How much?

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How much?

Post by Markbods » January 24th, 2024, 1:47 pm

Hello hive mind.

I have a model B that I have updated with a pm5, new handle and new footplates. I have just bought model d, so the old one is going to be sold :( I will miss the comfy seat.

There are so many variations in price both on FB marketplace and e*bay so I am unsure where to sell it and how much for or if i should split the pm5 from the machine and sell separately.

any advice and rough values would be most appreciated.

I am in the UK so £'s

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Re: How much?

Post by Ombrax » January 26th, 2024, 9:04 pm

I would guess 200-300 GBP, depending on condition. ( US $254 - $380 )

The problem is that much of the value is in the PM5, but unless you have a different one to put on there to replace it (the working original?) very few out there will buy willing to buy a Model B with no PM at all.

Good Luck

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