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PM4 won't wake up after using menu/back key to turn it off.

Posted: February 17th, 2007, 4:50 pm
by FrankJ
Just before Christmas we upgraded to a new model D with a PM4. I immediately upgrade to firmware version 16. I leave my PM4 USB connected to my PC as I use RowPro.

Today for the second time the PM4 would not wake up either by pulling the handle or pressing a button. The only way I could get it to wake up was to press the reset button on the back. It ran through some diagnostics and then worked OK. The way we shut the PM4 off is by pressing the Menu/Back key 4 times which is what we did with the our old erg and its PM3.

Anybody else seeing a problem like this?


Posted: February 18th, 2007, 10:03 am
by PaulS
If the PM4 is "always plugged into your computer" why are you bothering to turn it off with the "secret handshake"? It's not as if you are draining the battery. :wink:

I do not keep my PM4 plugged to a computer, and do turn it off as you do, and have not seen any failure to wake up as of yet.