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Chain veers to the left on recovery

Posted: March 18th, 2025, 9:25 pm
by munirahalatas
I oil my rowerg chain regularly. I've had my erg for about 3 years now.
But recently, the chain veers to the left on recovery; I notice this a lot more on low stroke rates 18-20.

Do I need to adjust the bungees? I doubt the chain needs replacing, and it's not rusty, etc.

If it's about bungee adjustment, when I flip the erg over to get into the bungees, which side do I adjust...left or right?
And by how much?
Thanks for any advice 🙏

F Hwt 61 yrs old
2000m: 8:39.8
500m: 1:55.1

Re: Chain veers to the left on recovery

Posted: March 19th, 2025, 6:16 am
by gvcormac
There is a brass bushing connecting the chain to the handle. Is it free and lubricated? Is the chain lubricated?

I can't think of anything in the sprocket assembly that would make it tilt radically without causing way more ruckus than you describe.

Re: Chain veers to the left on recovery

Posted: March 19th, 2025, 9:33 am
by Tsnor
munirahalatas wrote:
March 18th, 2025, 9:25 pm
I oil my rowerg chain regularly. I've had my erg for about 3 years now.
But recently, the chain veers to the left on recovery; I notice this a lot more on low stroke rates 18-20.
Offset your hands (and the handle) to the right on the recovery. See if the chain moves to the right. If what you are seeing is chain moving to the left as seen as it goes through the eye of the pm5 support then it's hand position that controls that. Most of our ergs have tape on that opening so rowers can target a constant chain height. Left/Right position is the same.

If that's not it, where are you seeing the chain veer to the left? (the channel where the shock cord, etc., live is not visible while you are rowing.