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OLD C2 and PM compatibility

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 3:54 am
by jag
First let me thank Tallahassee and Citroen for answering questions I had in the PM5 thread about using a PM5 on a Model B. I figured I'd start a new thread since my remaining question is about OLD C2 machines and PMs.

I have two rowing machines, a Model A with no PM, and a Model B that has a PM2. The Model A has a working pickup and cable, just no PM connected to it. I bought a new PM5 and have installed that onto the Model B, and will keep that one for my own use. My plan was to install the PM2 onto my Model A, then eventually sell it once my wife gets tired of me keeping two machines around. Both machines are in great shape with low miles, especially considering how old they are, and are a testament to C2 build quality. And I've found that there is high demand for these old used machines, if they are in excellent condition with working PMs, so I think I would have no trouble selling the Model A if I can get the PM working.

Unfortunately, when I moved the PM2 to the Model A, it gave incorrect stroke results. According to Citroen, there are differences in the PM itself so that a PM2 that is wired to work for the Model B, will not work for the Model A, and visa versa. My first question is whether this is also true for the PM1? In other words, would a PM1 being used on a Model B have the same issue if an attempt was made to use it on a Model A, or is the PM1 switchable?

My second question is whether there is any indication on the outside of these early PM1 and PM2 that indicates whether it is designed for a Model A or B? If not, that must make it difficult to buy and move around these early PMs.

Finally, has anyone figured out how to change the PM2 (or PM1) to make it compatible with the Model A? Has this been documented by C2 or anyone here on the forum? I'm OK with a soldering iron, and could make a modification if I knew what to do.

I know this may not seem to be worth the effort, but it is frustrating to have a perfectly good C2 and a perfectly good PM, but no way to use them together. Thanks!

Re: OLD C2 and PM compatibility

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 9:10 am
by dsissitka
It looks like this might be what you're looking for:
Citroen wrote:Main menu --> More options --> Utilities --> LCD Contrast.

Once you're on the LCD contrast menu press [change units] three times, then press [change display] three times.

Then a hidden menu appears. Ensure that you've set the PM3 to model B/C on that hidden menu.

If it still doesn't work you'll need to move the circuit board jumper to configure the PM3 hardware for model B/C.

If it still doesn't work then you may need to replace the flywheel sensor.

Re: OLD C2 and PM compatibility

Posted: January 1st, 2015, 6:42 pm
by jag
dsissitka wrote:It looks like this might be what you're looking for:
Citroen wrote:Main menu --> More options --> Utilities --> LCD Contrast.

Once you're on the LCD contrast menu press [change units] three times, then press [change display] three times.

Then a hidden menu appears. Ensure that you've set the PM3 to model B/C on that hidden menu.

If it still doesn't work you'll need to move the circuit board jumper to configure the PM3 hardware for model B/C.

If it still doesn't work then you may need to replace the flywheel sensor.
Thanks, but those directions are for a PM3, not a PM2. Posted by the same guy (Citroen) who said the PM2 requires internal modification to be used with the Model A.

Re: OLD C2 and PM compatibility

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 3:56 pm
by jag
In case anyone wonders this in the future, C2 customer support (Jon) researched this for me, and found that the Model A and Model B took different PM1 and PM2 and PM2+ monitors, with different microprocessors on the PCB. So it isn't possible to switch without replacing the microprocessor (which is no longer available). PM3, PM4 and PM5 are all configurable to all model machines.