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"Slapping" sound on catch with Dynamic Erg

Posted: April 22nd, 2024, 1:51 pm
by tbartman67
I've had my Dynamic for a few years now, and this has happened intermittently from the beginning and is not going away and is driving me nuts!

Right when I start my drive, I hear a "slapping" sound directly beneath me. It almost sounds like a chain or cord smacking into something. It's hard for me to figure out exactly what it is because I live alone and I'm rowing at the time! If I try to look beneath me to watch, I can't pull hard enough to make it happen (it's more frequent the harder the pull, but still doesn't happen all the time). I've tried lubricating the chain a good amount and that hasn't helped. I'll try to favor one leg or the other, change the way I catch, lean to one side or the other a little, rotate the handle a little, etc. Nothing I do can make it happen every time, nor when it is happening is there any trick I can find to make it immediately go away except to wait and eventually it'll disappear to come back later in the workout.

There is a possibility it's not in the drive mechanism at all, but every bolt and screw seems tight, and I can't detect anything on the erg that seems loose or unstable.

I contacted C2, and they didn't offer much help.

Has anyone else experienced this and figured out how to make it go away?

Re: "Slapping" sound on catch with Dynamic Erg

Posted: April 25th, 2024, 1:47 am
by jamesg
"slapping" sound
Possibly due to a slack cord tensioning suddenly at the catch and hitting the top of the channel. Maybe a lower recovery speed would avoid the slackening. I found it all too easy to use high ratings on slides and on a Dynamic, with a fast recovery.

Ropes, chains etc are fine for pulling, but they won't be pushed.