LogCard Erased Again.

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LogCard Erased Again.

Post by Atorrante » January 24th, 2007, 9:06 pm

Today, after my PB for the 30' Piece, i.e. 7848M B) , my LogCard only shows this last record. All other Workouts disappear. and because this is the second time it happens, I know they cannot be recovered with the LogCard utility . This is happening after the update to V97, so I'm planning to return to the previous version, if it can be done.
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Post by Citroen » January 25th, 2007, 9:55 am

Run V4.04 of the LogCard Util. That mostly fixes most errors.

If it doesn't fix it;get a logcard backup (*.lcb) and email it to ScottH. (Which is something I need to do since I have an uncorrectable error.)

You'll have a hard time reverting PM3 firmware (unless you have a copy of setup90plusloader.exe (or the inbetween beta versions) pakratted away somewhere).

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Post by c2scott » January 28th, 2007, 11:42 pm

I'll be happy to get you a copy of V90 firmware if you want, just email me. However, there is no reason why V97 should be worse than V90. There is something going on somewhere that is causing these issues. Some suspician about 3rd party software, but not sure. In any case, if the LogCard utiltiy cannot fix it, please DO send in the file to me and we'll do our best to fix and learn from what is wrong on your card.

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Post by Atorrante » January 29th, 2007, 7:36 pm

Thank You for your concern, but today after running V4.04 of the LogCard Util., adviced by Citroen (Thanks C.) my LogCard is repaired, and showing all my data. The old version of the LogCard Utility don't make the trick, but this new version really work it. Thanks again Citroen...
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Post by RogerR » February 3rd, 2007, 10:33 pm

Today I have detected the very same problem as Atorrante and it also happened the 2nd time to me (Model E, PM4). I will try to fix the issue according to Citroen's advice.
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Post by RogerR » February 3rd, 2007, 10:57 pm

ok, this trick didn't work for me (PM4, V.16). My log card folder is empty since i had not used the log card utility before.

As of yesterday I had all my training files stored on the log card. Today I looked up the log card and all entries except the most recent one were gone.

Thanks God that I have a paper log book and log my meters online.

I don't use any 3rd party SW except RowPro. But i have stooped using RP due to bugs and inconveniences.

Any ideas?
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Post by c2scott » February 7th, 2007, 1:05 pm


I'm not sure I understand. If you Read your LogCard (transfer LogCard to spreadsheet) with the LogCard utility, if there are problems it will find them and fix them. Did you try this?

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Post by RogerR » February 10th, 2007, 10:40 pm

Now it works. The logcard has been successfully repaired as suggested.

Thank you.

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Post by Citroen » February 11th, 2007, 3:55 am

RogerR wrote:Now it works. The logcard has been successfully repaired as suggested.

Thank you.

If you haven't already done so. Download the latest OmniKey drivers from
http://omnikey.aaitg.com/index.php?id=6 ... /SC&did=69
those drivers have cured all my logcard read errors (as reported by LCU).

Note to Scott: Can you bundle the latest OmniKey drivers with the LogCard Util?

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Post by c2scott » February 11th, 2007, 8:55 am

It is planned for the next release of the LCU. I'm not sure these drivers make anything work any better for our application. I'm not aware of any problems with the older version that is corrected in the most recent version -- if you disagree, we can discuss this directly via email...

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