for scott h - pm3 errorcodes 139-xx
Posted: July 6th, 2006, 9:08 pm
have pm3 retrofitted june 2004 to model B rower.
removed logic card three wks ago while grand-kids visiting.
re-inserted card, and get now error codes 139-xx.
logic card utility (v3.02) maintain card > erase data and users
..reports unable to communicate with card.
pm3 serial nr 200014382, firmware version 92
any clues?
removed logic card three wks ago while grand-kids visiting.
re-inserted card, and get now error codes 139-xx.
logic card utility (v3.02) maintain card > erase data and users
..reports unable to communicate with card.
pm3 serial nr 200014382, firmware version 92
any clues?