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model c criags list $50.00 best deal , merry christmas

Posted: December 21st, 2007, 9:10 pm
by rowland
hi everyone,
I was playing with a craigs list search and found a "C" listed in the tampa bay area craigs list for $50.00 I live in CA. so I can't get it, but some near that area can get a great deal. merry christmas to who ever gets it
if this link doesn't work do your own search.

sold :"post has been deleted by author"

Posted: December 22nd, 2007, 11:18 am
by rowland
I went back this morning [sat] and the post on Craig"s list was deleted. I am wondering if someone in this group got the rower. Someone got a good deal for sure/ happy holidays everyone.

Posted: January 24th, 2008, 6:07 pm
by bsully
I picked up my mod C in November for $20. No PM or PM cord, needed some hardware (Concept2 has EVERYTHING at same price as big box stores) also needed a new shock cord.

I purchased a PM3, new shock cord, new handle and all of the hardware. Cleaned the flywheel (each vane by hand 2 x's) and oiled the chain. Total invested ~$270

I really need a softer seat (ouch) and need to get a PS CBreeze, bunch of Xeno videos, so on and so will never end!

Does anyone have experience with a silencing kit? How well does it work?

Posted: January 27th, 2008, 6:24 pm
by BobD
Do a forum search silencer or silencing kit, its beeen extensively discussed and it's worth it.