Advice/insight needed on restoring a used Model D
Posted: August 7th, 2014, 4:50 pm
Hi! I am extremely happy to say that I just purchased a used rower! I have been looking for what feels like years...and, in some ways, that isn't entirely an exaggeration.
So, while stalking my local craigslist, I came across an ad for a used Model D. The asking price was $295. I emailed the seller immediately, and he responded a few hours later. Knowing how quickly they sell, I simply said that I wanted to buy his machine and asked if I could pick it up the following day. In his response, he indicated receiving many inquires, but that I was the "First," and, therefore, had first dibs. Needless to say I was ecstatic. Not only was I FINALLY the first respondent, but I was really happy to be dealing with someone who was so fair about it.
We made arrangements, and I drove about 40 min to pick up his machine. He was a slender, middle-aged gentleman, with a gorgeous home. He told me that he was moving out-of-state, and was trying to get rid of the things he didn't use/want to take with them.
I got on the rower, and rowed for a few seconds. It seemed ok, but I had actually never been on one before. Good enough for me though,and so I handed him 3 crisp, one-hundred dollar bills. I couldn't get home fast enough!
I noticed while I was there that it was kind of dirty, and dusty. I figured it was just sitting around not being used. Once I got it home I realized that it was a D1. I knew there was an issue with metal fatigue on some of the earlier Ds, so I looked for the serial number to see if I was about to regret not being my usual detail-oriented/questioning self. He had told me while we were in his workout room that he had been doing work in Vermont when he purchased the machine, and had actually bought it directly from Concept 2 - which I thought was pretty cool/interesting. So I took a look at the serial number and saw that it was built in October of '03 - had to be one of the first few hundred built I assumed? It was outside of the metal fatigue date-range, and I didn't see anything to indicate any issue with that.
But, anyway, I did some research and cleaned it up pretty good. I wiped it down, oiled the chain, and I even took the flywheel cover off and painstakingly wiped the dust build-up off of each blade on the fan. I did notice when reattaching the flywheel cover that the opposite side of the plastic housing had a small crack near the screw that is closest to the angled part of the rail. This concerns me...
The only issue I am having is that there seems to be some vibrations in the chain or some part of the chain apparatus when pulling - and some vibration even on the retraction. I am not sure if this is "normal" or if it is something that needs to be addressed. I would like it to be as smooth as possible. I also experience some vibration in the seat during exercise that I am not sure about either. The seat rollers are black. I believe they should be white? Are they covered in gunk from never cleaning, or were the initial rollers black?
It is an old machine and from what I can tell/what the seller told me, he did not do any maintenance on it. I know that he never oiled the chain. So, I would appreciate some help/insight into what I should do to get this badass machine back into pristine shape!
Also, I know there is some debate about the D1 vs D2 as far as what to buy (or not to buy). But without the dreaded metal fatigue problem, and given the price I paid, I feel like it was a pretty good buy?? Any info or opinion(s) are quite welcome!
So, while stalking my local craigslist, I came across an ad for a used Model D. The asking price was $295. I emailed the seller immediately, and he responded a few hours later. Knowing how quickly they sell, I simply said that I wanted to buy his machine and asked if I could pick it up the following day. In his response, he indicated receiving many inquires, but that I was the "First," and, therefore, had first dibs. Needless to say I was ecstatic. Not only was I FINALLY the first respondent, but I was really happy to be dealing with someone who was so fair about it.
We made arrangements, and I drove about 40 min to pick up his machine. He was a slender, middle-aged gentleman, with a gorgeous home. He told me that he was moving out-of-state, and was trying to get rid of the things he didn't use/want to take with them.
I got on the rower, and rowed for a few seconds. It seemed ok, but I had actually never been on one before. Good enough for me though,and so I handed him 3 crisp, one-hundred dollar bills. I couldn't get home fast enough!
I noticed while I was there that it was kind of dirty, and dusty. I figured it was just sitting around not being used. Once I got it home I realized that it was a D1. I knew there was an issue with metal fatigue on some of the earlier Ds, so I looked for the serial number to see if I was about to regret not being my usual detail-oriented/questioning self. He had told me while we were in his workout room that he had been doing work in Vermont when he purchased the machine, and had actually bought it directly from Concept 2 - which I thought was pretty cool/interesting. So I took a look at the serial number and saw that it was built in October of '03 - had to be one of the first few hundred built I assumed? It was outside of the metal fatigue date-range, and I didn't see anything to indicate any issue with that.
But, anyway, I did some research and cleaned it up pretty good. I wiped it down, oiled the chain, and I even took the flywheel cover off and painstakingly wiped the dust build-up off of each blade on the fan. I did notice when reattaching the flywheel cover that the opposite side of the plastic housing had a small crack near the screw that is closest to the angled part of the rail. This concerns me...
The only issue I am having is that there seems to be some vibrations in the chain or some part of the chain apparatus when pulling - and some vibration even on the retraction. I am not sure if this is "normal" or if it is something that needs to be addressed. I would like it to be as smooth as possible. I also experience some vibration in the seat during exercise that I am not sure about either. The seat rollers are black. I believe they should be white? Are they covered in gunk from never cleaning, or were the initial rollers black?
It is an old machine and from what I can tell/what the seller told me, he did not do any maintenance on it. I know that he never oiled the chain. So, I would appreciate some help/insight into what I should do to get this badass machine back into pristine shape!
Also, I know there is some debate about the D1 vs D2 as far as what to buy (or not to buy). But without the dreaded metal fatigue problem, and given the price I paid, I feel like it was a pretty good buy?? Any info or opinion(s) are quite welcome!