol supported by Concept2. So I do not see a problem.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: September 12th, 2015, 1:40 pm
by rmueller83
The mentioned TrainingPeaks site as well as other sites like Strava also support TCX files. This format seems to be more open, as it is XML-based:
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: September 21st, 2015, 9:48 pm
by c2scott
.FIT files are, I believe, available for all to use. Certainly for Concept2, a member of the ANT Alliance ( it is.
Some of the early plans for the PM5 included saving .FIT files to the USB flash drive, but product launch dates, firmware bugs, and other issues sort of side tracked these additional desired features.
While there are no current plans to add .FIT file support directly from the PM5 at this time, there are some possible opportunities being looked at for moving workout data to other services. More to come.
By the way, the new ErgData release coming soon has some initial support for Apple Healthkit. I will be interested in user feedback.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: September 29th, 2015, 4:39 pm
by lcantey
c2scott wrote:...there are some possible opportunities being looked at for moving workout data to other services. More to come.
Yes please! I've used numerous other apps to try and side-track workouts but it's cumbersome and all have drawbacks.
c2scott wrote:By the way, the new ErgData release coming soon has some initial support for Apple Healthkit. I will be interested in user feedback.
I think having support would be great and would remove one of the reasons I use other apps but since Ergdata is all or nothing and has such minimal data stored for a workout I still can't switch over.
I'm glad to see work moving forward on Ergdata as I had very high hopes for it originally. With the resources available on mobile devices it could do so much more. With decent data collection and export I'd happily leave my USB stick behind.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: October 27th, 2015, 7:13 pm
by hanssonrickard
Yeah, having fit files to be uploaded to sites such as Garmin Connect or other training sites would be really sweet. Specially if the FIT files would contain the data over the complete workout/session with split times and all other releant data such as HR, s/m and everything else that is seen on PM5 or in ergData while rowing.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: November 7th, 2015, 5:50 am
by Flixi
I strongly support the feature request for exportability. I use my C2 erg fro cross training while not on my road bike. I'm using software like Strava und Trainingpeaks and would love to see C2 date integrated over there, because otherwise it's hard to keep track of the training load overall. Thanks for considering! Felix
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: November 10th, 2015, 3:59 am
by NippyN
c2scott wrote:.While there are no current plans to add .FIT file support directly from the PM5 at this time, there are some possible opportunities being looked at for moving workout data to other services. More to come.
Any news on this at all Scott? I have used Garmin Connect for years now and would really like to be able to upload Concept2 log files into it. It would save me so much time. Thanks.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: June 4th, 2016, 10:19 am
by dexterdom
c2scott wrote:.FIT files are, I believe, available for all to use. Certainly for Concept2, a member of the ANT Alliance ( it is.
Some of the early plans for the PM5 included saving .FIT files to the USB flash drive, but product launch dates, firmware bugs, and other issues sort of side tracked these additional desired features.
While there are no current plans to add .FIT file support directly from the PM5 at this time, there are some possible opportunities being looked at for moving workout data to other services. More to come.
By the way, the new ErgData release coming soon has some initial support for Apple Healthkit. I will be interested in user feedback.
I know this is an old thread but I just bought my rower (w/PM5) so it's new to me
Bottom line, I can't believe how hard it is to get GOOD data out of this device. I simply want to export my rowing data to Sporttracks using either FIT or TCX format. It seems many other folks have the same requirement, and I can't understand why this would not be added as basic functionality to the concept2 utility. Of course I can use that CSV export, which in my opinion is a monstrosity of a file that needs tons of massaging before being able to be imported into anything else.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: June 5th, 2016, 9:55 am
by Citroen
Unfortunately that's called backwards compatibility. The utility output hasn't changed since it was first introduced for PM3 with 32KB Logcards. The world has moved on a bit since 2003 but I don't want the standard utility output to change because that would break my old MySQL system built to process it.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: June 5th, 2016, 12:17 pm
by Livio Livius
Use Painsled if you have an iPhone. Easy .FIT upload incl Concept2 logbook (last is beta).
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: June 5th, 2016, 7:12 pm
by dexterdom
Citroen wrote:Unfortunately that's called backwards compatibility. The utility output hasn't changed since it was first introduced for PM3 with 32KB Logcards. The world has moved on a bit since 2003 but I don't want the standard utility output to change because that would break my old MySQL system built to process it.
Thanks for the perspective. If they haven't changed any output options in 13 years then I won't hold my breath for the FIT file export
. Unfortunately, maintaining backward compatibility doesn't mean they shouldn't be actively improving the product. I have no issue with keeping that CSV export, I would just like to see other export options such as FIT or TCX files. As you know, that CSV format is fine for viewing in Excel but doesn't lend itself to importing into other tools without some processing effort. The other thing that irks me: why is useful data is being thrown away as part of the CSV export, such as rest interval data?
I'm aware there are other 3rd party tools to get the data, but in my opinion this is basic functionality that should be part of the out-of-the-box product.
Re: PM5 - FIT files
Posted: June 5th, 2016, 7:28 pm
by dexterdom
Livio Livius wrote:Use Painsled if you have an iPhone. Easy .FIT upload incl Concept2 logbook (last is beta).
Thanks for the recommendation. Yes I've tried the Painsled iOS app and it seems to export the data fine so I'll likely use this going forward.