When I bought the Logcard Reader I was thinking that I'd be able to enter logcard workouts into my Concept2 logbook as well as the RP logbook away from my erg. This actually is not the case. I do like the Logcard Reader and appreciate the things it can do. It was my fault that I misinterpretted its functions. However, C2scott, will the Logcard Reader eventually have that capability? If so, when??? Thank you.
Scott replied:
I know DigitalRowing does plan to add OmniKey support to their product. I shipped them a few readers for development work and have released code to them to use it, but these things take time. Give DigitalRowing a few months. When they get it added to RowPro, it will be available in the Logbook program as well.
New Question: Does anyone know when the Logcard Reader will work with the RP log or C2 log just as the PM3 will do???